how triggered are you that i have sacrificed both katarina and celica for SI? ;)
Less triggered and more annoyed. It's knowing that people can get so many different red mages they can use them for other stuff while I'm stuck here only being able to use Raigh and Sophia with Sophia being the only useful one for skill inheritance because of Dragon Fang and Fortify Res compared to Raigh's just Rally Attack since HP +4 isn't that great compared to using someone else who can get HP +5 for a healer or something and Seal Res is meh. Even then, I'd rather have someone learn Hone or Spur Attack. Also, Henry, but -Atk is terrible on him. Having multiple copies of Henry would be pretty awesome since Sophia can get Rauorraven and G Tomebreaker and I could give Ignis to units like Beruka, Eldigan, Michalis, Selena -- she has a specific, primarily singleplayer build where she gradually grinds through battles through self-sustain with Fury 3 improving her bulk and Renewal healing her so that she can do massive damage with Ignis --, etc. and I wouldn't have had to spent a F!Robin for Ignis on Lukas -- best decision ever by the way.
It's also really annoying in stuff like Tempest Trials, Squad Assault, or Arena Assault where if I choose to use Raigh or Sophia because Boey or some other high defense, low(er) green mage shows up, I'm screwed if another one shows up because if they die on the way there in TT or because of Assault rules, I'm left with only one red mage left and -Res Tiki who explodes to magic. Otherwise, I'm stuck using my green mages which works, but they're going to take more damage and sometimes deal less damage than a red mage.
I've had several times where Boey showed up while training some of my units recently where he only took like 4 to 8 damage from red swords and these are sword units with average attack. I was not training Fir or Selena, but Draug, Lloyd, Navarre, and Palla, units with ~30 attack by the time they're 5*. It's even worse because randomized stat boosts and changes can make him, Merric, and Veronica for that matter fast too, so RIP using units like Lucina to try and brute force through their defense. At least Henry is both slow and has low attack, but Boey's only main weakness is that he's weak to magic and skirts below being below-average in speed.
Man, I hate fighting green mages. It's one thing to explode from nukers and glass cannons; it's another to also explode from the tanks.