Are there any things to note before merging heroes?
I'm looking through my barracks and running some numbers and I think it would be a good idea to 4*+10 some of the units I never touch.
Currently I'd be able to do it with Florina, Draug, and Gwendolyn. Then maybe Beruka or Camilla down the line.
Besides what Lil Puddin went through where merged heroes means fighting teams from the deepest parts of Hell even the Devil dare not venture? Nope.
Other than their boon and bane and merged units retaining any skill inherited or not and learned if they were, +10 merge means +4 to their stats, so if you really like them and don't think you can get or don't want to invest in them to get them to 5* +10, then go ahead. Personally, I don't use merged units at all unless it's done for skills at low rarities and I know I'm going to get them to 5*. That and who knows, maybe those units' skills can be useful for something. Draug's Ward Armor is essential for armor teams and you can get Brave Sword from him.
Anyway, apparently I never checked summer Xander's quotes until yesterday and I gotta say, I love them. He sounds so awkward and paranoid at times. Summer Xander's like the super serious, but goofy guy. My favorite line from him has to be: "I left my retainers behind. Worrisome. Chaos is ever their companion." You just know he's trying to relax on vacation -- forcibly or otherwise --, but he knows his retainers are that wacky and he's terrified they would burn down his kingdom because of their antics. It's also the opposite of his regular self's quote where he snarks about them; Xander asks where Laslow and Peri are and says they're probably lazing around. Speaking of his retainers, this screams Laslow: "I was asked to compose a list categorizing every... beauty of the beach? Odd request." And his "Sorting seashells... This one from that one... Good fun", sounds like something Elise or maybe even Camilla or Corrin forced him to recite in a happy way, but it comes out terribly from him because, well, he's Xander. This dude is a stern-looking, imposing man and he's talking about seashells. Man, I love Xander.
Tomato Leo would have been fun too since he complains about everything, but I've since given up on the Nohrian Summer banner.
On the subject of voices, I don't like Seth's special quotes. They're monotonous, but not in a good way like Jaffar or Klein's special quotes where they're calm, very calculated, and in Jaffar's case, menacing. It wouldn't fit Seth I think, but Gunter, Hawkeye, and Jagen are normally calm-sounding, but their special quotes are definitely passionate. Seth's are almost like they were phoned in and because of that Seth has to be the weakest performance by Chris Smith. Legion is his best performance, but that's to be expected when you're voicing a crazy killer, so, you have to give him personality, and Reinhardt is good in both poke quotes and special quotes. Seth's like good poke quotes, the sound and tone seems like Seth, but I imagined Seth sounding... sexier... Ahem, but his special quotes are just bad. Seth overall is just meh. Nothing about him is outstanding or bad. Actually, there is something that is outstanding and that is how ridiculously thick his sword is in his artwork.
And I end this with tribute to +Spd, -Def Subaki (who I thought was -Atk) that pissed me off when I had barely any blues way back. May his sacrifice make him useful as Xander now has Quick Riposte 3. Also, those 22k feathers I spent on you better become the most perfect pillow or I swear I will find you and hurt you.