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  • Ah, you seem to be very knowledgeable, I can tell that much. Btw Slash, why were you banned anyway? I know you just went to chill at AiB, but still?
    I don't see how Marth sucks online, I have faced a good amount of deadly Marths online. But MK is ****ed online

    Well bye
    Hooray for improvment

    Your Marth was hard, and it looks like lag saved me when you were recovering iwth him
    I thought I already lost when I ****ed up trying to spike Pit D:

    Fun Games, and it seems my ROB is still a piece of ****
    Lulz, never, Im to bored to keep the same avi atm XD.

    Hah, tried to one up you but failed every time, weak. Anyway Slasher, Im off, as you said earlier, I need my beauty sleep.

    G'night =D
    Lol, if you both dont want to CP, your choice I guess.

    Stage striking is easy, simply one payer strikes a neutral, than the other strikes another, and you keep going until one stage remains. Standard tourny rules
    Round 1 has begun for Rebellion. Please finish your match soon.

    There is stage striking and CP's btw
    To be honest, I dont know if you ever did see me, I very rarely posted or competed. I was on many people's black lists though

    Hey, atleast there pre-johns XD.

    I remember that you used that, Im impressed, considering more delay exsists than normal using a Wiimote anything....good thing you have common sense back =D
    Lulz, I like details. Oh ya, if he approaches, hes dead, seriously XD (sadly thatd NEVER happen).

    Of course, though wifi may gay me out fast, plus I have a piece of **** 3rd party controller I have to use for a week (drops commands,SWITCHES commands at time...its gonna be a challenge to fight that and lag, unless it chooses to work well, it does occasionally....very occasionally)

    I intend to go far though, Ike/MK (Lulz tier *****....actually I used MK as my secondary before he was tier whored because I like him)/Bowser are who Im gonna use throughout
    First off, your Nair ***** his Pikmin throw, so although youll have to eventually approach, you have that tool you can use so you can think it out. Its important to realize what Pikmin is next, if its not blue or white, I believe you CAN outrange the grab (sadly Im not to sure, I know we can **** Purple), but your timings gotta be perfect. The best approach I think is to get behind him from a whiffed grab, either using a Nair to try and get him airborne for just a second, or air dodging around to just get behind him, than pressure him, his grab has no super armor, so if you keep the jab strings up, he will eventually crack, unless he has really good timing. Once he's airborne, our aerials IMO, **** his, as long as you space well, Id use that to further keep him airborne and unsafe. Anything to keep Olimar staggered and/or off the ground, your jabs can wreck him, even if he jumps out, which isnt to hard albeit, he has a huge weakness below him, simply exploit that into a well read Upsmash, a good side Fair, or continue jabbing when hes near the ground. Ike can be easily gimped, but I believe Olimar cannot do that at all, where as you have that power if your smart.

    They key is simply to be aware of what he has at the moment, and keep him off the ground.
    Only now, albeit, but Im 8th in my region after only 3 months, The other retired months before I even started.

    I dont lie XP
    Would you be interested in joining my tournament then, its an experiement for Alberta's new stage list being used next monthly, prizes included.

    Good ****, Ike myself, best in Canada infact XD
    Slasher, you were on OTL before correct, I remember seeing your name around, even wanted to Brawl you but it never happened.

    You have a legit Marth, dont you?
    We're kinda having problems with people wanting to get in as it is. Why don't you wait until those problems are resolved?
    Honestly... I don't think you could. o_0
    Dinah would be your worst nightmare if you hate campers.
    I hardly ever visit AiB.
    What do I do here? I chill with the rest of my clan, HOR. (High Ocean Republic)
    Where the ocean isn't high, just the people in it.
    It's an FFA, no one takes those results seriously. >_>
    No joke, I won an FFA spamming warlock punch and utilt while everyone else was fighting amongst themselves.

    So how you been? Glad to see you're back on SWF

    EDIT: Oh wait, the teams! Yeah... I didn't have the best partner for that... lol you kept getting hit by your team mates charge shot. xD
    I eventually just started attacking my own team mate. I got a little bored of constantly being the last one in.
    Nope, I'm more turned on there...
    ↓oh look that guy, I think he've been stalking us :x
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