Top tiers can eat a cactus, Sonic and Diddy are no longer obstacles although they still have the advantage against MK.
Sheik was never a threat to me(keyword is ME, since other MKs besides Katakiri think Sheik bodies MK), but the bair nerf was nice. Default tournaments looks like a dream but its a shame customs is a thing so Sonic is still a ***** as well as others.
I don't think WFT is good outside customs, but i do think you should embrace the lack of attention she gets. Not many people wiill know the MU so you have the upperhand already, sometimes i ignore advice on how to fight MK because im a jerk.
Smash players won't learn MUs that they consider pointless. Like who the **** uses Pikachu despite being top tier????
Ike is the best FE character...not a big accomplishment but hey.