Okay, Story Time!
always wanted to tell some this but all my friends would tease me and tell everyone so I can't trust them
You gorls are trustworthy though
Nammy12 don't make fun of me
So it started in Grade 2 when I really liked this boy. He's a little shorter than me and he's the reason that I REALLY got into pokemon. He looked adorable in my opinion and we were both in the same class and bus. I was always paired up with him and he used to hate me. A lot. He even pushed me out of the seat and I got dirt in my eyes
.But then he started to be nice to me and in that year I kissed him on the cheek
. He told me not to tell anyone and he was blushing
. And I've been in his grade ever since so I've been with him for 6 YEARS STRAIGHT. And in Grade 4 he confessed his feelings to me
And his bestie always teases him about me. But I don't know if he likes me know and I'm moving this year so I won't be able to see him and all my friends till High School
And I miss Grade 8. We have a shipping name it's called "Levoon" and people tease that our names combined together have love and honeymoon in it
And people point out how nice he is to me compared to other people. I'm writing a booklet of shipping fanfics of my whole class and my friend is writing the Levoon one 'cause bias. I think she's doing something like the pocky game but with spaghetti. I might think of doing one but I'm not sure. Can you gurls write one for me? Please?
The End
Sure but my internet was pretty janky so Nammy just unpugged it and re plugged it and it's fine now (I think)