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  • Uhh yeah lol. They've probably got this tourney in the bag.

    Actually, they definitely have this (doubles) tourney in the bag.

    Twitch will have less than a week to get ready lol. Good luck.
    I'll do my best bro. Next time you see me I'll only be getting +4 rests a match and my MK will take about as much damage as M2K.

    Its not that likely that Foxy will get to go i dont think, but idk. If it looks like there is a good chance of us teaming I'll practice resting out of sheik's dthrow/uthrow.
    Actually, since Foxy might not be able to go do you want to team at duke? I'll be practicing melee only between now and then since I cant play at NCSU anymore.
    alot better. i wish i could tell you cool stuff. but i'm more of an instinct player. meta just takes time and you'll figure out when to do gay stuff and when not to do it. thats all it is.
    there will be tons of duke biweeklies...but only one banishment. also we're supporting their tourney scene and they'll be more willing to come to our tournies if we go to theirs. plus theyre in desperate need of good turnout

    distance johns arent legit btw...man up
    yeah i approach too much with all my characters...its why i fail

    thanks for the tips
    Ummm, I think Bill wants to team with me. Are you guys still coming to NCSU the next day? Because Rag wanted to team with me there, so I thought if Bill had already found a new teammate I'd team with Rag.
    glad to know you like my mk...i hope to win some tournies with him...well...when nc stops banning him anyway

    yeah...you're right about that...me and jim know each other too well lol
    I meant to say I also couldn't combo. I have no idea why.

    he can move to the side a little before initiating the double shine. no hope there.

    Lol what are you talking about in that last sentence?
    Loool thanks for backing me up bro. I serve that kid on a regular basis so it should be all good. =p

    Vs Jman? I can tell you exactly what happened:

    It's actually the same thing I did vs Hax. There was no caution. There was no thought. There was no prior Fox warm up. There was crowd pleasing aggression. (that ain't shiz btw) That's incorrectly phrased though. It's more like the crowd made me feel like I had to attack since there was so much hype for the match.

    ANYWAY, I lost because I aggressed right into Jman's defensive traps. Fox must be deliberate in this matchup, but he is also usually the aggressor(save FD). I ran to him stupidly every stock and got grabbed/shine comboed.

    I can write more about why Chops did so well vs him and how I started to play like I should have on FD second match, but you have the gist of the situation.
    yeah you're just gonna have to wait...there'll prolly be something by the 17th...but you wont be at banishment

    Final answer.

    Why? Because fall break is that weekend(lol 3 day weekend) and I gotta get home.
    Thanks bro. If you think this will go to my head, you have nothing to fear.

    LoZR is gettin mad concerned though. I think your tourney winning idea is one that should be considered. He doesn't listen when I tell him he's too good.
    I played well vs Scar, except for when I comboed some. I was pleased with my performance though.

    Hey man don't worry. We're gonna win Pound 4. You should complement us more. =p

    You're teaming with ICs, right? You'll want to play your game but have your back facing towards PLUR most of the time so you can needle/run over there to keep him from getting gimped(Fox and Marth will do this, and you'll have to help him recovery vs everyone else).
    Thanks bro. =)

    You typically did the best saving maneuver that you could when you could, but you didn't always follow up your hits well when you got them in those situations or 1v1s.

    Tech chase moar. Gimp moar. You tanked fine lol.
    A little maybe. You guys are smarter than the average NC smash I think. If you(as in all of you) learn the game better than the hype will be totally justified soon. =)

    I could comment on DUB's play but I think he knows what he did right and wrong.
    He'd let us go if we somehow chose a bi-weekly over his tournament. Precedence is in his favor if things really turn that nasty.

    I think we'd finally be able to have time for crews though so haters could have something to trash talk about. NC smash wouldn't end. I'd probably leave Brawl(at least discussions) if it got that bad though. Melee players don't do this S. If you don't agree, fine. I've yet to see that nonsense happen for Melee people though.

    Dark Hart doesn't count. He doesn't care about who he starts stuff with.
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