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  • General Discussion threads are meant for spam, you know.

    There wasn't really any need to close it or severely infract people.
    Seeing Airgemini on your wall makes me sadface.

    No not really, I just think of Charizard and nothing else matters.
    While you're waiting you should pre write an IM to me on AIM since YOU NEVER EVER IM ME ANYMORE! :mad088::mad088:

    I shall be back! >:3
    She needs like 7 loud glass shattering alarm clocks to wake her up. Probably because she works so much.

    I remember staying up all night watching a Pokemon livestream thingy. They just won't let you go to bed. :(

    I'll brb in like 40-45 minutesssss.
    I woke up around 1 pm. :p
    Yeah last time I did this I immediately went to bed to go to sleep for a good 12 hours and ended up forgetting to wake my mom up for a funeral viewing. xDDD But that won't happen this time, hopefully lol.

    I read that as Flo Rida.
    Thank god something happened.
    If I sat one more minute without any excitement I probably would've thrown myself out of my window.

    I just didn't feel like sleeping yesterday/today. I have school in a couple of hours, but it's fall break so I'll be able to catch up on beauty sleep later.

    And same for you. :p
    second time was supposed to be funniest.

    I must be tired lol.

    She rocks my world.
    None yet, but we sent it in, and apparently there was a mechanical mistake so they are sending me a newer version.

    And yeah... she is. :) She isn't the prettiest girl, she isn't the smartest girl, and she isn't the smartest girl. But she is the right girl. Ya know what I mean?
    Haha. I have school in 8 hours. :p i should probably get to sleep, but its too much fun being alive.
    You know what makes me really happy. Whenever I look at the active users and see you. :)
    It's okay :( I'm sure that I can find SOMEthing to put there... How'd you remove yours?

    Actually, I think I might have an idea.
    I know D:

    It's taking me a while to get used to. It'll probably be something less hideous by the end of the day though.
    CoughStrakedCough I mean... : mad : we have to finish our match for the mario kart tourney. :p

    And I have to go somewhere today, lol.
    Somewhere not that far.

    but I expect you to create a nice time for us to fight, k'ay?
    I really hope she is a keeper. :D

    I am going to be hanging out with her later.

    How have you been boss?
    Alright! So two nights ago, I met this girl. Bridgett. Yeah, you can probably guess how this is going to go. :)

    So, I met her at a smashfest(she was dropping off one of the smashers. She came inside to see who all was there.). I just walked up to her and started to talk with her. She ended up staying for the entire fest, and we just kept talking. We had that instant click. Instead of driving back to our respective dorms we slept the night over at one of the smashers houses. We slept together, and yeah. :) Now we are still talking, having a great time with each other. We are telling eachother EVERYTHING. I am soooo happy still.

    ****, I feel good.
    Yeah, I understand, especially in MM's case. I don't understand at all why people regard it as being one of (if not THE) best LoZ games when I played it. I was like, "....Eh, it's okay."

    Opinions, opinions. :p
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