A guaranteed Neutral Lyn is indeed very tempting but she's my least favorite of the 4. I think I'd rather just take my chances, since her insane stats and her horse means ANY nature for her is good
Lucina is probably just gonna be the same but with a Lance, and probably the same for Ike but with an Axe.
Also, Lyn's stats are insane, and we all knew a mounted archer was gonna wreck **** up, but there are some positives.
For me, it's the opposite. Lyn might be my favorite out of the four. It would probably be something like Ike and Lyn and then Lucina and Roy. Not sure if I like Roy more than Lucina... Lyn holds a special place when she's first lord for me since Blazing Sword was my first Fire Emblem game. I might have known Marth, Roy, and Ike before her, but Blazing Sword let me get to know her, Eliwood, and Hector more and before Marth, Ike who is just a badass, and whenever Binding Blade actually gets remade, Roy.
As a unit, she's like a don't look a gift horse in the mouth situation for me. CYL Lyn seems like the obvious pick when she's the first mounted archer who also has good attack and speed and she's a colorless unit. If she wasn't targeting defense, but resistance, the generally lower stat of the two defenses, she would arguably be the best unit. Her total attack would be lower than Reinhardt's if she were running a Brave Bow build, but her speed is so much higher that she could easily close the gap by just doubling with a Brave Bow. Or alternatively, she could use Firesweep Bow letting her keep her high speed and have a higher total attack.
Going for +Atk or +Spd CYL Lyn would be cool, but it's like, "Dude, you don't have a 5* archer, you can't guarantee you'll get her outside of the free, selectable CYL summon everyone gets, she's the only mounted archer for the time being, and she's Lyn." She might be broken, she might be overused and overpicked by everyone, but my luck with archers isn't great, so I shouldn't be complaining.
I could bank on my luck with greens in getting CYL Ike, it would be nice to have CYL Roy because it's cute how he's wearing his father's clothes, but he's shorter than Eliwood at his age, so his clothes bunches up a little and looks big on him -- apparently you can also see this on his chibi sprite and comparing it with Eliwood's --, and CYL Lucina being literally lance Lucina with something like 34/36 offenses would be really good considering the only units who can compare are bride Charlotte with 36/32 offenses, summer F!Robin with 32/34 offenses, and Sharena with 32/32 offenses. Except for Sharena, the others are seasonal and Lucina probably will be too. Nephenee when?
1. CYL Ike can counter her pretty hard if he has decent defense.
It's Ike. I can't think of a variation of Ike who wouldn't have at least 30 defense. If summer Xander can be in swim trunks and have 36 base defense, then Ike can too.
There's also Urvan's effect of reducing every attack after the first by 80%.
Part of me feels like it would be interesting if CYL Ike is the Chrom to regular Ike's bunny Chrom. Ike can't use Urvan or axes until RD when he becomes a Vanguard. RD Ike strikes me as a slower, but bulkier dude than PoR Ike. CYL Ike might just be axe Ike, but to me, it would be cool if his stats end up something like 43 HP, 37 Atk, 24 Spd, 36 Def, and 18 Res. With Urvan reducing follow-up attack damage by 80%, CYL Ike getting doubled might not be a problem and his high defense would make it a real problem to try and physically take him down. With Distant Counter, his mages better hope they can take a hit from him if they can't nuke him in one hit or their weakened follow-up after Desperation can't finish him off.
Lyn's gonna be insane but tbh I'm just glad the broken archer isn't in a stupid wedding dress
I-I like bride Cordelia and bride Lyn. Bride Cordelia has beautiful art and bride Lyn is funny (even though we can't hear her special quotes normally). ._.