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  • Hah, is that the sound of a whip snapping I hear XD

    Edmonton Canada....you sure you wanna make that drive >_>
    If you don't get off.
    I'll break up with you!

    haha, ily<3 but text me back & get on AiM :(
    Why? Btw I dont live near you, Im **** near sure of it. Also, Im not really comfortable showing my picture to people, especially atm, my hairs a mess, Im half naked, and in bed x_x
    Well, girls dont like me I guess, Im incredibly shy, and clumsy, Im sorta attractive, but not in an eye catching way, and every time Ive ever tried to start a relationship, Ive failed. Im at 0-14 for getting a GF x_x
    Now's not a great time bro bro. I'm doing homework right now (and keeping an eye on my tourney). Blame procrastination :(

    Maybe tomorrow, kay?
    Being a kid inside is awesome though, dont worry about it...I wish my girlfriend would approve of my gaming habbits, even with some teasing....actually, on that note...I wish I had one period...-_-

    Can I borrow that gun from earlier?
    sure ill brawl you tommorow though my parents dont let me play wii past 9 on school days though all brawl tommorow for the lawlz
    Lolz, dont hate Ayame, we G.I.R.L's are just to sexy not to be hit on, he cant help himself =D
    I know, aren't you lucky to end up with me!
    I was reading all your messages, OMG why are you so emo online?!
    & what the hell, are you gay? because you're hitting on guys.
    Poor sweety, I'm SOOO gonna make fun of you tomorrow in school!
    Lol, trolling is serious business.
    3u7 U 5ha11 1rn te w4yz 0f 73h 7rol1n.
    Bedtime now though, school tomorrow. G'night.
    Lalala, you're always serious...sexy!
    & I'm on AiM, if you're not there in 5 minutes then I'm not ridding with you to school tomorrow.
    I'll just go with Jenny, her car smells better!
    Oh c'mon, I though you quit being that uhh...signature person
    Now I know why you don't text me back at home.
    I hate you </3
    Jason told me, he said you hangout here & Idk, beat some little kids at this uhh brawl game right?

    You're originally supposed to fight the winner of Djays and JUDGE, but they haven't done their match yet, so Zero gave them today to finish it, same with my opponent, the winner of PolarBear and mcmuff1nman.

    Either Zero will give us byes, or just make a coin flip to decide who wins If they don't do it today, that's why I want to wait till tomorrow, to make sure. =P

    My Ramen! ;_;
    Well not today. @_@

    At least tomorrow, I don't want to play, then later today some magic BS happens and our opponents do their matches, meaning the match we did didn't really count. D:
    But we fight for round three, and Zero gave those people still in round one today to finish their match. o.o

    EDIT: Sorry for late reply, was eating.
    I shant dare touch such a filthy pastry recipe such as a cupcake. I refuse!
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