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Mr. Johan
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  • Having never played DKC nor Kid Icarus and have heard that the latter game is devilishly hard damper my thrill.

    Plus I suck at platformers. :p
    Do your match with The Nameless Wanderer for my tournament please
    It's the only one in the round left. :p
    Should I drop R.O.B.
    I think I should, I can't seem to get better with him and I'm starting to find the playstyle boring.
    I'll try jumping some more next time, I guess. After the first time I got on the platform it was like 5 stocks gone in a row O_o at least the first stock was close. lol
    Kick i mean Bair superkick ftw ouch!
    Anyway my controller gave out D: out that samus v pit match on that last stock i tried to fire a barrage of missiles to keep you occupied so i can shoot the charge beam but i just stood there but (Hard johning i suppose) whatever your still good josh
    Toy story 3 is something you just don't grow out of so thats understandable..

    Yeah I kno Josh my Cp will be Weegees mansion
    Lets try to make this quick im seeing karate kid today and my ride will be here in a hour so yeah wanna come josh? lol
    Is the super mario galaxy 2 soundtrack THAT good? :confused:

    Anyway i'll wait up and start hosting be ready dood im not gonna make this easy ya kno >_>
    That's what I did, lol.

    I went over to the US Hot Topic and its got a crapload more stuff >_<. I wonder if I could buy the Sonic shirts from the US store instead.

    Lol white Sonic gloves. Easily mistaken for MJ's trademarked white gloves.

    FMOI? Yeah i can play now it doesn't matter but can't go on xat we'll have to talk thru friend roster >_>
    I guessed that. Somewhat like the Flight of Ganon: visually nifty, but tactically almost worthless.
    Spin Dash... Jump? And what's the "V?"
    Sorry, I know almost nothing about Sonic terminology. :p
    I think Sonic's UTilt is good on its own though.

    I wish Samus had Sonic's BAir to be honest.

    Sheik's ground game is strong, with her unique UTilt and amazing FTilt; her jab is extremely fast as well. Her smashes are quick and have a fair bit of kill power. Her aerials are great at juggling and edgequarding, and she's not too bad at recovering, either. Her specials, particularly needles, are useful as well.
    Just used Sheik against a few computers, and I love how she plays. I'll elaborate later; I can't type much on the Wii.

    Just a side note: I find it funny that Sonic's FAir is basically a better version of Falco's.
    I love Gear already, as well as Hihidaruma. I hate the flowers on Munna, but it's likely a Drowzee pre-evolution.
    It's also funny because you don't die until about 500% (at least).

    Multi-jump characters get destroyed by the gravity. Peach does pretty well though due to her floaty second jump, and R.O.B.'s Up-B works the same as ever.
    I only meant to use DAir because you would be hit by it lol
    Sheik's DACUS has a different input, you have to claw the controller because A is used instead of Z.

    The Chain can grab the ledge, but the Charizard Spike was lulz.

    Try playing a Giant Metal Heavy Bunny Brawl. Then try fast falling using Fox, or using any "fastfall" moves like Sonic's DAir. It's hilarious.
    Don't worry about it, you'll snap out of it soon enough.
    I'm not quite ready to use Sheik yet, though I can do the DACUS occasionally. I'll stick with Ness for now.

    If no one is on the computer when we Brawl, the connection is actually quite nice.
    Kicking works if you predict well enough. Especially OoS bair if you manage to get in close enough.
    I just feel like I've hit a brick wall with him. I can't do the grab release shenanigans, I get hit a whole lot, and I'm extremely predictable.

    But I'll see what I can do.
    Bowser generally has a decent move for any given situation. Zelda has... nothing. UTilt/FTilt are slow, DTilt... eh it's pretty good. I don't like spamming smashes (not that that's the best way to use Zelda though), Her specials are really situational, and I'm crap with her recovery.

    Sonic's not too bad. He's got good aerials. I just don't really like how he plays in general. And I can't use his side/down specials.

    I've been thinking of dropping Bowser though :/
    That doesn't mean Zelda, though; I can't stand her. Any character with aerials that can't be easily used is one that I can't use. :p
    So, I got the message of dedication: 10,000 Brawls.

    About the same time, my Z button decides to get stiff and require an inordinate amount of pressure to register. I think it's about time for a new, white GC Controller.

    And I might pick up Sheik.
    lag + fast, long ranged, powerful smashes + fairly spammable blaster = sad day for almost anyone else. :mad:

    I did fight a good Wolf once and got juggled badly. See, I'm going by what other people say that he's only a mediocre character. But I see a potential B-tier character. That's why I want to fight one.
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