It's hard to explain if you don't know the whole story. I guess I'll try and sum it up.
Anyway, so my mom decided that I need to see someone about my problems because she found out about something. >_> Although I hate talking to psycitrists/counselors she's making me go anyway. Well, a bit before that happened, I guess you could say I got a good look at myself through someone else. Yes, that may seem weird, but this person was so similiar to me, so I could relate. After I thought about everything, I just feel empty and cold. I've always felt this way, but never realzied it until now. I guess that's how Kade comes into the story. He makes me feel good about myself and makes the worries go away when I talk with him. That's why I really need to see him this summer. But my mom is being weird. First she said I can't see him no matter what, then now she says "you'll see him soon". So yeah I'm confused. We were going to California for a vacation, but now that I have to take summer school, I may not get to go. And I really don't wanna have to wait another year to see him. I feel like I ****ed things up for us. The weight of that makes me feel really awful. He tells me it's okay, but it's not. And yeah, so much emotions, so little time. Basically, I hate feeling the way I do, and just kinda wanna give up on everything.
That's pretty much the big summary of things.
I'd work anywhere, as long it isn't a fast-food place.