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  • Will do. Oh, and give me a few more minutes. I got one more thing to do, won't be long.
    Ok listen to me carefully. Firstly, you're not getting worse. I've just been training hard and thus I'm improving. The thing is though, I'm working with characters I'm best with. You started using MK, Sonic, and Ness. I mean you can use whomever you please, but if you want to train for your exam, then why don't you use those you are best with and practice with them. True, I used Falco and Link, but they are my 4th and 5th best characters (Ganon was my Melee main so I have to use him sometimes just for sentimental reasons).

    I want to help you improve, but you have to give me your best. Otherwise playing will be pointless.
    I was posting my views on it actually. I made a long rant. Why don't you check it out? ;)
    kk added
    expect more info later
    as for your other questions, go the the Academy

    lol, trolling c-c-c-combo breaker! :D
    I just Pawwnch'd Marthage's trolling chain
    and duh it's not a link it's an embed...
    watch the dadgum movie (when you get a chance...)
    NO U MANG, BE DE 1 who iz doin teh trollin'
    I no troll, I iz coo...
    U is troll, spammin up mah wawl liek is yo crib wen it ain't dawg.
    bes stewp up owt mah grill mang!
    That question should be...
    Who DOESN'T know of the Foxxy Boxxy :O

    As you can see I'm practicing my youtube-esque trolling skills just below this post XD
    There you go, at this rate the art of redundancy will be mastered.

    I'm not trollin, U's trollin wid dat atrocious spealing mang! git hocked on dem phawniks nao kthx XD
    That my good boi

    is something called Redundancy....

    Redundant post is repeated....

    C wut I did thar (AGAIN!)
    whatup chaos :)
    wanna be partners 4 zero's tourney?
    i kinda wanna do doubles XP
    Judging Protocols (rough draft)
    -1 Set Finals Tournament Style (5 games)
    -3 Stock 8 Minutes
    -Neutral Stages only
    -Items off and none
    -Winning/Losing does not affect judging.
    -The Student must choose the 2 to 3 Characters they will be using.
    -The Judge can state their characters but not necessary.

    I think we should continue with the Academy's agenda as before but not let any more members in. The current members will be given a set date on when they are going to be judge for entrance. After the judging, those who made it to HOR will be accepted. Those who have not will be moved into the HOR public "moderated" social. From then on, the Academy will be disbanded.
    Judging will not be based on winning/losing the matches but their knowledge of ATs, matchups, and etc.
    ........you sent me the same pm twice.

    i'm not joining any tournaments until i get better. i'm sick atm.
    *hits buzzer* ANNNNNNNNG
    hax are for chumps, therefore you must hax!

    C wut I did thar :p
    hey :) do you have anytime for friendly brawls with my friend and i?sorry for being random.

    Press the B button. If you mean when you're modifying the controls then there should be something dat says cancel or done.:mario2:
    DACUS is easiest to do w/ Snake. Set your right shoulder button to attack instead of grab that makes canceling dash attacks into usmashes A LOT easier, especially w/ Sheik 'cause it's almost impossibel w/ grab.
    I might not enter doubles. I'm entering singles for sure, but doubles depends on who else is entering. I will only enter if I'm absolutely sure everyone entered is responsible.

    You host btw. Gonna boot up my wii and load up textures.
    Ima just browsin. I'm back now if you wanna pick up where we left off earlier.
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