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  • Im coming on the 6thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Need to get the time of my flight from my parental unit. Which I'll do right now
    Yeah float at twice the height and either try to outspace him with fair or clash with nair if he does that.

    Yeah I'm going to Pound 4. I'd love to ditto you, and just play/meet in general.
    lol u mad. Nah but it works to an extent against her. ESAM's just doing it wrong I guess. xD
    I thought it would be appropriate :p

    However, whilst I was looking for some Peach sounds, I saw that one and didn't realise it made that noise. I decided to check out what the sound was, with my speakers on full blast, just as my mum was about the enter the room

    Woops :S
    You're sweet. :p
    I would've talked longer, but I actually have to call a friend in 9 minutes, so I wouldn't have been able to talk long. Some other time, though.
    lmao see this is the point I was making about you always doing them when I'm gone. xD
    But I'm not really omging about the tinychat thing although I'm only slightly irritated that I always miss them.
    But my laptop got ANOTHER virus lololol. Ughhhh.

    I was actually interested in playing wifi with you. It's been ages! I still have both of your brawl.... profiles(?) on my friend list.
    Oh man, you go back pretty early. (at least for me, I go back on the 24th >.>)

    But yeah I can high tail it out of your place by the 9th. I'll just let my dad know about that and stuff.

    Sorry about all the short notices. It has been kinda hard for me to get my dad to plan with me this time around for some reason :\

    Ok so I talked to my dad and we kinda agreed on flying me out on either the 5th or 6th. I stay at your place for a few days (if thats cool with your folks and you of course) and I leave around the 9th or 10th.

    Sound good with you?
    If you'd like, can you please post your thoughts in the Peach Back Room's active topic. I haven't heard from a couple other people in there yet D:

    go ahead. i must warn you that i havent been on for about 5 years, except once because alex strife tricked me and i thought he wanted to interview me when he instead wanted to talk about his boner for me...
    i double nair, not double bair. but yeah its very easy. double nair is better because you can land behind the person quicker and its easier to hit the shield with both hits - bair would be harder to do unless you wanted to land in front of them. (at least i think that would be the case).

    just sh dair over the shield, keep your float, nair and float then let go. once you figure it out its quite easy. i'm not very technical and i dont have any problems, anyways.
    You just now got it? :p
    You know what a white elephant is right?
    My aunt was laughing as I opened it (because it was her gift I later found out). I the minute I saw that name and that train hit looking face I was like "Oh. ****."

    I should've traded it for the Furbie.... The cd was actually better than the original gift I had which was some jank ugly light thing. I'll show you the cd if we're ever on tinychat again randomly to make you laugh.
    Hahaha, you should do a disk clean up. Now wait, you should go to the underused board Computer Cafe here and make a thread or something. I'm sure someone there could help.
    Ok, i just wanted to check.

    I'm kinda paranoid about this sort of thing ^_^; I have the absolute worst luck about wrong numbers XD
    You, person with the face. Question

    You still have the same number right? because iirc trhough my adventures through out face book, I think I stumbled across you possibly having a new phone? And idk I just wanna make sure numbers in my phone are updated/correct >.>

    *flies off*
    My game is the next large, and you'll have two hydramates, so time probably won't be a major issue.
    If I can get a hold of Hiroi and he is up for it, would you be interested in a......

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