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  • lawl dude ima cocky smasher that likes to debate and disprove ppl on issues that revolve around smash. ppl that take me to seriously need to take a chill pill.
    I'm on it right now lol.
    We should arrange times for matchup discussions on it though, it would make it really quick, and we can make lots of awesome spontaneous wisecracks without getting infracted!
    I set the song frequency to high on PS1 in Brawl lol.
    Hey man have you checked out that new chat thing that Tommy G's been advertising all over the Falco boards? :laugh: I'm on it right now, I don't see why he didn't make a Xat room though...
    Poke Floats T_T. My CP. Oh the memories of **** combos against Slowpoke's tail and Wooper lolz.
    Lol, I've never been a fan of custom controls except tap jump off >__>.
    Use Sheik against him, he won't stand a chance. Ftilts and Ftlit to Fair combos are pure ****. No need to block when they can't touch you lol.
    Melee's a lot easier than people make it out to be. It's just ridiculously hard to get to the level Dashizwiz and the like. Speaking of which, watch Shizwiz **** M2K in the first match of this set. My Falco is kinda like that, except not as precise O_o.
    Lol, I'd be an amazing tour guide. I know all the historical sites and stuff, and where all the good stuff be at.
    Also, I could play you at Brawl IRL, and teach you to Meleeeee lol.
    LOL typical white kids "Tall black guy must play basketball!" In England pr0ns is all legit ****. I know what you mean about people acting strange around tall people, a good friend of mine was 6'3 when he was 13 lol. Kids tried calling him names too...
    Dat be true. But horny rich white kid is horny. Besides, your gf isn't always there to screw, a bit of alone time is amazing.
    Lol, that reminds me of when I used to have a business of burning that s*** to DVDs and selling it at school. Mama didn't know how I financed the Xbox 360 :laugh:
    My actual character isn't 80 yet. I was sick the first two weeks of Lich King and then the computer exploded ><
    Very close, though, and I have an 80 death knight.
    Raiding in WotLK is a lot better than TBC, in my opinion.

    From what I've seen, it's not quite as hard as MC or Ony [at level 60], but you get your *** kicked if you don't pay attention.
    hunters are easy mode anyway.

    [lol i'm playing a death knight, irony!]

    TBC kind of burnt me out on PVP, but maybe it's better now.
    Lol buy one. Sell some weed, beat someone up. I dunno man, get a Wii so you can play Melee and Bawrl on one platform! Hopefully 64 in the future.
    Music education, I'm gonna be teaching elementary music, hopefully! Everyone tells me I'm a smash bros. major, though, lol. I play the guitar mostly, but I do pretty decently on all sorts of instruments.

    Are you in college/what are you studying?
    Hehe, there is SLIGHTLY more to Snake than that, but that's the basics :p

    He said he's on dial up right now, so it's taking him a super long time to upload, but he'll have them done on thursday when we get back to school and fast internet.
    Dude, Kirby is super gay. Fortunately, grenades stop all of his grab combos, but Snake dying at 100 from an Fsmash out of shield seems so.... wrong. I don't even try that fight with Falco, lol.

    I just sent him a message about the vids, I'll let you know in a minute.
    God, I got 0-to-deathed so many times the last few weeks by Melee1's ice climbers. It's so disheartening, but it teaches you how to not get grabbed. Separating the IC's and landing the rocket launcher on Nana makes it all worth it, though :)

    i just texted him, it was at a tourney? How'd you do? I don't actually know the numbers on the Kirby/DK matchup, how is that?
    So he's back to IC's, eh? He messed around with Sonic and Link for a long time, but I guess he's decided to play someone decent.

    How are his IC's doing? Last I left them, he was having a lot of trouble with the grabs. Were you playing DK? It must be hard to deal with IC's using DK. I need my grenades to play against them.

    I can't wait to tear his IC's apart when school starts. I've been practicing with Melee1 pretty much daily, so I've been getting a lot better at that fight...
    I bet you stomped him, huh? He keeps on playing bad characters and switching mains over and over, and it's holding his growth back. I'll be able to do online in a couple of days, you wanna give me a try?
    Yeah same here. Your DK looked pretty good. ^_^ Maybe we'll get to play each other next time or something.
    Yeah, I wanted to play Rock Band too! I've only gotten to play the drums in that game like twice. Ever. lol
    I really liked your DK!

    You are a pretty strong player all around. Honestly, the only reason I did as good as I did against your DK is bc I have a decent amount of DK experience under my belt.lol.
    My Aunt need me to do some stuff for her in Orangeburg, SC

    I came to meet you and play my friend Darious irl
    Do you know all the placeing?
    And who all did you use?
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