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  • I'm RPing with a couple people. I was actually out till about 4 AM where I live. ^^; I'm gonna be going to sleep within the hour likely.
    Though I am going to sleep. I want to say that I had an amazing past two days. :) God I love life right now.
    Final post. Heart heart heart etc etc.

    I'm ****in' hungry, I think I'mma get something to eat. D:
    Oh man, I wanna download the movies now, I'll download all the movies and we can watch them together some time too.
    Naw **** that, I'd rather choose some really awesome ones. Oh yeah, we're starting with the sunken St Anne today!
    Screw the text decorations. I'm tired of erasing my "size" tags.

    That must have been fun(ish) xD. Think you can send me a link to the article? I'd love to read something like that.
    Really? Tell me more xD
    (You have finals already?! I haven't even gone through Midterms.)

    Lol, Irony = Win
    Like a month back, our school went through a drilled code yellow. Not 5 minutes after the drill, the announcements came on saying "CODE YELLOW! CODE YELLOW! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!". Apparently someone from a school 5 miles away from ours pulled a "grenade". Last time I checked, a grenade's blast radius wasn't 5 miles >_>.

    LOL. I'm SO ending my conversations with that.

    Seriously? Are you really going to make me argue?
    (Spent two minutes trying to figure out how to word that... and I still didn't get it right xD)

    (To the comment before my previous comment)
    How do I mistake "ask" for "add" >_>

    I thought we settled that already xP

    Ah, I see. Don't see why they would add that though. Kind of pointless if you ask me.

    By the way, you used to snoop about in the Kirby boards right? I'm sure you know much more than I do. Any tips?
    (If it's too much of a nuisance, don't worry about it.)

    Ah, so you're a Melee person. I, for one, was never any good a Melee. And when I got brawl, I never thought that I would play competitively. But here I am now, having a blast xD.

    Do you have to be a premium member?

    A poster? Do you mean to post more often on the boards? Oh, so you live in Florida too? I live in Miami. I was thinking that we could probably meet and play in a local tourney or something (If I could find a ride). In about a year and a half or so I'm going to get a car, but that's probably too long...

    Anytime Alex. Just give me the word.

    It would wouldn't it. Where do you live?

    (A little off topic)-What exactly do you have to do to become a Mod?

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