I don't understand the meaning of option select. What the **** is an option select.
No, it's not "select an option;" I want a more in-depth meaning.
An option select is when you do multiple inputs, and based on the situation the game chooses the best option.
Not sure how this works in Smash but here's a Street Fighter example.
An easy to use option select is the crouch tech. When you press crouching light punch and light kick, crouching light kick is the move that comes out because of move priority. However, you will still be able tech throws since you're still holding cr lp and lk. You can also combine other normals and it still works as long as you have cr lp and lk pressed.
Another example is if you are trying to cover a backdash (think rolls).
Imagine if you did a crouching light punch and the next input you did was a crouching light kick and hard kick (sweep) at the same time. The game chooses whether to do the crouching light kick or the hard kick depending on if the crouching light punch made contact with the opponent. If the crouching light punch connected (either hit or block), then the crouching light kick would be selected since SF4 gives priority to light moves when linking normals (continuing the combo). If the cr lp did not connect (because they backdashed or were out of range) then the game would select the cr hk (which would punish the backdash) because of normals priority.