Not too sure if I'll use Eirika as I already have Lon'qu but we'll see. Abel is my first cavalier unit so I'll definitely use him plus I heard he's pretty good. Eh to the rest of them.
Forgot to screencap the summoning session for this one. Julia's weapon is effective against dragons which means I finally have a dragon killer so I'll use her. She also has Dragon Gaze/Fang, Resistance + 1-3 and Breath of Life. I also got a 4- star Frederick and Hana who I may use, and a 3 star Florina and Nino.
Nothing really special here as I already had a 4 star Camilla but I'll train this one up as it means I won't have to upgrade my 4 star one and waste my hard earned hero feathers and great badges.
A mini rant, but the amount of Takumi's I face in the arena disgusts me. Always brings me great pleasure when my Camilla or Cordelia defeat him. Say no to pineapples!