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  • The things which make a video game good IMO are:

    Having an interesting story, catchy/memorable music, non-repetative gameplay and good controls.

    Oh, and why did I have to pay that stupid blue globin block (Brain train test) to ask Bowser questions so I could proceed though the maze? Couldn't Chippy just ask Bowser himself? :confused:

    And the parts where you have to hit those things into Bowser's muscles get a bit repetitive. Like, they go way overboard cause you have to do 10 waves.
    I must say, I love the voice acting in this game! (i.e. Mario saying "Luigi!!!")

    Really makes the game much more enjoyable IMO. I just got this treasure from this mucus thing inside of Bowser and got these 2 badges.
    Oh no! Bowser got chubby after eating all of that high-calorie food! Mario and Luigi to the rescue! (Chippy lol)
    Now I'm fighting this blue worm thing inside of Bowser which is causing him pain.
    IMO so far, the best part about the game is playing as Bowser cause he's super powerful!!!

    And my day has been alright, the usual, sleeping in, gaming and enjoying the rest of my summer. How bout you? And tell her that I wish her a Happy Birthday! (not like it means much for a random stranger to say that but w/e)
    I just beat the crap out of his dogblock thing. :D

    Man, this game is so much better than PIT. Loving it so far.
    Those globin things are weird. (lol @ Bowser fighting that french block guy)
    I love the part after the battles where Mario/Luigi look so happy after getting XP. (Nice touch w/the flag going up the pole)

    Started playing BIS today, pretty good so far. One question: How does Mario and co. fit inside Bowser's stomach? It's not like they shrink or anything.
    Thanks man, I appreciate the words. ;)

    Btw, I'm eating a chocolate doughnut now, it's soooo good.
    Just got back from the driving centre. I got there at a really bad time because I had to wait an hour for the people at the front desk to pick my number and call me up.

    Oh, and I passed. I'm happy. :)
    The first step in the driving program here in Ontario. You first need to pass your G1 tests which consists of 20 questions from road signs and traffic laws and a vision test. You then have to either take a government recognized program which will lower your waiting time from 1 year to 8 months to take your G2. Then you finally get your G which means that you can drive on any road, at anytime without anyone with you in the vehicle.

    I'm pretty nervous right now, I have butterflies in my stomach and I'm doing some last minute studying right now. Hope I pass, cause both sections are out of 20 and you're only allowed 4 wrong on each section.
    Fine, a bit nervous for tomorrow cause I'm getting my G1. I've been studying the driver's handbook for the past month and doing online G1 practice tests to get ready.
    Something may be wrong with your internet connection. I would suggest calling your ISP and getting a technical guy to come over and...oh wait. :p

    I do have Gmail as my main email. Sounds dumb, like Facebook chat.
    omg some guys in this game can call in additional enemies. It's REALLY annoying when you have 1 guy left and he calls for backup and like 5 more enemies come. It's like them saying "yeah, thanks for wasting your time!!! LOL!!!" :mad:

    I'm now in this volcano to save peach from baby and regular bowser.

    And yeah I'm feeling better. What's the matter w/MSN btw? Never heard of google talk, what is that?
    I just beat the Petty Piranha boss in Partners in Time. God, it must have had like 800 HP cause it took forever to kill him. Some enemies in the game are so ****ing annoying cause they're unpredictable. (You expect them to do something, but they switch up their attacks :mad:)
    I would go on MSN but I'm not feeling that good right now so I'm going to bed early. Sorry.
    They weren't homemade (store bought) but they were still pretty **** good if I do say so myself.

    Btw, I'm loving Partners in Time. Great game. Reminds me of Super Mario RPG on the SNES.
    Well I woke up to a call from my mom saying that we have tickets to the Cubs v. Cardinals baseball game tomorrow (I'm a die-hard Cardinals fan)! Then my dad called and told me he had concert tickets to a Lupe Fiasco/Nas/Damian Marley/De La Soul/Jay Electronica concert Labor Day Weekend, and I'm really pumped for that, Lupe is one of my favorite artists and the rest are really good also. Then I went with a friend to see Salt and Inception, which were both really good. And now I'm home and my cousin is going to come over and spend the night (he's from St. Louis, leaving for Buffalo tomorrow)!

    So yeah.
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