Tana is arguably the best Pegasus rider now.
No kidding. Tana has the distinction of being both a very good offensive unit and a very good defensive unit whose only weakness are enemy archers, but you generally shouldn't be putting her out there to tank them or whatever. Offense is easy since she has Lucina's 34 attack and 36 speed which means she can run Brave Lance or Firesweep Lance just as well as Cordelia. Defense, however. Let's just say she's on the level of Xander being able to tank units with Sapphire Lances or T-Adept against him because of Vidofnir's +7 defense to axes, lances, and swords and maybe Lukas when they get defense buffs.
Last night, a couple of people were talking about Tana's tanking ability on Serene's Forest:
With Vidofnir, she technically always has 32 effective defense when attacked. That's 3 under Subaki, but she leads with 9 more base attack and would be equipped with a 16 MT lance. Slap on Close Def or even Fortress Def so she'd always have +5 to her defense and she'd be one tough, spiked wall to overcome. The hilarity is you can even give her L&3 and she'd only drop down to 27 effective defense when attacked because Vidofnir negates most of it. Have fun.
Personally, I'd keep Vidofnir and make Tana into a tank. A tank with high attack and speed is pretty awesome when you think about it and Cordelia already comes with Brave Lance, so it's like why go through the hassle? Having Cordelia and Tana means you'd have the best offensive and the best defensive/offensive lance flyers.
The sad part is that Hinoka's stat spread is actually Tana's, but if she had "unnecessarily high HP". Tana has 36 HP, 34 Atk, 36 Spd, 25 Def, and 25 Res to Hinoka's 41 HP, 35 Atk, 32 Spd, 25 Def, and 24 Res. What's even worse is that Hinoka in Fates apparently comes with Guard Naginata that could have made her what Tana is today.
I just pulled a +atk -def Tana while trying to get Amelia (there were no green orbs)
Tana and Amelia both have insane stat spreads. Amelia's BST is like 173 lol
Aw, if only you summoned a =Def Tana or something like +Atk, -HP or -Res so you could tank everything with her.
Seth: ...Oh my sweet summer child, what did they do to you? D:
They kept him in his wounded state during Sacred Stones. Actually, does his wound even heal after the story or does it still take longer or end up like what happened to Frodo where he feels pain from it every now and again?
Anyway, with Eldigan and Xander whose stat spreads are really good to begin with, Seth can't really compare and I don't think any sword cavalier can compare unless they show up with 36 neutral attack and 36 neutral defense, 42-ish HP, and crap speed and resistance, but who cares since you're a monster of a wall on a glorious stallion. So... Sigurd's probably going to be a disappointment. Back to Seth, if you compare him to Cain, Luke, and Stahl, he's kind of good.
Seth has 37 HP, 32 Atk, 31 Spd, 32 Def, and 22 Res which makes him a reverse Eliwood. He has the lowest HP compared to the others, but all of that got dumped into defense and kind of resistance. He has 1 less speed than Cain, but higher defense than Stahl (to the point where if you get a -Def Seth like I did, he's still comparable in defense --, and ties with Stahl's resistance which is the highest out of them. With offense, he's around Cain's level, but a little worse because of 1 less speed. Luke hits harder, but Luke's speed is kind of weird. 28 speed could have been 24 so he'd have 34 defense or something.
Eh, Seth's kind of like a mounted Saber or a cavalier Minerva which isn't that great, but isn't that bad since as a cavalier, he has less BST. Seth has 154 BST and if you just dumped 3 into his HP, his stat spread would be almost like Minerva and Saber's. There's also the issue of color since red has a ton of units so it's just this red blob, but if Seth were an axe cavalier, he'd probably be considered pretty good since there isn't a sort of balanced cavalier except for Titania, but she's a mage tank instead of Seth's more physical tank.
In other news, after 100+ orbs I'm still Corrinless, thankfully Tempest prizes and log-in bonuses exist so there's still hope.
You and me. I'm still torn if I want to keep dumping orbs to try and get a flying mage when training tower can be re-rolled and knowing Aversa will show up eventually or keeping my orbs and using them for something else.