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  • No worry, I got this under control

    Same, but Im going to Semi's to beat Luke, I owe him for a couple of gay losses
    This is my chance to make him not ******** though, Ill be like Jane Goodall and those monkeys, only Chaos is stupider

    Stop deleting your messages, love mah >_>
    your not out yet *pat pat*

    MK is gay, but just **** losers and make it to Grand Finals =D. Its hard to outspace MK on Wifi
    But my MK dies to easy against them, and Pit has arrows! =D

    Uh...sure! You seem pretty legit! =o
    You're good, and friendly(well I think, haven't known you that long).

    I'd say yes. o.o
    Pit? Hmm.......
    Next time! :D

    I think My Pit does better against heavy weights than my MK does. @_@
    + Diddy.
    GGs! If the lag wasn't there it would have been a much more entertaining match. >.>

    lol @ it almost disconnecting on your first kill on me. x.x
    Yeah that was more a Synergy test anyways. xD We can work out strategy types and experiment around tommorow. maybe we can ask people in AiB Free Play for Friendlies?
    Aww i'm sorry Slash. I usually play pretty rough with you since you like it that way. Just tell me if you want me to go easy next time. ;)
    eww, perv.
    I'm on facebook, I'll get on AIM now.
    You could come over you know, is rainy & if you come over.
    I can warm you up! kinky.
    I was going to text you to leave with me, but I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. Besides your parent takes away your car when you're grounded, haha.
    & yeah I borrowed Jacy's car, & when I drived home. My parent were like sitting in the front room, watching me. Lala, I knew I was busted.
    If can't text you then I'll just chat with you here <3!
    Sorry for not calling back, my parent took my phone.
    Haha I'm not really sick, I pretended it to skip my Bio-tech test.
    Well, when I got home, they checked me.
    & obviously found out that I was lying.
    haha I'm grounded, that mean I can't text you for awhile. </3
    I guess I was in that category with Oli then? (Pit no because I'm never campy with him)
    I know what Zero was talking about. I was nosy enough to check ;)

    The only character I really pivot grab with is Olimar. I'm not very good at it, so I don't do it often. But it's not that hard to do with Olimar. Yoshi too, though I don't use Yoshi.

    Yo Zero! Wassup? 8)
    I was so frustrated at the Sheik vs DK match because I thought I was good at that MU. I've played some good DKs before with her and have gone as far as 3-stocking them. But yours...was not like the others.

    ICs are pretty impossible to use online. Well, their CGs are anyway. Not that I would know personally considering I never use ICs, but that's what I've heard anyway >_>

    *looks down*

    lol Zero is so mean :laugh:
    You've been added a long time ago bro, I didn't doubt you at all.

    I'm amazed at how Olimar did better than Zelda and Pit (my main and second respectively). I just started using him a few days ago :laugh:

    Who's your main?
    Nyeh, I didn't do as well as I'd hoped. GGs bro that was top notch playing :)
    I have a some time. You wanna host while I turn my wii on and add you?
    Im sure shell spam you later....Im surprised it hasnt happened yet XD. Thatd be the nice thing to do though =D

    Ramen's good, mains Pit/MK, both pretty legit from what I hear (the one time I played him he didnt touch them, and it was so laggy, I kept getting ******** match ups....the one time Im owning him, it DC's X_X....wifi is ******** with Florida from here)
    Ah, Mr Whipped =D

    So ya, your opponent is Prince Ramen, unless JUDGE can play in the next 4 or so hours
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