Ahh Higurashi, such a weird mixture of moe, psychos, deities, viruses, and schizophrenic . . . everything!
First season had more of a "shock and awe" thing going and was decent.
Then the second season came and utterly destroyed the first season's characters, plot, and existence.
Overall, the plot felt like a jigsaw puzzle where when you connect some pieces, it's either a "oh okay, I guess" response or a "aww shizzzzz, things about to go down!" response, no middle ground. And since it's a puzzle, the series is hard to get into in the beginning, gets derpy/confusing in the middle, but then shines brilliantly in the end of the series.
btw, I think I found 神さま's your anthem (note: might contain suggestive lyrics, viewer discretion advised)