You missed an episode...THIS IS THE TRUE EPISODE 5!!
This is the first episode of TYATM on it's new channel. Due to the creative restrictions, the legend is as follows: red: TITLE, GREY: STRIKETHROUGH, BLACK: SPOILER Different channel, same show AMIRITE?!
OK, NAO ON TO DA MEAT (sickos) OF DIS POST!!!!!!
As you remember, TH has been working in PKSkyler's plant. TH is truly a hard worker and gets paid accordingly. Now, a tired TH relaxes at home watchin da telly when he done hears a knock on his door. Th gets up and answers it. It is none other than...PKSKYLER!! PKSkyler has come brining da good newz. TH IS NOW THE ASSISTANT MANAGER OF THE PLANT!!!! =O!!! TH is overcome with joy and shakes PKS's hand in acceptance. That is not ALL PkSkyler brings though...he then pulls out a CELEBRETORY SIX- PACK O'BEER! (OH NO!!) AS YOU MAY REMEMBER (lolredundancy) TH WAS A PILOT WITH AN ALCOHOL PROBLEM!! TH looks at the six pack and sniffs a bit (NO WAI IZ IT HAPENIN). HIS MIND IS FLOODED WITH MEMORIES OF GETTING WASTED AND SLEEPING IN DA SNOW, PLAYING A GOOD OL' GAME OF DRINK THE BEER, AND NUMEROUS OTHER ACCOUNTS. This then happens (Kumar is TH and the Bag is a Big can of Beer. The song plays and everything. Ignore the last part. PLESE WATCH!):
*waits for you to finish vid* TH NAO REMEMBERS WHO HE BE! He yells out his name and runs outside, much to the shock of PKSKYLER. He runs to the nearest bus stop and begins to head home....