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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
The age of Edgesuke

1-8 years old = Happy kid who wants daddy's love and loves his bro
8-12 years old = Became a loner after edgy experience
12 years old = Cool rival who was slowly giving into the edge
13 years old = Edgy
16 years old = Calm and only wanted to kill his bro because revenge edge
17 years old = Edgelord
18-20 years old = Repenting his edge sins and goes travelling. Turns Batman.
22-32 years old = Deadbeat Farther

/Japanese protagonist

Note: Was gonna post pics but its too edgy for this thread.
< My face right now. That was way too edgy.
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Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
My Swordfighter is named Dic Waffle.

His face is a **** lolololololololololol

I'm stealing pages left and right lately.

Lol **** face
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Space Stranger

space cowboy
Aug 31, 2014
Toy Hell
1st post after an hour and 1 minute of inactivity! :4charizard:
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Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
Sure is boring around here

Anyway would anyone wanna play on 3ds later

I might bring the hoo hah though so beware


You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
Charge shot is basically a MUCH weaker Samus charge shot but it's still p. good. I only use the fire pillar side B because that's the only not-crap side B among the options. Reflector is basically.... a reflector I guess.

Might come back with more to say but :4miigun: is fun. Might have issues with dealing with close range pressure or with characters that generally have a much more dominant mid-range. I guess.
You use charge shots for neutral b? Eh, Grenade burst is pretty much mii gunners main selling point though. Especially with all its reversals.

I think I'm drunk

because I'm trying to revive the BKF forums
...BKF? : o

Anyone here wanna play?
I'll play.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2012
Playing KOF XIV
I hate animal crossing music, i want the custom music project to speed up omg.

Music i'd change

Menu theme - Street fighter 3rd strike character select theme
Final Destination - Capcom vs SNK 2 The Lord God(God Rugal theme)/The Judgement Day(Gill theme)
Battlefield - Tekken 6 Fallen Colony/Onimusha Dawn of Dreams: Roberto's theme
Smashville - Tatsunoko vs Capcom Daigo temple(moonlight)
Town and City - Tatsunoko vs Capcom Les Vages/Capcom vs SNK 2 New York
Helberd - Jazzy NYC[latin mix]/Killing Moon[Akuma theme]
Pokemon stages - Pokemon Colosseum semifinal
Delfino Plaza - Dudley theme(2nd impact theme)
Jun 8, 2009
I hate animal crossing music, i want the custom music project to speed up omg.

Music i'd change

Menu theme - Street fighter 3rd strike character select theme
Final Destination - Capcom vs SNK 2 The Lord God(God Rugal theme)/The Judgement Day(Gill theme)
Battlefield - Tekken 6 Fallen Colony/Onimusha Dawn of Dreams: Roberto's theme
Smashville - Tatsunoko vs Capcom Daigo temple(moonlight)
Town and City - Tatsunoko vs Capcom Les Vages/Capcom vs SNK 2 New York
Helberd - Jazzy NYC[latin mix]/Killing Moon[Akuma theme]
Pokemon stages - Pokemon Colosseum semifinal
Delfino Plaza - Dudley theme(2nd impact theme)
The Roost being battle music during my matches serves as a legit john for losing


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
I hate animal crossing music, i want the custom music project to speed up omg.

Music i'd change

Menu theme - Street fighter 3rd strike character select theme
Final Destination - Capcom vs SNK 2 The Lord God(God Rugal theme)/The Judgement Day(Gill theme)
Battlefield - Tekken 6 Fallen Colony/Onimusha Dawn of Dreams: Roberto's theme
Smashville - Tatsunoko vs Capcom Daigo temple(moonlight)
Town and City - Tatsunoko vs Capcom Les Vages/Capcom vs SNK 2 New York
Helberd - Jazzy NYC[latin mix]/Killing Moon[Akuma theme]
Pokemon stages - Pokemon Colosseum semifinal
Delfino Plaza - Dudley theme(2nd impact theme)
What about Gesselschaft Storm? That's an awesome track from TvC.
Jun 8, 2009
I'll pull this out of my ass and rub it on their face
Decided to tackle the match up except I'll be more in depth this time. Shulk's POV as always

Score: +0 (Even)

I'm going to discuss this by sections. First, I'll tackle the Luma mechanic, then I'll tackle what to avoid, then I'll tackle Solo Rosalina. I won't be covering recovering back on stage with Shulk since that's been explained already (Translation: I'm a lazy bum :p)


What Shulk wants to do at neutral is to take luma out of play. Luckily, he has the tools to actually perform this task very well (He's one of the best at doing the job). His disjoint (being the longest in the game) allows him to safely swat luma from a distance. His arts also manipulate the way he deals with luma. Speed art allows him to move back and forth with his great air mobility while f-airing, or n-airing the Luma. This is a much safer method of dealing with luma since you have the ability to easily retreat. Buster art allows him to quickly take out Luma thanks to its massive damage output. Additionally, buster also allows his attacks to be safe on shield so don't fear if you manage to hit luma while whacking on a shielded Rosalina (Unless she powershielded it). Smash art sort of cuts the slack of having to take down the health of luma since it increases knockback growth. Take note that Smash art will only deal significant knockback once luma's HP has been decreased by a certain amount

Regardless of which art Shulk is using, you'll be using f-air or n-air against Luma. N-air has shorter range that f-air but tipping it will deal more damage. F-air has slightly longer range and it comes out faster at Shulk's front. N-air is safer than f-air due to its low landing lag (12 frames) but f-air is more likely to hit both Rosalina and Luma. With speed, you can perform a retreating f-air and n-air to make them safe on shield. With buster, you need to FF F-air to make it safe. As for n-air, you either tip with it or FF the base hit to make it safe. Smash art is basically unsafe on shield no matter what you do but the main purpose of Smash art is to knock Luma off stage. At least you won't take more damage if you get hit (but you're easier to KO). You can go for b-air but make sure you tip it on Luma instead of landing it on both Rosalina and Luma. Chances are that the Rosalina player will powershield it easily since it has 18 frames of start up. Take note that only the FRONTAL hitbox appears at frame 18 so that back hitbox comes out much later. Using b-air is fine when Rosalina actually does something. If you see her use star bits, jab, f-tilt, or basically anything, you can use b-air's long range to punish both Rosalina and Luma simultaneously from a distance

What to avoid

What you want to AVOID like a plague is getting juggled by Rosalina. Shulk can't deal with juggling very well unless the said Shulk player has already gotten the timing of MALLC down and can FF Air dodge and cancel the landing lag via Monado art activation BUT let's disregard MALLC for now since it has yet to have a lot of exposure outside of Japan (9B <3). The best way to avoid getting into situations like this often are to maintain your space between Rosalina, Luma and yourself AND to never stay above Rosalina. So why shouldn't Shulk stay above Rosalina? First off, u-smash. Self-explanatory. Has invincibility and hits like a truck. One wrong move while you're above Rosalina, you're either dead or you're at a disadvantaged state since you're likely to still be above Rosalina which allows her to juggle Shulk with that other move that no one likes. Ever. Rosalina's u-air. You can't contest it with any of Shulk's attacks. Countering it won't work almost ALL the time. Also, it KO's at low percentages if you're near the vertical blast zone so take note of that

Solo Rosalina

Aaaah... Alright, there are a lot of things to take note of. First, Rosalina loses a lot of her options and she effectively loses 2 specials once Luma is out of the picture. She's forced to play defensively. Although her defense is still pretty good, it's not as outstanding as it was with luma helping her. At this point, Rosalinas are going to be playing REALLY defensively at this situation. How do you respond? With careful aggressive play. Any art except shield will work well once you KO'd Luma but if there's any art that Rosalina would dislike, it's speed art. That dash speed and aerial mobility becomes an amazing asset in bypassing Rosalina's zone. You can also opt for buster but approaching Rosalina will also prove to be not difficult but tricky. The thing with buster is that at neutral, you're always at mid-range. If you actually want to dish out a lot of damage, you'll need to get up close. The best way to transition into close range is to close in with FF N-air. Once you've landed that, go nuts. N-air to f-tilt deals 28% damage. N-air to grab allows for set ups into f-air or n-air or b-air for a lot of damage. Smash? Well, use it to kill. Boom. Not much to say about it. Jump art is basically like speed except you're at mid-air most of the time but you're going to have to mix up your options with jump art (Tomahawk then grab, empty hops, etc). Rosalina can handle aerial approaches very well thanks to her amazing up-game.

What I'm about to say also applies with luma in play btw but prepare to shield a lot because Rosalina's hitboxes last long. This is why I said careful aggressive play. Solo Rosalina's defense is still solid but you can definitely bypass it if you respect her hitboxes more. At speed art (no, actually at any form or art you're using but it's much better at speed so...), remember that you can dash to shield. This allows you to be more campy or bait-oriented with Shulk since it helps in halting your "approach."

It all comes down to being smart at approaching. She still has some attacks that demand respect but regardless, you can definitely and easily tip the match to your favor with luma out of the picture since Shulk definitely has the tools to rush down Solo Rosalina. It also helps that Shulk has a fairly easy time handling Luma. "Once Rosalina loses luma, make her feel that she's at a disadvantage"

Rosalina's off-stage! What now?

Rosalina's recovery doesn't have a hitbox so you can actually go ahead and swat her with f-air or b-air. You can also go for d-air but the timing is too strict. You can either go off-stage and edgeguard her with jump or smash art OR use air slash or a downward angled f-smash against Rosa's one frame ledge snap vulnerability. Any of the two work but getting f-smash requires you to use it quite early. Air slash is a lot faster since it comes out at frame 10 (f-smash comes out at frame 14) so you'll have an easier time with air slash

Whelp, you're getting juggled or you're at a disadvantage. What now?

This is where shield and jump become more important. Particularly, not a lot of smashers know the secret behind shield art. Thanks to the increased defense which allows Shulk to take ~33% less damage, and thanks to his increased weight, the hitsun he receives from any of Rosalina's attacks at mid to 0% is really small. This actually allows you to escape juggles since you can act out quickly off from hitsun.

You can also switch to jump to get out of juggles because jump height+air mobility. Only problem is that if you don't act out quickly, you'll get juggled even more because jump increases your falling speed so be quick on your toes


TLDR : Step up your shield game, play at mid-range against both Rosaluma, and SoRo. Take advantage of your disjoint, handle the luma first, then take care of Rosalina. Approach smartly and bait Rosalina. Also, remember you have them arts to back you up at certain situations

TLDR 2 : Use :4diddy: against Rosalina (just kidding)


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
Shulk can die at 20% by Luma's Uair if he's in Smash mode must mean Rosalinda is 100-0 against him. :^)

Also playing Mii Gunner ATM, using 3111. Lotsa fun, but no hoohah combos, and she has a hard time killing IMO. Probably won't pick up. Plus I need to work on Zelderly. :4miisword:
Jun 8, 2009
Rosalina is hotter than Shulk so she's 100-0


I have warned the Shulk boards. I will not hold back on sb's BS.
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Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
Good to hear.


I'm avoiding spoilers for that game like the plague. Since I wanna get it myself when it comes out in the UK.
I can tell you one thing though. The story is a lot more darker than I anticipated. I was really surprised.

Overall, it's a really good game. I'm doing a spoilerless update thing on the XCX thread on the sister site if you want to read it.
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Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
Anyone wanna play 3ds

I'd (not) like to play customs so I can get some practice with them
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