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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2015

, Fernosaur, and Antonykun sleep in shifts.

Yaay cooks her food before putting her fire out.

BJN39 sets up camp for the night.

Lavani destroys Spirst's supplies while he is asleep.

EVmaxy54 destroys SBphiloz4's supplies while he is asleep.

Bergundy Blade, Fuujin, Aerodrome, Moydow, and SProgepede sleep in shifts.

Koiba stays awake all night.

GingerGaymer and Kenniky sleep in shifts.

Cenizas, Spritzee, and CWBanjo discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

XDanDan612 tries to sing himself to sleep.

Space Stranger cooks his food before putting his fire out.

DAY 2:
Fuujin and Kenniky work together for the day.

SpiralGalaxies ambushes Yaay and kills her.

XDanDan612 stalks Aerodrome.

Cenizas fishes.

SProgepede tends to Space Stranger's wounds.

SBphiloz4 picks flowers.

BJN39, Bergundy Blade, Fernosaur, and Spirst raid GingerGaymer's camp while he is hunting.

EVmaxy54 defeats Spritzee in a fight, but spares his life.

Koiba receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

CWBanjo receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Moydow makes a slingshot.

Lavani and Antonykun hunt for other tributes.



The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Quotes please
Lazy bum.

These two are from someone dear to the Zelda boards.
Zelda has some great potential in this game! But so far I'm having a hard time fighting some characters with her but I will be messing around with her and reflet more!
IMO I think she will be more viable but she still has some hard MUs but she aint bottom 3 or anything like in brawl which is just great
Hi. :p
Koopa Jr. has extremely unusual moves and I find it difficult to KO with him due to strange smash attacks and unreliable aerials.
Sleepin' on Meta Knight! He called it! He seent it! @warionumbah2, you should look for and praise this man. This is also the same man who ended up realizing how Marth's not that good. :p
I think when the meta solidifies Marth will once again reign as the strongest FE character. Robin seems overrated. People call out Marths fair recovery..lol Robins aerial recovery on landing is lolterribad. Far worse then any of Marths from what I have seen.

One move alone is not enough to cover Robins flaws, namely awkward normals and pokes. That dash attack my goodness. Dont get me wrong. Robin looks good, but people are sleeping on the hero king. And Falco. And Meta-knight. And little mac. little mac is stupid good.
Zelda hard counters Duck Hunt.
I still think that Zelda probably counters Duck Hunt harder than Rosalina does just because she has a near-instantaneous teleport with a powerful hitbox on reentry. Many characters have problems approaching through Duck Hunt's web of projectiles. Even Little Mac has to be careful about timing and spacing with his Jolt Haymaker if he wants to get through. Zelda, though? She can use Farore's Wind to take stage control and apply pressure just about any time she chooses. Meta Knight might also be a decently frustrating opponent thanks to the Dimensional Cape, although again this requires far more careful timing and spacing than Farore's Wind, which Zelda can basically pull out to get from almost anywhere to on top of Duck Hunt in an instant. Palutena has Warp and Reflect, but Reflect is easily bypassed by Trick Shot and Warp lacks a hitbox, meaning Palutena has to be careful with her aim to not leave herself open on reentry.
Low tier Mega Man and god-tier Bowser.
I love this game and I haven't even played it. The fact that you read through this thread and see such disparity in opinions for the character just shows how excellently balanced it's turning out to be. The only comment I've heard about low tiers would be Falco and Megaman, but both still appear to have strengths that compliment matchups well. Even the supposed god-tier threats in Bowser and Shiek have counters which can be exploited.

I literally cannot wait to get my hands on this game. October 3rd can't come sooner.
Bowser, Toon Link, Pac-Man, Yoshi, Mario, and Lucario for... top 5. Little Mac for top 3... Zelda worse than in Brawl. That hype train for Zelda died fast. :p
To me, top 3 is fairly obvious:

Little Mac
Rosalina & Luma

These three have by far the most tournament wins right now and just generally seem to have very strong tools. Beyond this it gets much more debatable, there's about 10 characters I could potentially see rounding out top 5 (Mario, Yoshi, Bowser, Greninja, Pac-Man, ZSS, Toon Link, Diddy, Lucario, etc)

As for the bottom end of the roster, Zelda is there for sure. She somehow managed to get worse compared to Brawl in a game where every other low tier got better. I could also see Dedede, as I feel he got loads worse compared to Brawl, too, in particular I hate the loss of Bair and Dair. I would also probably consider DK, but for some reason I seem to do bad vs DKs so maybe he has some secret goodness that I'm not seeing.
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014

I want to be like this! ;_;

So close, yet so far.

Anyone up for smash?

I should look into manipulating Luma more when it's untethered, I knew there was stuff there but damn. I like the DK part at 2:30 too, I'd considered untethering Luma so its usmash didn't stale but didn't think it'd ever be worthwhile lol.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2015
Space Stranger fends Aerodrome, Cenizas, and Spirst away from his fire.

SpiralGalaxies destroys GingerGaymer's supplies while he is asleep.

Fernosaur cries himself to sleep.

Kenniky, Spritzee, EVmaxy54, and Koiba sleep in shifts.

BJN39 is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

CWBanjo and Bergundy Blade sleep in shifts.

Lavani and SProgepede run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

XDanDan612 sets up camp for the night.

Fuujin questions his sanity.

Moydow defeats SBphiloz4 in a fight, but spares his life.

Antonykun receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

DAY 3:
Aerodrome pushes SpiralGalaxies off a cliff during a knife fight.

Cenizas sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Fuujin stabs CWBanjo in the back with a trident.

Spirst picks flowers.

EVmaxy54 overhears XDanDan612 and Lavani talking in the distance.

SProgepede diverts BJN39's attention and runs away.

Koiba questions her sanity.

Bergundy Blade accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

Kenniky receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Antonykun practices his archery.

Spritzee makes a slingshot.

Fernosaur collects fruit from a tree.

Moydow makes a slingshot.

SBphiloz4 collects fruit from a tree.

Space Stranger chases GingerGaymer.

Burgundy Blade

i hate you @Aerodrome
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Jul 7, 2014

I should look into manipulating Luma more when it's untethered, I knew there was stuff there but damn. I like the DK part at 2:30 too, I'd considered untethering Luma so its usmash didn't stale but didn't think it'd ever be worthwhile lol.
why do people use this gif again?


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Space Stranger fends Aerodrome, Cenizas, and Spirst away from his fire.

SpiralGalaxies destroys GingerGaymer's supplies while he is asleep.

Fernosaur cries himself to sleep.

Kenniky, Spritzee, EVmaxy54, and Koiba sleep in shifts.

BJN39 is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

CWBanjo and Bergundy Blade sleep in shifts.

Lavani and SProgepede run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

XDanDan612 sets up camp for the night.

Fuujin questions his sanity.

Moydow defeats SBphiloz4 in a fight, but spares his life.

Antonykun receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

DAY 3:
Aerodrome pushes SpiralGalaxies off a cliff during a knife fight.

Cenizas sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Fuujin stabs CWBanjo in the back with a trident.

Spirst picks flowers.

EVmaxy54 overhears XDanDan612 and Lavani talking in the distance.

SProgepede diverts BJN39's attention and runs away.

Koiba questions her sanity.

Bergundy Blade accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

Kenniky receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Antonykun practices his archery.

Spritzee makes a slingshot.

Fernosaur collects fruit from a tree.

Moydow makes a slingshot.

SBphiloz4 collects fruit from a tree.

Space Stranger chases GingerGaymer.

Burgundy Blade

i hate you @Aerodrome
Fuujin questions his sanity.


EDIT: :4greninja:'d
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Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Fernosaur cries himself to sleep.
SBphiloz4 collects fruit from a tree.
Spirst picks flowers.
Spritzee makes a slingshot.
Fernosaur collects fruit from a tree.
lmao Fernosaur crying himself to sleep is the best part of this so far
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Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2015
Omg what website is this
BrantSteele.com. just google Brantsteele hunger/hunger games simulator. It has links to Hunger games, Survivor and Big brother simulators. also it has Tv show characters as options if you ever wondered how the walking dead characters would do in the big brother house or something.

I'll post a link when this is over.
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