I'm trying to think of puns involving the word macchiato, but none are coming to mind
I like how the first Google Search autofill for "macchiato" is a comparison of us.

Wow who's my favorite EO. Is that a mix of "what's your favorite EO game" and "who's your favorite EO class?"
Maybe I'm just slow today or something; I'll answer both questions LOL
I'm fairly new to EO, so I've only played IV and Untold so far. EOIV is definitely my favorite of those two, though that may change when I get more into Untold. If I remember correctly, I've only put 5-6 hours into Untold.
As far as classes go, I really liked the Arcanist class in EOIV. I loved Bracing Walk, and the whole "circle" concept was interesting to me.
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