Not bad actually. Zelda is definitely even or worse against Mewtwo after his buffs, Greninja's probably a -2 rather than -3, Zelda's probably even against Roy and after that, I can see most things being the way that they are on the list. Fox is more likely -1 than even because of how great his neutral and advantage are in general, but Zelda does combo him pretty well and has good ways to gimp his recovery. Can also take advantage of rage pretty well if she doesn't get caught be d-air/n-air to U-smash or anything other random kill moves.
Also what makes WFT a -3 in your opinion? I can't remember playing that matchup, so I don't know how it goes.
we can beat her ledge camping, we're combo meat, they gimp us, we can't beat their pressure, oh and they can just run and camp the whole match.
Can you explain the +1 MU's please? What makes those advantageous in particular?
luigi, we can really Zone him well due to every thing being safe. we also gimp him well
samus, better frame data and we just do better in neutral. nothing from her really bothers us
villager, we can gimp him at mid percents and with love jumping, we can stop his fair bair follow ups and we reflect most of his moves, dins also help due to him not being able to pocket it
lucario, since we kill very early we can prevent him from hitting high aura
dedede, gordos are no problem for us and we can just lame him out
roy, we can somewhat zone him, also he's the weight where dthrow bair is guarenteed at kill percents. he also hqs a lackluster recovery
robin, his projectiles are easily reactable and we can punish him very easily. his recovery is very gimpable as well
jigglypuff, kills at 20% oos
bowser jr, he's easy to gimp, we can punish him and he can't do anything to our shield tbh
mewtwo, he's a big bodied light weight when zelda likes. we can kill him very early too