I finally collected enough pokecoins (without using real money) to buy an incubator. I'll also get +2 incubators when I reach lv25...which is now my next upcoming level!
With my two incubators I worked towards hatching 2 10km eggs at the same time. Held out on them so I could do that. Prayers were for a
On top of that, I had ~25 individual Pokemon with 80-100% IVs and high CP which I was holding out to evolve all at once with a lucky egg on. I did that tonight, and timed it for my double 10km egg hatch. Short story is that I got a LOT. Of XP, plus many stronger pokes.
Winners of Tonight:
The first 5 all have great IVs, AND GOT THE BEST MOVESETS! I've been trying for an amazing Venomoth for since I started. I'll have to up its CP via powerups a bit, but two 15 IVs and Bug Bite/Bug Buzz. Worth iT.
The last 4 are all decent. Dewgong with Ice shard/Blizzard is goo. Tentacruel has dual poison moves, though sludge wave isn't the best move choice, still good. Vileplume had Acid, which is a bit worse than Razor leaf, BUT IT HAD SOLAR BEAM. Considering how long I'd waited on Vileplume, Solar beam was the hope. Gengar had the lowest IVs of the group with an even 80%, but it got the perfect moveset so I iz happy.
Decent Evolutions:
FINALLY. A BLASTOISE. It had Ice beam instead of the better Hydro Pump, but otherwise great. Probably should be up with wins of the night. Clefable had like, 93% IVs, such an anticipated evolution, then it gets double wrong moves. ;_; Ivy and Graveler are coo, getting closer with them, but don't have the candies quite yet. Nidoking had the wrong strong move, but overall content. Butterfree had dual psychic moves which is bl useless, but kind of cool.
Least Exciting Evolutions:
If any of them had perfect movesets, that would be cool, but alas, none of these did. Kingler, Starmie, Persian, Sandslash, and Seaking were basically just for the new dex entries then. None of them are very powerful anyways. Victreebel and Beedrill were respectively my 2nd and 3rd attempts here, good IVs, but screwed on the movesets once again. Back to collecting 125 candies for the dang bell again...
After all the evos then my eggs hatched. I got
and dang was I salty when I saw an Eevee waste one of my 10km eggs. It's IVs are good, but likely not incredible. Pinsir was a cool one, new dex entry. But that was the extent of the novelty when it had mediocre IVs and a depressing moveset. After that I promptly walked and hatched a 2km
bringing my candy total to 183. Almost halfway to a Gyrados...
After that I went out to dinner, and just before reaching the restaurant found a flipping
!! It turned out to be just for candies when it has mid 500s CP and bad IVs, but still!
Then a quick stop at the mall, (with terrifyingly low battery left) and I caught
Pretty surprising yield for only 15 minutes! Jynx is not common outside of specific locations like the mall, but 3 in a couple of minutes was surprising. They're trying to be the nest Pokemon, but Drowzee army has that on lock. I cri when a Squirtle fled. Especially happy to get more Kabuto candies. They're so hard to find!
It was a lot of stuff today! Prayers for the blessT