Good God, DFO has so many damn characters to choose from. I guess I HAVE to get back into playing it again.
Any of you gorlos wanna give Dungeon Fighter Online a try? Iz a fun game that isn't graphic intensive. PvP is pretty dope too if you're a fan of Double Dragons/Oldschool Arcade Beat Em Ups. It should also be noted that the game is being ran by the developers. So if you have a problem, it'll actually be addressed. Parties can get as big as 4 people total, so I can carry/power level you gorls up until level 40ish.
Also the game is client sided, so you can mod characters to look different or sound different. Ability graphics can also be changed. I think that's where 25% of the fun comes from tbh.
How many gorls here play OW on pc again?
Me but I barely play it anymore.
Play so you can look at my new golden guns (Ana's golden gun and Symmetra's golden microwave). :^)
Also pls save me from competitive.
I think I'm going to choose Lyn as my free unit and then pull for Roy
I don't care about Lucina at all and Ike isn't that interesting to me when I have Hector/Amelia/Sheena
Why do people like Lucina so much? She was boring in Awakening and isn't even a good waifu. At least characters like Tharja and Camilla are pretty obvious as to why they're so popular, but Lucina is just lame
Yeah, I agree with Ike being a so-so option. I figured we'd eventually get Urvan Ike. But I was hoping it'd be FE10 Ike. Beorc Blessing is one of the main reasons to get him and it can't be given to other units so... OOOOOOPS.
As for Lucina, I think the reason she's well received is because of a few things:
1) Badass sword chick.
2) Not a T

tty Monster for cheap popularity boosting.
3) She's a classic "serious to a fault" character, which is usually easy to make funny somehow.
4) As a unit she is VERY good. RNG-screwed--proof.
5) Even though she's a serious character, her supports are still pretty decent. Not top tier, but good enough.
That's what I meant, too. His sing command healed units, not gave them another turn.
I guess him being Aqua's son would be enough for them to make him a flying dancer, but idk if IS would want to do that. A dancer with unrestricted movement sounds scary, especially if his offensive stats were anything like what they were in Fates (and he would have access to flier buffs, too).
Tbh if they ever add him into the game, I expect him to just be another lance flier. A flying dancer would be cool, but I'm not sure if I could see them ever adding one to the game.
I hope if we do get flying dancers/singers, they would be Herons from FE9/FE10. However I doubt we'll ever get flying dancers. I would really like a flying healer though since it wouldn't be pushing it. (Elincia was part flying healer, Falcon Knights can use staves depending on the game, etc)