I'm also pretty good with Upsmash because I practice it in the wifi waiting room, and while sandbag has a ginourmous hitbox if you do it alot then you really get a sense of the "ground" hitbox. And the only people in RL that I know that I can play smash offline with suck, and I can just juggle them with it xD
After I played you later on in the day I was using ftilt alot more, and I was working on dtilt. I was playing a RL in New York(I live in Florida) alot on wifi later that night, but he mainly uses pikachu, so it was kinda hard to get utilts, but I'm workingon using them more, as well with bairing more for an edgeguard.
Planking isn't that hard, you just need to know what's at your disposal. ROB can easily plank with laser and gyro for longer ranges, as well with fair and nair for closer ranges. I don't really prefer bair, I guess you cold use i, and while ignore uair, it works but it's harder to hit with.
Being an aggro ROB isn't bad, I consider myself one too and people expect campy ROBs. I actually think our playstyles are very similar.
I was playing with my snake last night and he's better then I give him credit for, if I run into D3 if I have to I can switch to marth or ness, I'd probabyl still lose though xD At least I'm not DK 0:-)
FF is annoying, especially with ROB, because you get lasered alot. I prefer to just kinda separate to my own little 1v1 so I don't screw you up, and I also need to remember if you grab someone I can't attack them with a laser, because that's what i would do with FF off.
I could tell WWJD was an idiot when he stole two of NUMIi's stocks then he promptly died xD Well, ROB's main method of kill is gimping, so we're on even ground. I was hit by surprise when i remembered Ike d-tilt is a spike, so now I know. NUMIi is alright, I'd say I'm better then him one-on-one, but IDK yet.
I'm not gonna talk about the 1v1s.