Well for now, my characters are a bit strange since I've been chuking. I can still use Zelda, but Pit and Marth have been nerfed pretty badly. Snake, Samus, and now Wolf (this was the first time I used him with the chuk) seem to be my best along with Zelda atm.
I like Wolf, but I just like the other characters better. But I guess, for winning purposes, I should use Wolf more. Maybe enter him and Zelda in one of the tournies that are going on.
Though Wolf versus Sonic seems vastly in Wolf's favor from my observation. There's hardly anything Sonic can do to him without getting lasered, baired, fsmashed, or even reflected. So maybe it's just playing you that makes my Wolf look so good.
But then again, zeldspazz also suggested I make Wolf my second after fighting all of my other seconds (Marth and Pit). Even though he beat my Wolf with his Zelda (I mean beating his Zelda is virtually impossible for me unless it's a Zelda ditto
), he still said it was a good idea. So I guess if two expert opinions say the same thing, then I think I should at least attempt to follow it.