This thread's been around since last summer, and I didn't have much desire to read through it all, so I apologize if any of the things I'm going to say have already been covered (I haven't seen this discussion brought up in the last several pages' worth of material, at least). But now that the game's been in development for a year or more and we're getting closer to actually having a look at it, I've been more engaged in Smash Bros. stuff again. Recently I decided to start playing Brawl from scratch on the Wii U, and I realized something.
More than any other property represented in Smash Bros., it's going to be very interesting seeing how Nintendo handles the elements--the characters, specifically--of the Zelda series.
We've never had a Smash Bros. game that came out during such a deadtime in between Zelda releases. All previous Smash games followed within a year or so of the most recent Zelda game at that point in time. But by the time this game comes out (right now I'm expecting it to be Nintendo's holiday 2014 title), Skyward Sword will be three (or more!) years old, and who knows how far along Zelda U will be. I highly doubt Nintendo will let us get a glimpse of what Zelda U will look like by revealing the characters' styles in Smash Bros. 4. Therefore, the next logical thing to do would be to follow the Skyward Sword style. The problem is, following that style could bring unpleasant repercussions for one of my favorite characters....
Primarily I'm worried about Zelda herself. As I've been going through Brawl again, I remembered just how much I liked her character design from Twilight Princess, and how bitterly disappointed I was in her Skyward Sword look. Zelda's a princess, dammit! She's not some random village girl! If they stick her in that Skyward Sword outfit, I reeeeallly hope they have at least an alternate outfit for her as a princess. I want Princess Zelda back! Gimme back my princess, Nintendo! I'm tired of ugly anime chick Zelda. Unfortunately, I don't think Nintendo will reveal what Princess Zelda looks like in Zelda Wii U (they may not even have her design for that game done yet), so unless we go back to TP Zelda (which I wouldn't mind) or come up with something entirely different for Smash Bros. (which I don't think they'll do, but it'd be cool to see), I fear we're going to be stuck with ugly anime chick Zelda. Ugh.
This has repercussions for Sheik, too. I highly doubt they'll get rid of Sheik, but if they go by Skyward Sword, they may decide the time is right....