Stingers started a completely worthless spam thread called "this is my kingdom" in the Melee Ness boards a few months after Brawl came out. It just sat there since no one really looked in the Melee Ness boards, but I found it and posted in it. Once some others found it, we started spamming it and trying to win control of the "kingdom" with picture wars. Whoever could insult/outdo the other person would win the kingdom, but of course no one ever wins things like that lol. It was a really fun, light-hearted thread until Crimson King came in there and shut it down, saying "you guys are better than the Atlantic South, congratulations" or something silly like that. So, in honor of such an awesome spam time, I made a social group dedicated to those who could spam really hard in that thread lol. We still spam it today. XD