Well, I thought the **** would've made it worth more.
1) I want to go to a winter tourney! I know MLG will have one, so maybe during that time? I've already told a number of people I want to come back and will try and do so during winter, so all I have to do now is age to 21 (June 26th), stay out of college for this year, get a full-time job, save enough money for a tourney+buy a car+rent an apartment+buy a new and better iPod+other stuff, then on Summer 2011 I'll see if I can change from full-time to part-time and jump back into college... SOOOOO, I'll probably have enough money by winter to make the trip!
2) Ah, that's a different backroom. There's 3 backrooms in SWF: Brawl, Melee, and the original one (which pretty much does nothing anymore, it's just a cool club). HDL's in the original one, he has a grimer icon.
EDIT: Whoops, responded to myself!