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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
Man, I wish I had you guys' roll punish skills. Rollers genuinely give me a very hard time on FG.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2014
That sounds like the worst.
5 minutes though? Jeez
I would've taken the loss and quit
But I guess you can say...
He was on a roll:cool:
I'll make my way back to the Link social
Had another Roll n Run fest myself yesterday
while I was :4duckhunt: vs a :4zss:......

Game started with ZSS Taunting me ( expecting me to be run or something? idk.. ) > whooping the ZSS pretty up close pretty hard until I was @ 16% and ZSS was @ 120+ > :4zss: just ran.... for the whole game.... vs a :4duckhunt:.....
got her to 160%, couldn't get a KO > oh look TIME'd ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

I'm guessing they are banking on random bombs rather than their play.
Still ended up winning, but wow do I hate Time. I don't enjoy being tortured for 5 minutes of literally no interaction D:

WolfieXVII ❂

stay woke
Jun 18, 2014
Hall of Fame
Had another Roll n Run fest myself yesterday
while I was :4duckhunt: vs a :4zss:......

Game started with ZSS Taunting me ( expecting me to be run or something? idk.. ) > whooping the ZSS pretty up close pretty hard until I was @ 16% and ZSS was @ 120+ > :4zss: just ran.... for the whole game.... vs a :4duckhunt:.....
got her to 160%, couldn't get a KO > oh look TIME'd ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

I'm guessing they are banking on random bombs rather than their play.
Still ended up winning, but wow do I hate Time. I don't enjoy being tortured for 5 minutes of literally no interaction D:
I'm not gonna lie, if I play someone that is a terrible person (taunting when I SD, taunting when they send me flying mind you, etc.) I waste the clock as much as I can~
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2014
It's my fault for going to FG honestly :u

I didn't taunt or anything to provoke torture however,
so I ended up leaving immediately after and shutting down my Wii U :/

Game only recently came out and I'm considering quitting entirely due to the huge resemblance to Brawl's Online " play ".


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
It's my fault for going to FG honestly :u

I didn't taunt or anything to provoke torture however,
so I ended up leaving immediately after and shutting down my Wii U :/

Game only recently came out and I'm considering quitting entirely due to the huge resemblance to Brawl's Online " play ".
You could play with us and the rest of the Smashboards community. It'll be :smash:.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2014
You could play with us and the rest of the Smashboards community. It'll be :smash:.
That's true I guess. Friends > strangers any day.
Still have only 1 friend total that added me from our social though and everyone else is afraid to play >_<;

I do understand the others. Social anxiety is never in control and being told " don't worry " doesn't change much as it's simply that it's not up to them whether they are anxious or not ( I know from personal experience, it sucks :( ).
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Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
Hey this is really off topic, but does anyone have Monster Hunter codes(They have been sent randomly to Club Nintendo Members) and is willing to share one or two with me?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2014
Hey this is really off topic, but does anyone have Monster Hunter codes(They have been sent randomly to Club Nintendo Members) and is willing to share one or two with me?
I have " Platinum membership " , so I'm likely to get one.
I don't care for demos tbh, so when I do get it, it's yours.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
I have " Platinum membership " , so I'm likely to get one.
I don't care for demos tbh, so when I do get it, it's yours.
It doesn't even matter what rank you are, it is randomly generated though. But I would really appreciate it if you got one for me! Thanks so much in advance!


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2012
I hate Tr4sh
That's true I guess. Friends > strangers any day.
Still have only 1 friend total that added me from our social though and everyone else is afraid to play >_<;

I do understand the others. Social anxiety is never in control and being told " don't worry " doesn't change much as it's simply that it's not up to them whether they are anxious or not ( I know from personal experience, it sucks :( ).
Just ball your eyes to some American Football & you'll be fine.

If that doesn't work, Bobby Barnett/Kalufus & Captain, We're Sinking will do the job


Smash Master
Oct 3, 2014
That's interesting. I looked around just now and found that if that was true, there's a location error as well. It can't have been Deinonychus antirrhopus considering the specimens were taken from Mongolia which is outside of the range of Deinonychus. That animal roamed North America solely. Here, take a look at this:


Achillobator giganticus makes sense for the novel though for the movie, with a visible size reference, it's a bit too big considering the movie Velociraptors were about 10-13 ft length/6 ft height and the Achillobator was about 16 ft-20 ft and from here, not even the height of a man (though wtf is that man's size). On second thought, they're too small to be Uttahraptor either. The Jurassic Park Velociraptors seem a bit more like weird hybrids/make-believe rather than based on any Dromaeosaurid.
If memory serves me right, Paul does indeed describe the Achillobator holotype as a bigger species of Velociraptor. I'll have to double-check on that.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
@ Macchiato Macchiato , if you get demo codes, I will not need them. I got one off of Twitter, dat stylus handling from the whole Smash 4 Demo fiasco actually came in handy. Also, I think you should go with Zelda and WFT.

Goddam you Nintendo/Capcom. Why do you do advertising like this? This got me legitimately interested to try Monster Hunter, now I will probably end up buying it!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2014
Yeah, it's at the top of my list in terms of things I want in a FE game but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon. Japan isn't quite there yet and it's understandable that Nintendo might not want to do deal with the controversy because it's still a controversial issue, even in America (it shouldn't be). But at the same time I wish they had the guts to do it, after the whole Tomodachi Life thing they said they'd try and be more inclusive and IS clearly has no problem with it because there's always subtext in so many games (Kjelle/Severa, Virion/Libra, Chrom/Frederick, Raven/Lucius, Heather, the Hubba tester etc). But Ninty isn't Bioware so if won't happen anytime soon at least we have tumblr
Okay late again but RavenxLucius and IkexSoren are the most implied I think. Oh yeah and ChromxM!Robin


The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Guys please help, I really don't know who to main. I can't decide between :4kirby::4wiifitm::4zelda::4palutena:
Please help me ughhh
I'm gonna jump on the not-actually-helping train and say since you'll only change it again, just put random.


Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
Guys please help, I really don't know who to main. I can't decide between :4kirby::4wiifitm::4zelda::4palutena:
Please help me ughhh
I had this problem so I just gave up on having a main. I "used" 4 characters. Then Smash 4 came out and I went back to my OG main, Zelda.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
I had this problem so I just gave up on having a main. I "used" 4 characters. Then Smash 4 came out and I went back to my OG main, Zelda.
I really don't know at the moment.
I'm gonna jump on the not-actually-helping train and say since you'll only change it again, just put random.
No actually at this point I need one really main and I cant figure it out. All this time I never really had a main. I just tried out a bunch
With the constant main changes, you deserve the Mop
Gee Thanks
No matter who you pick, it will always be Zelda. :4zelda:
Ehh not really
@ Macchiato Macchiato , if you get demo codes, I will not need them. I got one off of Twitter, dat stylus handling from the whole Smash 4 Demo fiasco actually came in handy. Also, I think you should go with Zelda and WFT.
Honestly idk if I want to main Zelda. Somethings just pushing me away.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
That's true I guess. Friends > strangers any day.
Still have only 1 friend total that added me from our social though and everyone else is afraid to play >_<;

I do understand the others. Social anxiety is never in control and being told " don't worry " doesn't change much as it's simply that it's not up to them whether they are anxious or not ( I know from personal experience, it sucks :( ).
Didn't someone here tried to make a casual, fun smash group here? I think it was just a 4 player match to just mess around.

I just get lazy about adding people and asking people to play, so I end up screwing around in For Glory and For Fun.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
you know what, I'm gonna main wii fit. Tbh he's my best and i've made so much progress. I like fast characters with projectiles. At this point I'd be an idiot not to. Now i'm looking for secondary. I need a character that can deal with short characters well.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
you know what, I'm gonna main wii fit. Tbh he's my best and i've made so much progress. I like fast characters with projectiles. At this point I'd be an idiot not to. Now i'm looking for secondary. I need a character that can deal with short characters well.
Watch TKBreezy if you want to learn a little about Wii Fit Trainer. Oh, and you should play as Meta Knight for shorties. Why? 'Cause he's short too. Fight fire with fire. :p

That or have a main, but play as everyone or a select group to mess around.
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Smash Ace
Oct 7, 2012
New Jersey
Today was great.

I met a :4yoshi: on Roll Glory who was, you know, being :4yoshi:.

Fast forward late in the match, one stock ea. I'm in the air, at 137%. He's got 59%, planted comfortably on stage, spamming short-hop egg-throws to disrupt me.

I go "f*** it" and Farore's downward, right into him as he lands on-stage. He goes flying upward and dies in a star KO. My rage plus him probably holding up for the egg-throw killed him. I taunted like there was no tomorrow.

Office got broken into today, so I got these instead: (@ Phenomiracle Phenomiracle )

Honestly extremely sweet and heavy. I got the small sized since they're easier to share. I haven't had a cavity in years but my teeth hurt after eating some:

Obviously ras malai is my favourite so I had to get some.
That is a lot for one sitting.

Ras Malai is ate on special occasions mostly, so it's been a while since I've had some. We have one or two regular mithai for our dinner desserts.
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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
Today was great.

I met a :4yoshi: on Roll Glory who was, you know, being :4yoshi:.

Fast forward late in the match, one stock ea. I'm in the air, at 137%. He's got 59%, planted comfortably on stage, spamming short-hop egg-throws to disrupt me.

I go "f*** it" and Farore's downward, right into him as he lands on-stage. He goes flying upward and dies in a star KO. My rage plus him probably holding up for the egg-throw killed him. I taunted like there was no tomorrow.

That is a lot for one sitting.

Ras Malai is ate on special occasions mostly, so it's been a while since I've had some. We have one or two regular mithai for our dinner desserts.
Does yoshi even have a weakness like I when I see one I just camp like theres no tomorrow


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
He doesn't have any real answers to shields.

I guess he's sort of vulnerable to spikes too, since his double jump has all his vertical recovery, but said double jump also has heavy armor both during and after it.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Does yoshi even have a weakness like I when I see one I just camp like theres no tomorrow
If you can get him off-stage and cause him to flinch during his second jump, you've effectively gimped his recovery. It might be a really precise thing or something that requires a lot of damage. The issue is Yoshi's Nair which is incredibly fast.

It's one of those trick shots you can do with Falco's Blaster and other projectile characters if you hit them right when they jump meaning if they have a good recovery, then they're screwed like if Ike's doing a Quickdraw and you shoot him and he falls a bit too far for Aether to make up for the vertical distance or he's just too far horizontally, he's screwed.

Otherwise, it's more of don't let him hit you, hit him first, avoid his Dair, Nair, Uair, and Bair, punish him if he's abusing Fair, Egg Roll, and Yoshi Bomb. The thing about Yoshi Bomb is that he can do it just above the ground if you hit him whereas Bowser Bomb has this setup to it, Yoshi Bomb is faster.

Egg Lay isn't much of a problem, but don't mash too much or else you'll buffer random stuff leaving Yoshi to punish you. Egg Toss kind of depends if you can get in quickly or if Yoshi's choosing the wrong angles.

His roll is laggy, so find the timing and pattern to punish it. His Jab combo is a bit deceptive since his feet get bigger when he uses them so it has more range then you think. Side Smash is telegraphed, but that doesn't mean you can just waltz in and hit him. Still, try to punish it. Up Smash is consistent and strong like Fox's, but it lacks Fox's sweet-spot making it more like Lucina's hits. Avoid it when you can and don't land on him or in front of him, he's likely going to Up Smash you. Down Smash... It's like Ike's, I rarely see it, but if it lands, it's going to hurt like any other attack. I think it's just slow even compared to Ike's.

His grab isn't that good, but it's still nothing to scoff at since he can do combos like everyone off of D-throw and such. His tilts are all good, but I don't really know since most Yoshi's I've fought take to the air more or use Smashes more. Or spam... Yes... definitely spam. Dash Attack travels far like ZSS's. I don't know if it's like Ike's where you can run past it when Yoshi Dash Attacks. If Yoshi whiffs it, there's room for you to punish since Yoshi falls down - it's basically a dropkick compared to Fox's Dash Attack which is a flying kick.

That's all I have for Yoshi.
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Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
I just played a couple battles on Roll Glory I want to forget.

I'm in a strangle something sort of mood nao.

On the bright side I got the last laugh match 1 v palutena.

Got 2 keep iT optimistic.

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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
If you can get him off-stage and cause him to flinch during his second jump, you've effectively gimped his recovery. It might be a really precise thing or something that requires a lot of damage.
It's knockback related, though I don't know the threshold in this game for it.

It only really neuters his vertical recovery to hit him out of his double jump, his upB still has solid horizontal recovery for 2~3 egg throws. Those don't refresh until he lands though; being hit or even grabbing the ledge doesn't refresh his upB jumps.

And, I'd like to reiterate: Yoshi has no good answers to shield. His grab is slow and laggy and his reward off throws is marginal. His shield breaking moves - dair and downB - don't 100% shields and have highly punishable end lag. DownB also does less shield damage when used from the air. Just be mindful of its health, but always keep in mind that shield beats Yoshi's threatening tools.


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
I have a friend who is a Yoshi main. I tend to just wait for him to make the first move.

Also, has anyone used a WiiU fight pad yet? I'm buying one and I wonder if they're good.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
It's knockback related, though I don't know the threshold in this game for it.

It only really neuters his vertical recovery to hit him out of his double jump, his upB still has solid horizontal recovery for 2~3 egg throws. Those don't refresh until he lands though; being hit or even grabbing the ledge doesn't refresh his upB jumps.

And, I'd like to reiterate: Yoshi has no good answers to shield. His grab is slow and laggy and his reward off throws is marginal. His shield breaking moves - dair and downB - don't 100% shields and have highly punishable end lag. DownB also does less shield damage when used from the air. Just be mindful of its health, but always keep in mind that shield beats Yoshi's threatening tools.
Yeah, I wasn't so sure about Yoshi because of his super armor on his flutter jump, but I've gimped and other Falco players in the Falco section have said you can gimp people with a precise Blaster shot, but it's tricky and really situational since characters like Meta Knight, Yoshi, and Zelda would be fine, but Ganondorf, DK, and Link would be screwed if they lose their second jump, especially if it's about halfway to the blast line... And I don't remember what thread it was in...

Considering it's a panic thing, higher-level players would rather let themselves get hit, go a bit lower, and keep their second jump than jumping too early, freaking out and forgetting they have a tether, wall-jump, etc. Or it might be a buffer/input lag thing since I remember shooting a Link and he immediately used his Spin Attack... That or it's For Glory Links who Spin Attack at the blast zone thinking it would reach the ledge...
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