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DtJ Glyphmoney
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  • lolol yeah. I'm not sure how it happened, I guess people have always just assumed that. ^^
    We can do without Luigi, Link, Ganondorf, King Dedede, Fox, Falco, Lucario, Lucas, and Sonic. At least 30 characters playable, that seems reasonable.
    We're missing...

    -King Dedede

    I forgot to tell you, Heartz uses Zelda/Sheik and Pit.
    ruh roh. Yea, I'll definitely go to this over the other thing. Maybe my mom could drop me off at your house or somewhere that's on the way? She won't drive me there >_>;
    LOL I actually missed the first few hours of my tourney cause my internet stopped working. But everything is good now =D

    Don't get caught!
    Sorry buddy, but I advanced Cheap Josh since he was here. I figured you're busy with your bro's b day so don't worry about it.
    Birthday > Brawl
    Man, I read my other posts and there are so many grammatical errors. XD Play instead of playing etc. >_>

    Yes. It's glorious.
    Haha. I'm definitely be interested in that. That would be so lol.

    What region are you from? You should start play again. XD.

    Play Falcon, you'll love Melee again. Seriously. Playing Falcon in Brawl made me cry. D=
    Lol, you've got some patience doing that. XD

    Haha thanks. =3 It's pretty easy transfering from Melee to Brawl. Vice versa however >___>

    Hopefully i'll do good in SamusBrawler's tourney, it's my first tourney xD. I wanna win Wii Points rofl.
    Hm, come to an offline tourney! I'll be going to one on the upper EC sometime in the next couple months. Hope to see ya there, wherever it happens to be. I gotta make up for those THREE WHOLE DAYS I didn't send a single VM. Things settled down now and I'm playing some Chrono Trigger. Good game.
    I'll see if I can go. I was planning on attending a smashfest held by my friend instead of that one... Would you mind if you pick me up from his house? He's like 10 mins away from c3 I think. I can pay for gas
    Okay. Imma add you soon then. You have me added? How'd you get a hold on my friend code. XD
    I stay back to workout and study =P

    Nah, I PMed JV.

    kk, im eating. Gimme 10 minutes =D
    Darn, hoped you wouldn't catch that. xD Well why do you allow the scuba guys play him? You have them at gunpoint, I'm sure you can get them to play whoever you want. Must be tough to handle a gun with fins though. And I finally get it! Lag was put in to give an underwater effect, where everything is slowed and delayed.
    Lol, i'm back from school now xD.

    Hah thanks. How did you realize my previous account was Janitor? I had a few other people approach me asking me if I recently changed my username or something. I'm quite surprised to say the least. x3
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