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  • I know what you mean. I love staying up way late and being on here, boards are best at night.

    Especially SWF.
    Yeah, looks very familiar.

    I have an idea, let's stay up late anyway and make you even more tired.
    lol, you're doing that right now.
    I'm practically positive I've seen that on a card, lol.

    I've been pretty sick, I had to get chest x-rays the other day. You?
    Heha, thanks. I like to Koffing, I'm guessing it's from a Pokemon card. :)

    I have a whole new set of colored Hobbesss'ss's. I'll use orange later, maybe. ^^ -doesn't feel like using growlithe yet-
    im up and loogie made it but its failing me in NG and AiB so im trying to find someone else who can make a sig for me
    Damm lol, I'm about to go to bed.

    We really do need to. This is annoying me now. I know we have different times, so can we do tomorow, 4 hours 20 minutes before this current time?
    I dunno man, I might not be on much longer depending whether or not Mom wants to make me do schoolwork for the rest of the day.

    Also I'm kind of tired, and I'll be going on a trip tomorrow.
    It's up to you if you want to pick him up, he's a fun character for me, but I dunno what kind of preference you have.
    You must've see nthe case for people to start reserving the game ahead of time, they usually do that with games. Did the rating see something like "N/A/" or something like that where you didn't see the normal "E for Everyone/10 and up/ T for Teen?" If the answer is yes, then that's how you know it hasn't been officially released in stores as of the time.

    I just like Sonic riders for the cosmetics, it was an okay racer at best (I never played the first, but Zero Gravity had good music for example I can't deny).

    I hope not, Shadow the Hedgehog was the worst PoS ever produced for 21st century Sega, and probably a contender for one of their worst games, and the worst period.
    Steak cake is delicious.

    If you're a die-hard Sonic fan, get any version of it.

    If you want a little bit of more depth into your game, get the 360/PS3 versions, if you don't mind settling for less go with whatever.

    It's the best game Sega has made in years, if you liked the retro Sonic games you'll love the daytime stages this game offers.

    Also I am unsure.
    I can't believe you, we had a lot of good times and you do this to me. I never intended for any of this to happen, I kept telling you to tell Knee to leave me alone and you didn't. This group is yours and Jenkins, you have no right to kick me out of it. I demand that you put me back into it now.
    Why do you listen to Knee all of the time, where is your independence? You know me as much as you know him, he is using you to get what he wants done. Demon, why?
    Knee constantly flamed me and you my friend didn't defend me even though he was saying some mean things, I gave you proof of him starting this but you still sided with him though. I never wanted this group to ever get closed but seeing as you never stopped Knee from his habits I had to do something.
    yes, I read you did.
    It really is all his own doing.
    Can't help but feel a lil bad for him though..he picked a fight with the wrong people.

    also, keep in mind ladykirbess is most likely emz's alt. He may not be as booted as one might think..

    and I'm going to bed man. I have been up for way too long again lol
    I'll talk to you tommorrow man.
    Later <3 (no homo ;))
    lol yeah.

    and after I send you the profile message..emz had posted something in the group along the line of him getting a mod or admin in there..

    he cant stop beeing stupid, now can he XD
    you understand the reason mods come into your group is EMZ..
    he reports every post of mine, while he is the one groundlessly trying to insult me/avoid getting his bottom handed to him verbally.

    I didn't report a thing emz said, and he said some nasty things.
    but luckily I know this is just the interwebz :p
    yeah I know man. I told you a long time ago that jab is a douche.
    He has been way less of a douche since I met him, but still, like you said, he has trouble seeing through the entire 'world peace' idea, wich even 5 year olds have given up believing in nowadays.
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