My "love life" in 3 parts:
1) From the 3rd grade onwards girls have been trying to flirt with me all the time whether I like/want it or not.
This escalated in my first year at high school when groups of them kept trying to approach me all the time. I even literally ran/speed walked away from a group of them once and I still couldn't get away from them. Guys who knew me wouldn't stop teasing me about all the female attention I was getting even though I never asked or started any of it. I kept getting titles like "big stud" and "literal chic magnet" among other things. It didn't bother me, but being a

made it very hard to handle all this sudden attention I've never experienced before. Plus being in a brand new school and all didn't' help either.
2) I've never made contact of any sort with anyone before, but I've been touched by girls twice. Once was a pat on the head, and the other was a literal

slap on the a** in a classroom right in front of maybe 10 people. How a teacher didn't notice I don't know but it's a good thing no one said anything since it easily could've counted as an assault and that would have been a huge mess.
Mind you,
a friend did this so it wasn't some sort of attack from a stranger, it was just unexpected.
3) I've been out of school for 2 years now and girls are non-existent where I live so the flirting from them has stopped, but now women 40+ are starting to take over by saying stuff like "You're very handsome. Are girls chasing you?" and "You can sweep any girl off their feet with that smile of yours" and "You're so cute when you smile".
No matter where I go, I can't escape flirts. I'm not sure what I'm doing to get all this attention, I just be myself and this is what I get.
People say I have a million $ smile, but I don't think I do. Some have even said I have a sexy walk. I really don't believe that but I'll take it anyway.
I think once someone even asked to feel my arm muscle but they might have just wanted to see it to. Regardless, they liked it whichever outcome happened.
I'm 21, never dated once in my life and am still single, and I'm happy how I am right now, but I'll gladly get into a relationship if the opportunity ever pops up.
tldr: I do my own thing and girls keep flirting with me no matter what I do.