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Evil Eye
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  • Well, the idea is that his imagination only works on people who believe it. But if one person in the competition believes it and get annihilated by some invisible force, it might lead others to think his powers are real, thus making them subject to Calvin as well.
    xfd i love my avatars i really do

    i always read my posts in their voices!!

    You know it dawg, I've been kicking around ideas over the weekend.

    Then I'm going to kick it in your face! (metaphorically speaking, of course)

    I will marry her now
    And confine her to Hell.
    How droll.
    How droll!
    Where Styx is a river
    And not just a band
    (Though they'll play our reception
    If all goes as planned.)
    Unless, Fry, you surrender
    MY HANDS!!!
    i posted it in the thread because i didnt read the rules lol

    its molly day's grandfather ulysses
    Hi, I'm Troy McClure! You might remember me from such posts as "You're Reading This in My Voice" and "You Can't Stop Even Though You're Now Aware of It."
    Heh, that crap wasn't worth me leaving. Oh guess what? Skype now. **** yeah.
    It's even better, they're Josef Fritzl wiggers.

    Tired eyes mean you should sleep but okay I'll get on AIM.
    Jeez, late reply to the max. Thank you very much for the kind words, I wasn't really worried about the insults. Words in the game mean nothing in the real world (though sometimes it feel like emotions pass along :| ).

    Hopefuly we play some games in the future when i'm not out of control trolling. I have to admit it screwed up my scumhunting late-game :\
    When I reached 7,000 posts. I was tired of Spire VI anyways, so I ate a rare candy.
    Bruce Wayne disappears... imagine that someone new puts on the make-up and becomes the new Joker, and the Joker masks himself and becomes a crime-fighting detective, Oberon Sexton "The Gravedigger," to counteract his replacement. As he was the Yin to Batman's Yang, he is now the Batman to the new Joker. I think that is what's happening in Batman and Robin right now, but it's so mysterious with the current Batman (**** Grayson) uncovering information about the Wayne heritage and secret places in Wayne Manor that only Bruce would have known about, Alfred discovering more and more of the Wayne heritage, and Red Robin (Timothy Drake) searching the globe for more signs of Bruce while he also gets in a tangled tussle with Ras al Ghul's secret society of assassins. And Damian Wayne is being controlled by his mother, Talia al Ghul, and the assassin Deathstroke in an attempt to have the boy kill **** so that nothing stands in the way of his mother's plan to make him the Alexander the Great-esque conquerer she wants him to be. And the poor kid just wants to be Robin and wants his dead father's approval. But his father isn't dead, and is traveling through time having to relive all of history and its agonies to get back to his current state... but when they discover him, he might be completely insane... he might even not think or act like Bruce Wayne anymore. He might take on the mantle of someone else, and Damian currently thinks that Oberon Sexton is Bruce Wayne, while the reader thinks it is the Joker.

    You should get into Batman comics, is what I'm trying to say. It's awesome.
    Do I dare.....yeah I think I do.



    Yeah, I'm like totally in love with Mass Effect, first game that really sucked me back into this new gen console era of gaming. :] Just finished ME2 recently, it made me sad when I got to the suicide mission....it's over already. :c
    Fine I'll explain

    Locke is the smoke monster

    Jacob is dead

    Hurley is now the leader of the survivors

    The Temple others are all immortal in age like Richard Alpert

    Richard Alpert was a slave on the black rock, and was black until Jacob healed him

    Juliet died
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