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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
lol @ heavy blade seal
I might as well wait for them to make a steady breath seal instead of using bike
I slightly regret giving Tiki Steady Breath because with her +ATK she would've used Heavy Blade perfectly and could've ran something like Close DEF.

I don't see us getting Steady Breath. Tho I wouldn't be surprised if we got those 4 Stance Skills, Weapon Breakers, and maybe even Dazzling Staff.

Also the FE Reddit can be so good at times. :^)


Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
Happy day-after-Christmas gorls.
I got that Odyssey game thing and it's p fun. I also am now overloaded on Google Play cards which is a shame because Heroes is kinda sorta really awful rn and there aren't any units I want atm. Maybe I'll use them to buy a few albums instead of pirating so that I can feel like a good responsible citizen.
But to make Heroes less awful, my Christmas present to myself was finally getting Mae and Boey to S rank.
To celebrate their newfound marriage, Mae then viciously attacked and ate a bride that for some reason has the same voice actress as her to steal her bouquet. Then the bride and groom had a few rounds of merges before spending their honeymoon in a volcano so that they could grind for more SP. Truly a romantic day for the happy couple.
But yeah I gave Mae a Blessed Bouquet, and I already gave her Spd Ploy. Boey is gonna get Close Counter, I haven't yet though since I wanted to wait until the Tempest went live in the rare chance that CC would get a seal. Even if it does get a seal later though, I'd rather put it on someone using a TA Raventome set since Boey is going to keep his Owl tome. Other than that, the rest of their kits should be fairly standard.
Jun 8, 2009
persona 5 thoughts so far (no spoilers don't worry)

game is ****ing amazing so far. the highlight for me so far is how the game presents itself. the loading screens, the menus, and the sick transitions all add to the style of the game. the gameplay (talking about battles here) is great which should be expected at this point because this is atlus we're talking about. the story and characters so far have been top notch. the start of the game is slow but that's sort of a thing in all JRPG's anyway. and plus, compared to other games of the same genre, i'd say this is one of the faster paced games tbh so that's cool. my only gripe so far is that the boss fights (at least up to the point where i'm at) are kinda easy but really, that's about it


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
Happy Boxing Day all; hope you all had a good Christmas! :nifty::4zelda:

Managed to beat Chapter 6 of Xenoblade 2.

I was surprised when Brighid opened her eyes for the first time, she has pretty purple eyes. Also, I did struggle with the Chapter Bosses at first, but I just made sure to switch to Tora and it went a lot smoother.

imo, Tora is just a flat out better tank then Morag. Sure Morag is more focused on Evasion, but Tora being an actual tank just feels much better. Plus, he was incredibly useful for beating those Bosses, capable of restoring health while defending and drawing aggro really well compared to Morag.

Also, poor Rex; losing Pyra/Mythra because Cloud- I mean, Jin being a bully. :c

I'm getting close to making a Ghostrick deck now that Guns ran a few days ago; got 3 copies of Feint Plan which was all I was after from Valkyrie's Rage. :yeahboi:

I just need to get 3 Floodgates and get all the remaining cards via Bonz's Level Up rewards. I also do plan on making a Skull Servant deck. It'll also bring me closer to unlocking Aster Phoenix. :secretkpop:



Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Iote’s Shield seal is a pretty huge deal for the defensive fliers

They can now run a good A-slot skill and also not be weak to archers

Gronnraven Spring Camilla is an even better Brave Lyn counter now


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Today I woke up with food poisoning and a dead car battery

The Christmas magic sure was quick to leave


Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
For how many months has the title "Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe" been accurate?



Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Wario clearly Dsmashed your life.
More like my life became Wario dsmash


100% done with FEW's first DLC pack now. Was really hoping the Anna map would've finally been the map balanced around Hero weapons, but Takumi still kinda just erased everything effortlessly. Speaking of, it occurred to me that archer C5 gains a ton of meter and works during crits, so I tried doing C5>musou and you can totally refund all the meter you spent, if not more #balanced

And speaking of absurd meter gain, after going back to older characters, Aqua's singing feels worse than just pairing up with Lyn/Ryouma/archers if you really wanna just spam musous; her own gain isn't that high, and the absurd gain from moves like archer C5 or Lyn/Ryouma C6 seems to bleed over to the reserve character to a comparable degree. I'm feeling there's a possibility Aqua might be worse than Caeda offensively as well, but I haven't been able to give her Lethality or unlock S rank weapons yet to compare.

I think Velezark and powered-up Darius are both immune to Lethality. Everyone from Takumi up seems to activate it rather reliably, but I've yet to connect it on either of those two. Latter might've just been bad luck though, I haven't fought him much.

Hero weapon drops: one 5* sword, two 5* spear, one 4* tome. Lyn with a Hero Sword is hilarious, in the "I bet she'd even mow through lv200 maps with this damage" sort of way

Tiki's still fun
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I wonder how bad the swamps are? I'll try the first map and finally decide on what class Atlas should be. *everyone proceeds to take 5 damage every time they're on a swamp tile and has to slog their way through the purple Kool-Aid*

Yeah, Atlas is definitely going to be an archer because that was just an awful experience having only Leon being able to do stuff since mages are 4 movement locked and I'm pretty sure they won't counter with anything other than Fire, a 1-2 range spell, even if they have access to Thunder. Mage Atlas having Rescue is cool, but when you can barely move on the damn map, having 1-4 range as an archer or 1-5 range at all times as a sniper or bow knight seems more useful.

The Whitewings can go wherever they want, but the developers knew that, so they slapped some archers with equipped bows to discourage that just like on the desert maps. Also does not help that all three of them decided to only have 7 defense. Est makes sense because she had room to gain defense, but really, Palla? She's supposed to have a decent defense growth, but like Lukas, has only gained a single point of defense through her 6 level ups. I'd need to check again, but I'm pretty sure Clair has higher defense than them and I think she's about the same level as Palla which is 14. I guess I'll have to rely on Falcon Knight bases to help her. Catria at least has good offenses and Est is Est.

Oh, and Jesse and Saber's A support conversation made me realize that Jesse and Saber resemble Kaz and Big Boss. Heh, Naked Saber. :p

Edit: The legendary banner introduces a classy lady riding sidesaddle!

So, the heroes featured for the banner tomorrow (12/28) alongside Gunnthra are: Amelia, bride Charlotte, spring Chrom, Elise, Fjorm, Innes, spring Lucina, bride Lyn, BH Roy, Ryoma, and Sigurd.

I really want bride Charlotte since she's such a fun character and spring Chrom and spring Lucina would be too.

I'm not in much of a dire need of any of the units unlike with the previous banner where I didn't have a second 5* red mage or an anti-dragon unit who wasn't a sword infantry. If I were to narrow it down to who'd be the most useful, it would probably just be Amelia and Gunnthra since axe knights aren't that common even though you don't need that many and the winter banner has two of them and Gunnthra is the second green cavalry mage. Gunnthra if she's anything like Fjorm, a story character or is supposed to be since you can send her home even if you only have one Fjorm, will join after finishing her chapter. That's if the developers don't pull a **** move and make her summonable-only which would suck since she's kind of a plot character considering she's the one who talks to the player in the beginning of Book 2.

Anyway, I'd like spring Chrom because he'd be another green, just as I'd like Innes who'd be another archer, or Ryoma being another Distant Counter sword infantry; bunny Lucina would be a fun unit, and Sigurd would be a pretty good mage and ranged tank because of his Divine Tyrfing and Crusader's Ward. Still, they don't cover much that I'm lacking like none of them are flying mages or ranged knights or something as simple as Gray who is the only anti-cavalry sword user at the moment and unlike Mathilda, is a 5* only summon.

Regardless, I hope I get some of the focus units. I also really hope everyone can get Gunnthra by completing a story chapter because if not... Yeah...
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Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
Was really hoping the Anna map would've finally been the map balanced around Hero weapons, but Takumi still kinda just erased everything effortlessly.
Isn't one of Takumi's crit quotes "I'm gonna erase you!"? So the game is balanced around something, and that something is crit quotes. :upsidedown:
I think Velezark and powered-up Darius are both immune to Lethality. Everyone from Takumi up seems to activate it rather reliably, but I've yet to connect it on either of those two. Latter might've just been bad luck though, I haven't fought him much.
Pretty sure I've proced Lethality against Darios, but I can't remember if he was powered up or not (unless by powered up you just mean evil Darios then yes I've used Lethality against him). I was using :marth: and his massive Luck stat if that matters.
Tiki's still fun
She'd be fun if I could at the very least get a decent Bravestone for her. I'm not in need of a perfect Herostone rn, just Brave would be fine ;_;
Jun 8, 2009
alright, one annoying thing about persona 5 which also is a thing in persona 3 and persona 4. this game still feels like trial-and-error every now and then with its bosses and even some of the enemies. whenever you get ****ed, it's not because you were dumb, it's mostly either you couldn't figure out the weakness before dying or the enemies were hella lucky and they landed a critical hit on you. i'm fine with the latter to be honest because luck and chance are things that matter in RPG's

but holy **** this music is amazing. the mini-boss theme gives me P3+P4 vibes. whenever things go well in a fight, that's usually the greatest feeling. spending one (or a few if you miss) bullet only on enemies that are weak against gunfire then exploiting the weaknesses of the other enemies then performing an all-out attack is hype. managing to talk a monster into becoming your persona is also really fun and satisfying, plus some of the dialogue is legitimately entertaining and funny. all the new gameplay mechanics they added (so far) really makes the game feel "fresh" in a way and spices up the formula. the hiding mechanic, the sprinting, the contextual jumping, etc. BLAH. this game also knows how to make you love characters and want to kill the ever living **** out of certain characters. that kamoshida piece of **** guy for example. **** that guy. what the hell. but ajopdsajofaklf anyway, the game really makes you feel this sense of injustice that surrounds the society

ok back to playing the game
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Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
What's poppin' y'all? :4zelda:

Just doing some sidequests in Xenoblade 2, since I'm concerned if they'll be timed quests like in the first one; so getting as much done as possible before I finish Chapter 7.

I also got myself a few new Rare Blades as well.

Electra, Vess and Gorbes (I forgot if this is his name or not, but either way; it's the fatty with a huge stomach mouth).

Currently gave Electra to Morag, whereas Vess and Gorbes are with Nia. I do plan on giving everyone (Except Tora because he can't bond with Blades. :c) the weapons they can obtain. So I might end giving Theory to say Morag and Praxis to Rex. So at least everyone has a unique Rare Blade to use. Though I might give Vess to Morag or Zeke if I have enough Overdrives.

Also, Buddhahobo Buddhahobo a new event is happening in Duel Links now, it's a reenactment of the Battle City Arc; where we also get to unlock Arkana, plus tons of new archetypes and support are added too.

Volcanic, Dark World, Cloudian, Lightsworns, Gem-Knight and Dark Magician Support. Plus, I guess we also got another Forbidden "Archetype" card being Forbidden Dress.

Oh, and Slifer & Obelisk are now in the game. If I can (And hopefully get enough Gems), I wouldn't mind spending them on the new box. Best get to grinding then!


Eddie The Pacifist

Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2016
Zelda Social
"My X-Ray glasses allow me to see your ignorance!"
Kid Icarus Uprising is such a quote machine.
Also, my goodness, the Switch might outsell the Wii U before being out for a full year.
According to Wikipedia (I know it's almost never bang on, but it's usually close), the Wii U sold 13.56 million units as of March 31st Yes, that's poor, but it shouldn't be able to be beaten in a year. However, the Switch has sold 10 million units.. as of December 12th.
You know, before Christmas. It's very possible for Nintendo to gain 2.5 million from Christmas, and then gain another 1 million before March 3rd, one year after it's release.
What an unbelievable bounce back for Nintendo.
Jun 8, 2009
Nintendo did many things right in 2017

- Nintendo got their advertising right. Hell, it's amazing even by today's standards
- They released a high-quality Mario and Zelda title in its first year
- Two of the games were nominated for GOTY in many outlets, including TGA 2017 which a lot of people were watching
- Agree with it or not, BotW won GOTY at TGA and at many gaming websites
- The console in general is great. The concept of playing big games on the go is amazing
- There are many good games on the console at the moment from Nintendo, indies and 3rd parties

Funny thing is, they sold 10 million units in 9 months without Pokemon so things may get even waaaay better once that's released. I'm glad to see Nintendo bounce back after the Wii U flopped. I think the Switch reaching the Wii U's sales in one year or less is a testament to how well it's selling and how horribly the Wii U sold. I don't know how Nintendo will outdo 2017 though if Pokemon isn't out by 2018. This year was stacked as hell for Nintendo (and gaming). Maybe they've got something up their sleeves but you'll never know I guess. *COUGH* RETRO STUDIOS *COUGH*


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
This legendary hero banner is really lame

I’d like an Elise, but I’m not sure if I’ll actually pull for her since Innes and Lyn are the other two colorless foci

I’ll probs keep saving my orbs

Gunnthrá is probs going to be stupid good with that prf weapon and b skill


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2013
Ontario, Canada
IS: huh horse emblem seems to be a bit of a problem
Also IS: lol let's release another horse mage but with a global ploy lmao what could go wrong


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Cress! Cress! , how is the 5.0 ARMS update? Dr. Coyle looks kind of cool. Her jetpack and shoulder armor reminds me of Samus's Varia Suit.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Pretty sure I've proced Lethality against Darios, but I can't remember if he was powered up or not (unless by powered up you just mean evil Darios then yes I've used Lethality against him).
Yeah, evil Darios, sorry for the confusion

I know for sure it works on officers with that goldish aura

She'd be fun if I could at the very least get a decent Bravestone for her. I'm not in need of a perfect Herostone rn, just Brave would be fine ;_;
Funnily enough, I'd been using a Bravestone and then got this on the first stage I played today:

My experiences have been that Hero weapons basically don't drop if you just play the game, but using the gold weapon quality blessing (idk english names) in lv80+ maps I've gotten exactly one every time, and with the appropriate weapon traits+spending the entire stage in awakening, it's usually been a perfect one. Could probably just skip past Brave entirely if you do that enough (or I guess just use the 0* Hero handout)


Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
Cress! Cress! , how is the 5.0 ARMS update? Dr. Coyle looks kind of cool. Her jetpack and shoulder armor reminds me of Samus's Varia Suit.
I haven't been able to play much of it since it came out at the same time as the FEW DLC and since I also just got Odyssey but from what I've played of it, Dr. Coyle is really complex and I have no clue as to how to properly play her lol. Ditto for her Arms, even if 2 of them are clones of weapons already in the game with a different element (I might try to learn the Brrchuck since I already use the Funchuck every now and then and Ice is a decent element. The other 2 I could care less about). Her stage has great music but it's a mess that's going straight to the banned list.
It sounds like I'm ragging on the update but I do enjoy it. The problem is that Coyle has a new and completely different playstyle compared to every other character and I've already found my own playstyle and I'm not planning on learning a new one when I still barely know how to play the one I use now. :p I'm excited to see how others use her for sure.

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
It seems Gunnthrá won't be free. I thought we'd get at least 1 Elemental Hero of each element for free, perhaps even at 3* status with Fjorm being the only free 5*. I was hoping we'd get a new chapter or even 2 new chapters with Gunnthrá being the freebie.

Unless she's on the banner now and will be given as a freebie later to get more money. Her voice is fine but her art is amazing. She's hella classy with that whole side saddle thing. Her gimmick seems more fun to work with, not to mention she doesn't have to rely on a horse team like those blade tomer heauxes. Perfect for a mixed team that doesn't need HONEHONEHONE everything to babysit a blade tomer.

Also~ I used my Summoner Support with Felicia because she's the best universal mage destroyer I have. The extra stats just make her impossible to double (39 spd/res and then +3 with fury). She also has Affinity Cancel 3 and Def Ploy 3. I plan to give her Atk Ploy 3 Seal after I get enough coins to upgrade it. Heaxues line up to kill her because the non-magic-using AI thinks it's the smartest target to go for first (ranged + low def + low HP + low atk = safe!!!) Until ofc she unleashes an iceberg on a -5 def'd target. lmao ***** you thought~♥


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Gunnthrá probs won’t be free bc CORPORATE GREED, but there is a tiny sliver of hope that she will be because there was no mention of Fjorm being free in her Legendary Heroes Banner trailer

But don’t get your hopes up because I doubt Gunnthrá will be free


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range

Afterf 4 days succumbing to Xenoblade 2, I am finally using the PC again. Haven't even bothered to open even Feh for daily orbs... which I got lucky, that today was the 3 orb day, phew.

I still am not through it, but I played... massively. So my unbiased, objective review on this game:

It's okay.
I still think the first is superior in many ways, but it got it good points, and interesting concepts. Gameplay, QoL, ect are a bit hit and miss, but hey. Overall, I give it an 8/10. It won't beat Odyssey nor Botw, but its a real big jrpg, that doesn't suck. And thats an achievment in itself, if we think about it.
Not saying all jrpg's suck, but its been quite a drought, thats only stilled by Persona and Tales of recently... which is a shame. I wish we could get true fantasy worlds more often, but I guess its too much work.

But I digress. My points in Spoilers, yet I'll try to keep it mostly spoiler-free. Also, it prevents spamm.

I don't really think I have to say much here, its definitely a bombastic insane variety, all oddly working together, fitting the surroundings, and even commonly found characteristics of the inhabitants. It got an amazing OST, and they almost cheat with their Anime-Esque technice, in bringing the main theme in with little detailed differences. Its amazing.

And before we get into the sub vs dub:
All versions get immensively annoying to listen to, when you got a full group running. I think my ears bled at the end of chapter 4, with so many unique voices killing my ears.

I actually enjoyed the eng-dub. It's rather well, and I enjoy many of the british VA. I do love the after combat bandter, and I really really adore Poppy's voice. While Rex's voice is stupidly annoying, it was manageable after chapter 1.

BUT... I still went and played with Japanese-Dub.
Why? Because some characters, like Pyra, are affected by the dub so insanely much. I adore her too much, to destroy her personality.
In Japanese, she is a kind, caring, polite, yet determined and brave girl, emotional, and can convey her feelings very well with the tone of her voice alone.
In Eng, she is a "Sure thing.", sometimes trying to be witty or even deadpan persona. (I got no knife...)
It still works for her. But... Japanese-Dub just does it better for me. And for a character I enjoy this much, I just decided to rewatch curscenes in Japanese, and then fully switch Japanese at chapter 4. Still switching occasionally to listen to new character.
It's pretty decent. It's hella abuseable, and I have to admit, that until chapter 3 I didn't knew you can mid-combat switch and spam arte's, but hey, I managed regardless. I love how they reward timing, and even allow the canceling mid-Arte if skilled. The Talent tree is a bit... lack-luster compared to Xeno-1, but hey. It atleast makes for an easy swap-in, swap-out.

I -love- the idea of spamming elementals, making them target an enemy, instead of being a built-up resource is pretty awesome. So spamming is a non-issue, whilst making combo's hella rewarding in boss battles. I even was able to grind at lv 27 level 34 drakes, who were ideal to farm rare and strong chips from.

Leveling feels... actually nice. The bonus xp with resting is a cute idea, and definitely allows often enough for a pleasant surprise.
Gameplay(General stuff)
Fair enough, I actually enjoy that blades are RNG. You have your signature blade, and everything beyond that, would just overshadow it. It -is- sometimes frustrating to get an pretty strong healer on an obvious dps driver, but nothing the overdrive protocoll can't fix.

What I rather dislike tho, is the lack of QoL. Poppy's game has to be completely started anew, instead of having retry/next options. Many quests are frustratingly unspecific, or some pathways are... a bit offly placed, if I say so. Whilst I encourage exploration, I kinda don't want to have to walk almost the same length I came back, just because I missed a turn left, that levitates me just enough over something.

On the good parts tho, love the integration of field skills, and how the world changes a little bit time over time. And some well hidden spots.

I leave this place here, in case I forgott something. It's a huuuuge game after all.
I really enjoy most of the cast. Like, really really. I do enjoy that many get character development even in late chapters, and that nobody is truly the fully right/wrong, and have several (not only one) conflict thats bothering them.

Characters are definitely less streamlined and clichee and archetype as in X, which I enjoy alot. X was not too bad with its characters, but I just didn't cared most of the time, and had like... 1 character other than the "protagonist" that I was interested in. Xenoblade 2 however, had me legit question who should stay in my party several times. Even Blades are quite well made and interesting, having even sidequests themselves.

The game makes me care about the character first, and THEN shovels me information about them, instead of the exposition dumb I am used to. "You have to feel bad for her, because xy happened." Well, gee. If she is an unlikeable character, no backstory in the world will change that. Because I have to deal with the now, and not the past.

It just feels very rewarding to be in tune with npc's and PC's, since the reward is more knowledge about them. Heart to hearts are just glorified fanservice, and I love it. Villains (most of the atleast) are quite believable, and motivated by something, instead of "just being evil". Some are still dumb tho, but nobody is perfect.

Enough about characters, I shall move over to the World&Worldbuilding.

Worldbuilding was at the beginning strong, very very strong. The idea of multible titans, and seasonal rotations and all is amazing. Races are mostly humans, just with different traits. Not seperate species, but just a seperate kind of human, which I enjoyed for a change. No need to have 30 different confusing names for almost all humanoid looking people.

Backstory, and forshadowing, and even just random street talk about other regions, and comparisons to upcoming or past regions made the sometimes sublte, sometimes less sublte (machines vs naturals) feel very fleshed out. I could clearly see how and why they are different. Not only from Flora and Fauna, but also from cultural aspects.

The worlds themselves feel a little bit... small. One village, with very very few side villages... is considered a WAR-nation? Eh... I guess they couldn't show it all, but I just feel rather dissapointed. Even if its just unreachable bunch of houses, I'd prefered it better than small packed dense fun.
Also, the biodomes are quite... short too. Xeno 1 had these amazing progression and beautiful long spanning integrated places. I felt often more restricted by my surroundings, not finding the only and one true path... or just strict up unable to get somewhere, because reasons. They could definitely worked it atleast a bit better, making more use of high level "fire blade" or such stuff, to block early access maybe... but still. I felt a bit short cut, especially with the chapter 3 terrain. So beautiful, amazing to look, much to explore, but lack of ways...

An amazing world nontheless.

TL;DR&Story (Spoilerfree):
The story draws you in, accompanied by the amazing worldbuilding, and likeable and interesting characters/villains. It will keep you entertained with the simple, yet depht ridden gameplay, allowing you to challange bigger enemies, yet also being able to fall to weaker ones. Its just depending on you, your playstyle, and how you play.
It lacks many QoL things I wish they made better. The gameplay is nice, but improveable. Many good ideas were used in this game, that could be refined. They still work, yet not as good as hoped.
The VA is okay on both sides, but I recommend making it quieter, as later, you will have too many voices simultan on the battlefield. Some Japanese and Eng VA convey even different personalities, so beware.
The music is immense and beautiful, fitting the surroundings, aswell as character and personalities of the people that inhabit the region.
It is a game I will finish, maybe even complete. But replaying it, I propably won't.

I 100% forgot some stuff, so please call me out on it. I think I atleast covered the important things.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
All versions get immensively annoying to listen to, when you got a full group running. I think my ears bled at the end of chapter 4, with so many unique voices killing my ears.
I know the tolerance levels for this aspect of Xenoblade varies from person to person but i actually like it. Xenoblade 2 does go a bit overboard with it at times but i personally think it adds to the charm of the series.

Thankfully, Xenoblade 2 does offer an option to turn it off but keep in mind that doing so also turns off the voice-acting in the Heart-to-Hearts.

Why? Because some characters, like Pyra, are affected by the dub so insanely much. I adore her too much, to destroy her personality.
In Japanese, she is a kind, caring, polite, yet determined and brave girl, emotional, and can convey her feelings very well with the tone of her voice alone.
I have to strongly disagree with this. The part about the dub destroying Pyra's personality. Her English VA conveys the same personality, especially in her Heart-to-Hearts. Even as someone who prefers subs in anime, i much rather prefer English Pyra. It's also worth noting that this is her Eng VA's first role and for a first role, she did a good job (actually, pretty much all of the English VAs were newcomers). At the end of the day, it's personal preference, but i much prefer the English dub because it makes the world feel so much more alive. Also Nia's Welsh accent is 10/10. Shoutouts to Morag for being Scottish. Also being able to understand the talking during battle. Also, JP Pyra's screams make my ears bleed.

Poppy's game has to be completely started anew, instead of having retry/next options.
This i will agree on. Thankfully, Poppi doesn't need Tiger Tiger to be good.

Many quests are frustratingly unspecific
Really? I had the exact opposite experience. If anything, how you described 2's quests is exactly how i would describe 1's quests. Map issues aside, very rarely did i feel lost when doing a quest in 2. Compared to 1, where i constantly had to have the Wiki open because quests were so vague. "My son is lost in Eryth Sea. Please find him" Haha, do you know how big Eryth Sea is and also how Eryth Sea is the worst area in Xenoblade 1 in terms of navigation? 2 actually tells you where to go, which is a big plus when the world is huge. I hear X also had very vague quests but i haven't played it so...

Even when it came to collecting items, 2 is superior to 1. 2 has set collection points that can be easily farmed. 1 had items scattered throughout the map and they aren't farmable. You just had to run around and hope the items appear.

2 does have some bad quests (*cough* Ursula's quest *cough*) but not as much compared to 1.

On the good parts tho, love the integration of field skills
Haha, wait until Ch.7. Ch.7 is probably my least favorite chapter in terms of gameplay because it asks for Field Skills too many times to progress the story. Thankfully, most of it is just elemental mastery that you can stack with Common Blades.

The worlds themselves feel a little bit... small.
I felt that way too but it's not because the regions themselves are small. Quite the contrary, they are very big and there's lot to explore. The reason they feel small at times is because they're all isolated. Gormott doesn't connect to Uraya and Uraya doesn't connect to Mor Ardain and etc. That said, i do appreciate some regions being smaller, such as Argentum and Indol. Those two areas are the perfect size for what they are.

That said, X is still the best Xenoblade in terms of exploration. I don't need to play X to know that.

Anyway, for me personally, i'd rank Xenoblade 2 above 1. 1 has the less predictable story but 2 has the better characters. I don't mean in terms of likability (because both casts are great) but in terms of relevancy. As much as i love him, Riki contributed basically nothing to the plot of Xenoblade 1. Sharla and Melia's relevancy also varied throughout the game. Meanwhile, every character in 2 contributes something to the plot and none ever really get shafted (except for maybe one of the villains. I will say that 1 still had the better villains). They all have their own character arcs.

Gameplay-wise, 2 is superior to 1 in many ways. I already offered my thoughts on the quests but in terms of combat, 2 is better. 1 had great combat too but it basically did boil down to "run around while you wait for your Arts to charge and then use them in the right spot". 2's combat had a much better emphasis on strategy and positioning. Canceling auto-attacks into Arts feels great and once you unlock the skill that lets you cancel Arts into Arts, battles become so much better. Setting up those Blade combos and going all out in Chain Attacks feels super satisfying. Really hope some of 2's elements carries over into the next Xenoblade game.

Music-wise, both soundtracks are great, but i gotta give the win to 2. The composer said he wanted to have 2's OST be better than 1's. He succeeded imo. Except for the Final Boss theme. Not that it was bad, it was just "eh" compared to 1's Final Boss theme (no, not God-Slaying Sword because that one was also kinda "eh"). At the very least, 2 wins for not having the terrible song that is Bionis' Interior.

Oh, and all of the Rare Blades have great personalities. Even the controversial Dahlia has a good personality. Except for Dagas. Dagas is probably the worst Blade in terms of personality.

Will i replay this game? Yes. The Blade system guarantees that each playthrough is different. The next update will also add a New Game+, regardless of whether or not you have the Expansion Pass. Said New Game+ will offer new things like "getting those Blades" and being able to dispatch Special Blades like Pyra on Merc Missions.

That said, i'm far from done with this game. I may have beaten the story last week but i still have a lot to do. Where's my KOS-MOS, game? I also need a few other Rare Blades but where's my KOS-MOS, game?!

I should play Xenosaga eventually.
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Was looking to see if there was any news on Gunvolt 3 yet, instead found out The Legend of Dark Witch 3 came out very recently, so I picked that up.

To my surprise, they did away with the Mega Man weapon aspect entirely, as well as parrying. As compensation, R is now a dash attack that uses a hefty chunk of the magic bar. It felt really off and underwhelming to me at first, but after learning how to manage resources I'm realizing it actually allows for some crazy movement when you get the hang of it, and if I think about it subweapons weren't very useful in the previous games outside of boss weaknesses anyway. Level design feels much better than previous entries to my memory, too.

Haven't actually cleared it yet (my hands hurt already lol), but I'd say at $9.99 it's worth picking up for anyone that likes Mega Man style games. I'd also recommend 2 to anyone that hasn't played that. I enjoyed 1, but it's kind of a mess in both game mechanics and localization.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Was looking to see if there was any news on Gunvolt 3 yet,
While there's no news on it, Gunvolt 3 is basically guaranteed. Gunvolt is the face of Inti Creates at this point and Gunvolt 2's secret ending was totally sequel-bait. I'm expecting Gunvolt 3 to come out in 2018 if the previous releases are any indication (Gunvolt 1 came out i 2014, 2 came out in 2016, see the pattern). Gunvolt 3 coming out in 2018 would be good as well, as Inti's got Gal*Gun 2 and Dragon: Marked for Death coming out in 2018 as well. Actually, i believe Inti does have plans for Gunvolt 3, even if nothing's set in stone yet according to an interview.
Hey, how about we actually get a happy ending for once? Gunvolt's been through way too much sadness

instead found out The Legend of Dark Witch 3 came out very recently, so I picked that up.
Oh, there's a third one? I still need to play the second one. The third one is on Switch, i'm guessing?


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Archer Atlas is so dumb and I might have gotten lucky with his level ups. Then again his attack growth is pretty high...

After I made Atlas an archer and leveled him up a bit so he'd be a bit comparable to Leon, I got bored and didn't want to overlevel, so I stopped around level 14-15 and continued Celica's route by getting to Dolth's Keep. It was only after almost beating Dolth's Keep that I realized this dude has 33 freaking base attack. According to the wikis, Atlas caps at 42 attack. He's a level 17 archer meaning he has 43 levels, 3 remaining as archer and 20 each as a sniper and bow knight, to gain 9 more points of attack. His health is also freaking high too at 45 HP and he's supposed to cap at 52 HP. Since he's guaranteed +2 HP from his two promotions, he only needs 5 more points in HP. This is so dumb. Atlas is probably going to cap two stats by the time he reaches bow knight. At this point I don't know if I should even use the Killer Bow on him since it might feel like cheating since he'd hit so damn hard.

And yeah, having two archers makes the swamps more bearable. I'm up to the part where I can exit the Sage's Hamlet, but I think I'm going to grind Palla a bit. She really seems to be falling behind compared to Catria and Est who share the same attack as her, but have higher speed and/or speed. At least she gained a defense point... and nothing else from a level-up. Palla, why? Probably going to grind Mae as well just like I did with Boey since they are kind of useless at times when they can't go anywhere because of their low movement and the goddamn swamps. At least Nomah can heal and now so can Boey.

Also, the moment I heard sage Halcyon's voice, I couldn't figure out where I heard his voice before. He's the big tree dude in BotW. Conrad's pretty goofy and sweet too. He seems kind of like Stahl.

Anyway, for those who played SoV and used the first Mila's Bounty, who did you give the Boots to? A lot of people have been saying Celica because for some reason she nor do any of the mages gain 1 movement when they promote unlike the archers who end up mounted and have +2 range to their bows. With Alm starting with 5 movement, Celica having 5 movement would be nice. Only problem is that during the desert and swamps areas, apparently movement gets rounded down, so she's still stuck with 2 movement where if you gave the Boots to a Dread Fighter, their movement being 8 means they would have 4 movement in deserts and swamps and Alm having 6 movement would help for forests.

Edit: Okay, either the developers think we're idiots or there are a ton of inattentive players of FEH. Nintendo Mobile just uploaded a video on how to access and use the weapon refinery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KUbUPtr_lc.

Edit 2: Edit Harder: Huh, the dude pronounced Bartre's name as "Bart-tray". I'm still gonna call him "Bart-er". Speaking of Bartre, I think I might build my +Def, -Res Bartre into a physical wall. His defense isn't as high as Beruka, Dorcas, Frederick, Hinata, BH Ike, summer Xander, or Lukas's, but Bartre's HP pool is still the highest out of the infantry units, so 49 HP and 36 defense is pretty good physical bulk. Defense forged weapons would increase it to 54 HP and 40 HP. He can also afford to take Fortress Def's -3 attack like Lukas because of his high base attack, so there's that too. The only issue other than having abysmal resistance is that Bartre's a bit too fast unlike Lukas who can get everyone to double him and take little to no physical damage. Whatever, I'll figure it out later.

Oh, and I just saw this. Yeah, I might limit my summons tonight to just 2, especially if Gunnthra ends up being a free unit and if I can get at least bride Charlotte. If not, then whatever, let's see what the New Year's banner holds.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016


The one on the right looks like it's Azura, Will i actually get her this time? But then there's the matter of Gunnthra possibly not being free. Smh. This is BS.

Source: https://twitter.com/FE_Heroes_JP/status/946214370996088833
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Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Ah, I kinda knew I get picked up by you. I hoped it was as good as you claimed it was, but eh. Nothing can beat high expectations.

I have to strongly disagree with this. The part about the dub destroying Pyra's personality. Her English VA conveys the same personality, especially in her Heart-to-Hearts. Even as someone who prefers subs in anime, i much rather prefer English Pyra.
Thats fine and dandy, but... speaking of main-story, or even the first few moments, heck, even the part where poppy pulls, it just is "What. Oh." "Sure." I don't know if you have a specific Pyra in mind, but I played *** and english on and off till chapter 4, and you -can- still look at the story scenes afterwards via the theater thing. Even has a quick-settings function.
And... I kinda have to say, I don't see how they are 1:1 the same. Eng Pyra sounds more like your casual girl, with low emotion in her voice, whilst the *** one transforms her into a... well...
With this spoiler, I think people can make their own judgement. Spoilers for chapter 1 inbound, ofc.

Edit: WELL, this post got long, so I spoiler the rest up. Sorry!
It's also worth noting that this is her Eng VA's first role and for a first role, she did a good job (actually, pretty much all of the English VAs were newcomers). At the end of the day, it's personal preference, but i much prefer the English dub because it makes the world feel so much more alive. Also Nia's Welsh accent is 10/10. Shoutouts to Morag for being Scottish. Also being able to understand the talking during battle. Also, JP Pyra's screams make my ears bleed.
Well, while thats nice and all, it doesn't change the fact of its quality. If you get operated, you want a satisfying result too, or would you be okay with some bad news, attached to "It was his first operation"?
But I digress.
As said, I do like most of the english cast. Thats why I was so conflicted in changing over, since I'd be missing out on the combat chatter after a victory. And well, JP Pyra's screams are... pretty standard. Atleast she isn't pulling a Rex Scream.

Really? I had the exact opposite experience. If anything, how you described 2's quests is exactly how i would describe 1's quests. Map issues aside, very rarely did i feel lost when doing a quest in 2. Compared to 1, where i constantly had to have the Wiki open because quests were so vague. "My son is lost in Eryth Sea. Please find him" Haha, do you know how big Eryth Sea is and also how Eryth Sea is the worst area in Xenoblade 1 in terms of navigation? 2 actually tells you where to go, which is a big plus when the world is huge. I hear X also had very vague quests but i haven't played it so...
Eh, I never said Xeno 1's was better. I just pointed out flaws that could be improved on in general. If somethings bad, its bad, comparing it to anything won't do much, except making the other thing look bad too.

And I guess you are right, it often -was- the map issues now that I think back on it.
And collection, well. I dislike how the one rare drop falls off a cliff occasionally, but generally it's the same. Collecting junk is time-saving, but less explorative, and while its rewarding, it's hardly done with much thought. I often just put my mum on salvage duty while I was buying dinner, since its that... well, repeditive. But you can complete it better, thats for sure.

Haha, wait until Ch.7. Ch.7 is probably my least favorite chapter in terms of gameplay because it asks for Field Skills too many times to progress the story. Thankfully, most of it is just elemental mastery that you can stack with Common Blades.
Ah, I'll look forward to it then. I got most of my skills by now onto 2-3 levels. Affinity is honestly pretty nice. I just wish Nopon wisdom was more common tho... I want this one specific door to open in the guild.

I felt that way too but it's not because the regions themselves are small. Quite the contrary, they are very big and there's lot to explore. The reason they feel small at times is because they're all isolated. Gormott doesn't connect to Uraya and Uraya doesn't connect to Mor Ardain and etc. That said, i do appreciate some regions being smaller, such as Argentum and Indol. Those two areas are the perfect size for what they are.
Eh, I'd say size-wise yes, but... still. I feel often like:
"There is no way, that an entire war can be done, with this little land. I thought the war was -about- gaining land. Refugrees swarming from one titan to the other. Why is there so much space left/used?!"

That said, X is still the best Xenoblade in terms of exploration. I don't need to play X to know that.

Anyway, for me personally, i'd rank Xenoblade 2 above 1. 1 has the less predictable story but 2 has the better characters. I don't mean in terms of likability (because both casts are great) but in terms of relevancy. As much as i love him, Riki contributed basically nothing to the plot of Xenoblade 1. Sharla and Melia's relevancy also varied throughout the game. Meanwhile, every character in 2 contributes something to the plot and none ever really get shafted (except for maybe one of the villains. I will say that 1 still had the better villains). They all have their own character arcs.
Well, I dunno about relevancy, but some of Poppy's relevance was a bit shoehorned... even if I adore her. But yeah, I can agree with the characters. It's definitely a very strong point about Xenoblade 2, since I struggled who to replace once I got the 4th member.
And since I hate Tiger Tiger... well, you can figure who got the axe.

Gameplay-wise, 2 is superior to 1 in many ways. I already offered my thoughts on the quests but in terms of combat, 2 is better. 1 had great combat too but it basically did boil down to "run around while you wait for your Arts to charge and then use them in the right spot". 2's combat had a much better emphasis on strategy and positioning. Canceling auto-attacks into Arts feels great and once you unlock the skill that lets you cancel Arts into Arts, battles become so much better. Setting up those Blade combos and going all out in Chain Attacks feels super satisfying. Really hope some of 2's elements carries over into the next Xenoblade game.
Thats rather debateable. Combat is definitely better and more scenic in 2, but shulk's arts were far more interesting to think about, aswell with the entire skill-system, that was frankly, far better solved than in Xeno-2.

And well, as said. It has many fresh ideas, which still need refining. It certainly will be an magnificent next game, if they'll add on, instead of dismiss.

Music-wise, both soundtracks are great, but i gotta give the win to 2. The composer said he wanted to have 2's OST be better than 1's. He succeeded imo.
Well, agreed. Music is in general better. Some single tracks from XC1 may be better, but overall XC2 is the winner.

the Expansion Pass. Said New Game+ will offer new things
Oh yeah, I forgott the dlc. I might give it an ng+ after all, depending on if I can carry over stuff. And if they patch a goddamn skip-option for blade-summons, and... 'other' things.

That said, i'm far from done with this game. I may have beaten the story last week but i still have a lot to do. Where's my KOS-MOS, game? I also need a few other Rare Blades but where's my KOS-MOS, game?!

I should play Xenosaga eventually.
Ouph, Xenosaga will take you alot of stamina. And Kos-Mos, I never got why its so insanely sought after. I might miss something about it? (Well, except its strength.)
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Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
I hear X also had very vague quests but i haven't played it so...
X had some fantastic guidance, who told you this.
Where you have to go on the map is shown with a huge blue dot, and when you get near the area, a yellow circle appears around the location on the map. The circle is opaque if you have the same elevation as the destination, and it'll become more transparent the further away you are from it height-wise (there's no indication if you have to specifically move up or down like in 2, but it's usually pretty easy to figure out). You also have the follow ball but that thing has a 50/50 chance of working and most people forget about it anyways so ye.
The only vague quests are 1) material collecting quests since they just say "look for _____ in Sylvalum" or something like that which isn't helpful at all, and 2) the "Off The Record" set of quests which were purposely designed to be vague (there's 3 missions and each has 3 parts to it. Each part is a riddle of what you have to do and there is no map guidance for help. Even after figuring out what you have to do, the tasks you have to do can be tedious). Even then you could just look up both online since the guides for X are fantastic. (As I'm typing this up I just remembered The Blood Lobster quest which is also vague. You have to find 100 stuffed lobsters hidden throughout NLA and there isn't map guidance or hints or anything. I never ended up finishing it since X has so much to do and I'd rather not deal with something annoying like that when there's plenty more to do.)

@ New Years banner, I have 1 word to say about it.

And Kos-Mos, I never got why its so insanely sought after. I might miss something about it? (Well, except its strength.)
I think it's partly due to her being 1 of the only 2 Light Blades in the game, the other being the one you get in the story (idk a better way to say that without spoiling anything).

Ew again
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Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2015
Persona kids, Persona squids.
Electra, Vess and Gorbes (I forgot if this is his name or not, but either way; it's the fatty with a huge stomach mouth).

Currently gave Electra to Morag, whereas Vess and Gorbes are with Nia. I do plan on giving everyone (Except Tora because he can't bond with Blades. :c) the weapons they can obtain. So I might end giving Theory to say Morag and Praxis to Rex. So at least everyone has a unique Rare Blade to use. Though I might give Vess to Morag or Zeke if I have enough Overdrives.
Also, Buddhahobo Buddhahobo a new event is happening in Duel Links now, it's a reenactment of the Battle City Arc; where we also get to unlock Arkana, plus tons of new archetypes and support are added too.

Volcanic, Dark World, Cloudian, Lightsworns, Gem-Knight and Dark Magician Support. Plus, I guess we also got another Forbidden "Archetype" card being Forbidden Dress.

Oh, and Slifer & Obelisk are now in the game. If I can (And hopefully get enough Gems), I wouldn't mind spending them on the new box. Best get to grinding then!
TBH, a lot of that stuff sounds a bit too...varied, I guess? It wouldn't surprise me if they're increasing the level cap and some of these cards are their Level 45 rewards or something, not cards for whatever the next pack is.

I do like how the Battle City event is set up like the Duelist Kingdom event was; now I just need to figure out a good auto-Ra deck to grind dice while I read.

Eh. I've got my Axe Lissa. If any of them are fliers I'll think about it.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Well, the new seasonal banner leaked


We also get M!Corrin, Camilla, and Takumi

Male Corrin is an Archer. Takumi is a dagger user. Camilla is a flying sword. AZURA IS A FLYING SINGING AXE!!!!

If any of them are fliers I'll think about it.
Start thinking about it.

I hoped it was as good as you claimed it was, but eh. Nothing can beat high expectations.
I do apologize. I just really love this game. It's my GOTY 2017.

The rest is going in spoilers because it's long
Well, while thats nice and all, it doesn't change the fact of its quality. If you get operated, you want a satisfying result too, or would you be okay with some bad news, attached to "It was his first operation"?
Alright, i know what you're trying to say but going from voice acting to medical operation is a pretty big leap. I will agree that first-timers shouldn't get a pass but i personally do think that the English voice actors did a good job. Especially Malos. His English voice is among the best i've heard. I'd put him right up there with English Berkut.

And well, JP Pyra's screams are... pretty standard. Atleast she isn't pulling a Rex Scream.
Counterpoint: Rex's Eng screams are easier on the ears.

Eh, I never said Xeno 1's was better. I just pointed out flaws that could be improved on in general. If somethings bad, its bad, comparing it to anything won't do much, except making the other thing look bad too.
Fair point. It's just that you said that 2's quests were "frustratingly unspecific" which i didn't really understand how. Thanks for the clarification though.

I just wish Nopon wisdom was more common tho... I want this one specific door to open in the guild.
Don't open it yet. If you open it right now, you'll be disappointed. Wait until after Ch.6 because a quest will require you to open it but said quest unlocks after a certain point in Ch.6

Eh, I'd say size-wise yes, but... still. I feel often like:
"There is no way, that an entire war can be done, with this little land. I thought the war was -about- gaining land. Refugrees swarming from one titan to the other. Why is there so much space left/used?!"
I think it could be chalked up to the structure of the gameplay. I remember Nia mentioning in Ch.2 that Torigoth was Gormott's biggest city and i was like "more like Gormott's only city". You will see NPCs mention towns and even Titans that you'll never actually go to. So i do think the world in Xenoblade 2 is bigger than what we're shown. Later on, it's also indirectly stated that Alrest's population isn't that big to begin with.

but shulk's arts were far more interesting to think about, aswell with the entire skill-system, that was frankly, far better solved than in Xeno-2.
For Shulk's Monado Arts, they were definitely more interesting late-game. Early-game, it was just spam Monado Enchant and Buster.

As for the Skill Trees, 1's were better......if you constantly changed your party. I always had Shulk in the lead which meant that he had the most Affinity with everyone else which means only he could full take advantage of Skill Trees. 2 doesn't have that issue which is why i personally prefer 2's Skill Trees since i make it a rule to always have the protag in the lead.

And Kos-Mos, I never got why its so insanely sought after. I might miss something about it? (Well, except its strength.)
Basically, she's one of two Light Blades in the game, the other being Mythra. Well, Poppi can be a Light Blade with the Light Mod but that requires Tiger Tiger.

X had some fantastic guidance, who told you this
Chuggaconroy said it in his Xenoblade 2 Q&A but he could've likely just been referring to the collecting quests, which likely include The Blood Lobster.



Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Well, New-year hype, and I guess all thats been said, has been said. Nothing really left to add to the Xeno-2 discussion, I think we both understand each others point by now pretty well, and can agree over the majority of things.

Also, hah. Easier of the ears.

Edit: Xeno-X had good guidance?
Edit Edit: Neeevermind, I missread. Yeah, it had pretty good guidance overall I'd say. Exceptions will always excist, imo.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Male Corrin is an Archer. Takumi is a dagger user. Camilla is a flying sword. AZURA IS A FLYING SINGING AXE!!!!
They are really hellbent on making Azura an axe user, huh? Kind of makes sense since axes tend to be associated with people with high strength and some axes are polearms which could be something a lance and spear user could be familiar with.

Going off of Cress!'s post...
NY Azura's 37 HP, 30 Atk, 35 Spd, 22 Def, and 26 Res gives her 150 BST and pretty much the same stat spread as her regular and Nohrian dancer/PA self. A flying dancer is pretty freaking awesome.

NY Camilla's 40 HP, 33 Atk, 35 Spd, 31 Def, and 23 Res gives her 162 BST. She's basically a +Res, -Spd Ayra and Ayra's stat spread makes me think of Selena since you can abuse her high speed and bulk, but she and NY Camilla have an actual attack stat. I've been waiting for a high defense sword flier, so yeah, I'll take her. NY Camilla is definitely the one I want the most.

NY M!Corrin's 37 HP, 32 Atk, 30 Spd, 34 Def, and 18 Res gives him 151 BST which is 2 under Faye's. His stat spread's a bit weird... He has higher defense (+4) and resistance (+3) than Leon, but less attack (-2) and HP (-2). Also, the same speed. So, NY M!Corrin's bulk would be 71 total or 53x2 physical and 55 total or 37x2 magical compared to Leon's 69 total or 50x2 physical and 54 total or 35x2 magical. So, he's a bit bulkier than Leon, but if you wanted a physically bulky archer, there's Gordin who has much higher HP pool, 43 HP, but he'd get doubled more easily and stupidly enough, Virion's massive HP pool gives him 72 total or 49x2 physical bulk, so Virion would only lose out if you double him. NY M!Corrin's also in a weird spot if you wanted to use him as an offensive archer since you could use Jeorge, Klein, Leon, or Virion at the cost of them having worse physical bulk. Eh, I don't know what to make of him.

NY Takumi's 40 HP, 34 Atk, 34 Spd, 17 Def, and 27 Res gives him 152 BST. That 34/34 offenses, 40 HP, and 27 resistance. He only loses to Kagero in defense by 5 points, but he has 9 more HP than her. Kagero's physical bulk is 53 total or 38x2 while NY Takumi's is 57 total or 37x2, so it's basically the same.

I really want NY Camilla. It could have been anyone from Ashnard through a GHB to a sword-wielding Glenn as a TT unit. I really want a high defense sword flier and NY Camilla seems like the closest thing at the moment and I love her art. She looks kind of like a cat and that freaking bamboo slab of a sword is hilarious. A flying dancer would be cool, but NY Camilla, though. I probably won't be able to get her since she's a red and I probably won't be able to get Azura considering I've never summoned her. I don't think I've even summoned her while re-rolling way back.

It's going to start in January, so that means a new monthly set of quests and paralogue for orbs. I think I'm done with the winter banner as much as I want winter Chrom and Tharja and I think I'm going to limit myself to 2 full summons for the legendary banner tonight. If I get bride Charlotte, then yeah, I'm done with that banner. Amelia, spring Chrom, spring Lucina, they're all bonuses. I just want a bride Charlotte and preferably one that's +Atk, -Res or +Spd, -Res. Cue me getting +Res, -Atk because +Res, -Spd isn't all that bad when she still has 36 base attack.

Speaking of stats, Gunnthra's was datamined as well.

Surprise! She's kind of normal.

Link: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/79948-legandary-hero-fest-2-gunnthrá-voice-of-dreams/&page=5&tab=comments#comment-5093660.

Gunnthra's 37 HP, 31 Atk, 33 Spd, 19 Def, and 25 Res gives her a regular ranged cavalry's BST of 145. That said, her offenses are pretty good when she's kind of like Ursula if she dumped 5 points of resistance for +2 attack, +1 speed, and +2 resistance.

Edit: Oh wait, they found the New Year's units' weapons and skills: https://serenesforest.net/forums/in...r-from-dec-31/&do=findComment&comment=5093700.

NY Takumi has a freaking killer dagger. The others have the defensive versions of the Nohrian Summer units' weapons where they buff defense and resistance instead of attack and speed. Also, by 2 instead of 1 like the Nohrian Summer weapons.
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Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
Okay I know that I got Odyssey on Christmas and so I've only had 3 days to play it but I just beat Darker Side :colorful:
And the next banner is up, let's see what my free summo-
+HP -Spd though, but that's still solid for a free summon.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Not only is Gunnthra not a free unit (at the moment), but I got absolutely nothing from her banner!

3* Eliwood #1: +Res, -Spd.

3* Gunter: +Def, -HP.

3* Niles: +HP, -Res.

4* Seliph: +HP, -Res. Well, that's better than +HP, -Def.

3* Serra: +HP, -Spd.

3* Barst #1: +Res, -Atk. Aw, hell no. You're Reposition fodder for Fjorm right away.

3* Barst #2: +Def, -Atk. Yeah, twist my arm why don't you?

3* Eliwood #2: +Atk, -Spd.

3* Fir: +Res, -Def.

4* Odin: +Def, -Spd.

Not even a 4* Athena, Lilina, Peri, Soleil, or any freaking unit I never summoned or don't have a lot of. All I wanted was just bride Charlotte and maybe Gunnthra knowing she's not a story-obtained unit. Welp, I'll just save my orbs for the New Year's banner.
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