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  • i was kinda kidding about the previous post where i mentioned "be friendly"

    thats like

    me turning japanese in the morning while concurrently eating **** on a stick for breakfast

    not gunna happen lol 1337
    Stop trolling, Straked. <3

    It's really not that far-fetched, not every **** thing that comes out of the Falcon Boards mouths should warrant a drama fest, lol. :yoshi:

    Hard to believe, your ego is huuuuge, but you know I still

    <3333 you.

    SERIOUSLY mad?


    I think you need to control your **** impulses better


    And I Admin my own forum, thanks for asking anyways though <3
    Dude, it's the manner in which you go about it that enflames certain people, and we're talking about the Falcon Boards LOL, to troll and act dumb.

    And you don't have to reply EVERY time Knee calls you out, and the same goes for him.

    Wish you guys never bickered, there's much better things to do with your time.

    Like mod, and infract actual trolls, help the community answer questions in a friendly manner, the like.

    Ignore them

    not that hard

    and i feel like disobeying common sentence structure rules right

    now perhaps yeaaaa

    Sorry, don't feel like linking you to 20 pages.

    You replied, got them going, lockedthreads, made them raaaaaage.


    Retaliation, however pissed you are, makes the situation worse.

    A simple lock does wonders, and there's no obscene reaction the "troll" can get off of.

    I want the Falcon Boards to be lulzy again, and I KNOW you two are capable of working your **** out together.
    You too.

    Be the bigger man and stop retaliating or locking threads and pissing Knee off.

    Work your differences out, I don't care who starts ****, you all sound like little school girls.
    And a Social Thread is needed for a Boards such as the Falcon ones, topics can get stale quickly and discussions will go off-topic.

    It should be the last and permanent one, however.
    Me and him are close, though. I should be able to talk to him.

    He just likes to... run the Falcon Boards, but he's not a bad guy, and he's very knowledgable and Falcon's metagame would not have advanced as far or as articularly without ToKneeOrNotToKnee.

    All he wants is to not to be reprimanded and he doesn't want to look bad on a Board he sort of claims ownership of.

    He's really friendly if you get on his good side, although he doesn't show it much.

    Anyways, I have a Yoshi vs. Falcon matchup discussion underway. Is this allright?
    It's allright, I understood what I did wrong, and you do have a job you need to follow.

    Don't worry about it, we need more serious threads going.

    Willz and Red-Blue are gone, Falcons should be fine now.
    Haha, but it gets old.

    Modestly spamming/trolling Falcon Boards did get boring fast...

    Eh, you'll see me posting useful information regarding matchups and situational moves, there just hasn't been any new and important **** to actually talk about.
    Fair enough.

    Just as long as you know I wasn't really trying to piss you off. :p

    I kinda tried to get people to stop posting **** in a sarcastic manner, but that didn't really work out lol.

    I think Falcon Boards are rad, I'm just bored as **** and am post wh0ring n'shiz.
    3 points?


    Trying to spice up the place and encourage minor off-topic discussions, and you know I <3 you, so no worries. :9

    Overrepeated spamming and trolling gives me an empty, hollow feeling. :(

    ****ing Troll's Remorse and a lack of anything to ****ing eat all day.
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