I know I'm probably going to buy a Wii U because I need to and I want to. Duh.
I don't have anything against the PS4. It's obviously better than the Wii U as a console. It also has pretty much every game that I've been waiting for, but I'm poor so I'll probably never get it, even if I wanted to. Lmao. Their console fanbase is cancerous as ****. Even worse than 1.04 Diddy Kong.
The only thing I want on the Wii U is Mario 3D World, Smash Bros, Zelda, Metroid (Nintendo pls), Captain Toad, Splatoon, Yoshi's Wooly World, Kirby Canvas Curse, Rayman Legends, and.... er... that's about it. I think I forgot some other games but regardless, it doesn't compare to the number of games that I want that are available for the PS4
Despite this, I like Nintendo the best because their 1st party games are top tier. Even if they don't have Uncharted