Plenty. Though I feel like there are even more that I never got into that I kind of wish I had/would. Mad Men and Breaking Bad, for example. Everybody raves about them. And a friend of mine has been trying to get me into Fringe, but I've been lazy so I've only watched, like, the first two episodes. But I do watch Community, 30 Rock, The Office, most of those kind of shows. And I watched that first handful of The Walking Dead episodes—hope that keeps being decent. I like Bones, though that's been slipping in recent seasons. And then of course there are things like Adventure Time that I watch because I am secretly ten years old. That's about all that I really watch regularly though. I'll catch the occasional How I Met Your Mother or South Park every now and then and am usually thoroughly entertained. Lots of comedies, I guess, though that's not really intentional.
Got any recommendations?