It doeth be soft upon mine ears. Let it be known for any messenger who dares speak otherwise, he shall be smitten where he stands. (I doeth be [this] close to have smitten mine already, for he beith a slow messenger, and a doofeth. Other kingdoms take months to recieve information. Perhaps it would be wise that I should switch to Email....)
Phillipeus! C'mere for a minute!
Gotta love old English. I often sit there and think "Hey, people don't use this word any more, or whatever happened to people doing this?" I try to implement some old fashioned words into my speech (excluding the suffixes -eth and such). The reactions you get are sometimes funny.
Guy: "...What's a 'dame'?"
As I was looking at Japanese / (Chinese? Apparently they share similar characters.) text earlier, it looked like something that had to be done with a brush, and not engraved. This might be a little more difficult than I had imagined, considering I don't know the proper brush strokes, and if my local store has that kind of brush. Hm....