Good thing I'm an SNK fan.
Indeed. At least with SNK, the only thing they're willing to promise is that they will release a game.
Granted, it may not be good and the company may shut down at any moment, but they don't sugar coat the reality of the situation. It's that sort of attitude that went into KoF XIII; you didn't buy it because you wanted to play KoF bought it because it made you a decent person.
...because Street Fighter V is actually a really good game outside of its awful PR/content stuff?
Err...I'd argue "actually a really good game outside of it's awful content stuff" would be a pretty valid reason to critique.
Very few people say it's flat out a bad game (comparisons to SFIV are, of course, frequent, but that's to be expected, and "boring" can come up a lot but that too is to be expected when compared to a game with Ultra Combos and 8 years meta development), but it's abundantly clear they released an unfinished game, because going full out on pushing the legitimacy of the Capcom Pro Tour with a brand new game was preferable to them over running USFIV for another year.
Yeah, they've apologized profusely for that. But it's also almost June and we haven't gotten any update on the single player / story mode component that's supposed to be hitting soon among other problems, for one thing.
And bad press has killed competent fighting games, notably Capcom fighting games, before. Just look at...everything that happened with SFxT, or the backlash they got when they released an updated version of MvC3 within the same year as the vanilla version in terms of sales. That isn't to say I actually think SFV has that much bad press honestly, most of it has been incredibly good, just saying that PR issues can't just be handwaved away.
It's not inaccurate to say they have a history of selling you a house, then when you go see it for yourself, it's just the foundation, the wooden skeleton, and a "Eh, we'll fill in everything else later".