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You get no Sympathy in a "Fire Emblem Discussion"

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Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Shift. With a sword in hand, Ike is zippier and can combo and flow better, but lacks in the killing department. Urvan brings out the big KB, but slows him down. A few move properties could likely change as well, with different hitboxes on some of the Urvan!attacks.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I didn't want recruit her, I wanted her not to die.

Shift. With a sword in hand, Ike is zippier and can combo and flow better, but lacks in the killing department. Urvan brings out the big KB, but slows him down. A few move properties could likely change as well, with different hitboxes on some of the Urvan!attacks.
Sounds like everything you can accomplish with just Ragnell.

Ike's problem was a poor distribution of fast attacks, and too much contrast between slow and fast attacks. If he was less extreme (less slow, a little less powerful) and had more faster attacks, he still has a gallery of launchers.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Shift. With a sword in hand, Ike is zippier and can combo and flow better, but lacks in the killing department. Urvan brings out the big KB, but slows him down. A few move properties could likely change as well, with different hitboxes on some of the Urvan!attacks.
Meh, Ike changes that are needed:
-Make him look like he does in RD, so his incredibly strong/slow playstyle makes some sense. (He's so goddamn buff in that game, it's almost scary).
-Speed up some of his moves a bit.
-Replace "Eruption" with a sword beam for range and truth to character
Did anyone use Urvan as Ike? Ragnell seemed way cooler.

You wanted her to die? Whatever.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
You wanted her to die? Whatever.
Not that I wanted her to die.

I just didn't care about Emmeryn. I was neutral about her until she began to talk before her fall, and I was glad I would never have to hear her talk again after that.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Not that I wanted her to die.

I just didn't care about Emmeryn. I was neutral about her until she began to talk before her fall, and I was glad I would never have to hear her talk again after that.
The whole death with Emmeryn felt very shallow considering we hardly knew anything about her to begin with.

I mean, if you're going to kill off a character, at least have the decency to give us a reason to care about it. Otherwise it feels no different from the death of generic enemy #845.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Meh, Ike changes that are needed:
-Make him look like he does in RD, so his incredibly strong/slow playstyle makes some sense. (He's so goddamn buff in that game, it's almost scary).
-Speed up some of his moves a bit.
-Replace "Eruption" with a sword beam for range and truth to character
Did anyone use Urvan as Ike? Ragnell seemed way cooler.

You wanted her to die? Whatever.
I wouldn't say the first one is a absolute "need" it's more of a "want"

Also nobody should urvan on Ike, using it on your best Ax user is the best move.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Project M pretty much did Ike to a tee. Not the only way you can make the character, but at least fits him.

I don't think being slow/slow fits Ike. At the very least they gave him fast movement to offset his slow attacks, which makes perfect sense.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Yeah, but it's dumb. I didn't want recruit her, I wanted her not to die. And Pelleas living actually changes the story, so I was hoping their might be some adjustments to the story had she survived in New Game +.
Speaking of story changes, anyone else wanted to play Awakening having Chrom dead, I'm bet I'm not the only one. :awesome:
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Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
If the preceding parts of the story had been better written, Emmeryn's "event" and the following chapter would have been the best story arc in an FE game, frankly. It was still fairly poignant as it stands, and "Don't Speak Her Name" is a damned amazing song.

If you don't Smash the Black Knight's face in with Urvan, defying both him, his attitude towards Greil and the damned weapon triangle, you've committed a grievous sin. Jill and Haar should be trading it back and forth the rest of the time.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
If the preceding parts of the story had been better written, Emmeryn's "event" and the following chapter would have been the best story arc in an FE game, frankly. It was still fairly poignant as it stands, and "Don't Speak Her Name" is a damned amazing song.
Lissa's reaction to Emmeryn's death made me sad.
Robin's response to Chrom's response to Emmeryn's death made me sad.
CH10 made me sad. The writing, the atmosphere, the music. It's too bad it was like

Oh, look! A sidequest! ( ' ▽ ')/

And after all that I still don't care about Emmeryn herself.
I wasn't too fond of the random walhart filler either. if grima wasn't a part of the story, i wouldn't care at all.

Don't mind me. Just existing to give the player a filler target to fight to pad the story.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Lissa's reaction to Emmeryn's death made me sad.
Robin's response to Chrom's response to Emmeryn's death made me sad.
CH10 made me sad. The writing, the atmosphere, the music. It's too bad it was like
None of this made me sad, tbh.
I've actually never been sad about a event in any of the FE games, tbh.
What really makes me sad though is deaths in nuzlockes and the mother 3 ending.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
The whole death with Emmeryn felt very shallow considering we hardly knew anything about her to begin with.

I mean, if you're going to kill off a character, at least have the decency to give us a reason to care about it. Otherwise it feels no different from the death of generic enemy #845.
See: Selena in Sacred Stones.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Hong, Chrom!Inigo is super cute, just tried pairing him with my trap. Not my favorite pairing my any stretch, but definitely a cute one.

I suppose I'm the odd one out in that Emmeryn's sacrifice did impact me some. I didn't care for her herself, but she clearly was well-loved, so the impact it had on the cast made it matter. I also like tragic characters in general.

Who was Selena in Sacred Stones? The blond Mage Knight? I wanted to say that there was a Pegasus Knight named Selena, but thinking on it I think her name was Syrene or some such. Sacred Stones really was a pretty emotional game for me. Though I think I'm easily impacted by emotions. FE7 was pretty hard on poor Eliwood too.

And I like Eliwood. :( I know no one else seems to, but I liked him quite a bit (and more than Roy from what I played of his game. I had a hard time getting into any of the characters in 6 though).


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
None of this made me sad, tbh.
I've actually never been sad about a event in any of the FE games, tbh.
What really makes me sad though is deaths in nuzlockes and the mother 3 ending.
Oh, I am a total emotional wreck when it comes to art. I cry on the bus just listening to music.
Hong, Chrom!Inigo is super cute, just tried pairing him with my trap. Not my favorite pairing my any stretch, but definitely a cute one.
I should get around to it sometime. I still haven't tried marrying off Chrom to Olivia.

You know.

Because I can't help it. ¬ ¬

Who was Selena in Sacred Stones? The blond Mage Knight? I wanted to say that there was a Pegasus Knight named Selena, but thinking on it I think her name was Syrene or some such. Sacred Stones really was a pretty emotional game for me.

One of Grado's six generals. Basically the Camus of Sacred Stones. A good-willed, morally-aligned and well-mannered general in the enemy's ranks that is forced to face the lord because they are duty-bound to the big bad.

Also, Mirron, while you are here I thought you might enjoy this:

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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)

One of Grado's six generals. Basically the Camus of Sacred Stones. A good-willed, morally-aligned and well-mannered General in the enemy's ranks that is forced to face the lord because they are duty-bound to the big bad.
And I'm not even getting into Lyon.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
GeromexInigo is adorable. And yes, I do enjoy that. I may wind up pairing up Inigo with Gerome (or at least A) in my current playthrough just due to that.

And yeah, she was who I was thinking of. I like her design at least, and I did find her death pretty sad. On a Sacred Stones note, hated Riev/... that blue-haired Wyvern Rider, Valtome I think was his name. He was pretty much a creep. I wish you could have recruited Selena though. Would be nice to learn a bit more about Grado, given how important it is to the game.

As much as I like Chrom, I'm glad I got the chance to pair MU up with Inigo. It isn't the final one I'll do, because I'm trying to see all the male pairings I can this game, but overall there are quite a few pairings I'm liking so far. A few I don't like very much though, that seem like they'd be pretty similar male or female as well. Vaike is one of them, didn't like that one at all.

I'm just like that as well. A few songs can completely wipe me out. I tend to listen to really energetic/upbeat music, but if I need to calm down I listen to one of those sad songs. Ninian's Theme is definitely a big one from Fire Emblem.

And what about Lyon?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Oh. Here I was worrying I'd have to defend Lyon. His theme is another one of those tragic, tragic songs. I really wish he could have been saved in a second playthrough. I know it ruins things for some, but especially given how he wound up being possessed, it really makes me want to save him. That and he has a killer battle sprite, probably my favorite of the 6/7/8 games.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Valtome I think was his name. He was pretty much a creep.
I loved Valter. He is like Kefka in that you have a villain who is absolutely messed up in the head, but believable. He is dangerous without feeling like he is just an asshole for plot reasons. I want more of that.
I wish you could have recruited Selena though. Would be nice to learn a bit more about Grado, given how important it is to the game
Grado must be a terrible empire if they would force a Mage Knight to sit in one spot and take on an army who will undoubtedly save her for last.

Also, the best way to learn about Grado is Ephraim's path, I find.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I knew it started with a V. I love how creative Fire Emblem gets, and how little they repeat names (though I believe they do sometimes). And yeah, Sacred Stones really is an amazing game, people don't give it enough credit.

I loved Valkyrie's having Light Magic in Sacred Stones, but Mage Knights were pretty cool. And I played both paths, as well as did quite a few supports. Knoll x Natasha was a good one for that, since it delved into Lyon quite a bit. Also forms the core argument for me as to why Dark Magic isn't evil, even if it is powerful.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
To be fair, Fire Emblem is good in that it does not have a lot of bad guys that are just bad to be bad. In a counter argument, I suppose justification that a dark god was in control of them has gone stiff.

But still, even a great man like Gawain can do terrible things and you will struggle to blame him for his actions. Ashnard, on the other hand, while he had a very deep goal, cannot be forgiven by any means because he was well in control of himself.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Ashnard was a great villain. Immensely, immensely great. I honestly thought he was very good at being a villain that you can hate, but that was still understandable. He reminds me of Zelgius in that manner.

And I love Fire Emblem villains because they tend to feel... human. Some of them are a bit less believeable, but for the most part they feel like legitimate people who suffered a lot, and are someone you can relate to at times. No idea what was wrong with Izuka though, he's one of those oddballs who just seems horrible for no reason I can tell.

Nergal was pretty tragic, though he's harder to relate to. But I think it's a good example of Dark Magic being a negative force too. The tragic part though isn't really apparent until you've played it for a bit.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Ashnard was a great villain. Immensely, immensely great. I honestly thought he was very good at being a villain that you can hate, but that was still understandable. He reminds me of Zelgius in that manner.

Ultimately, Ashnard wanted to dissolve classes entirely. He wanted a societal system that is an exact contrast from Begnion, where nobles are born nobles and slaves are born as slaves. Daein aimed to dissolve it entirely. While Ashnard wanted one's origin, be it laguz or beorc to be irrelevant, racism was ultimately a core element of their culture. Had Ashnard succeeded, he would end up with a society of beorc but a structure of laguz, where the strong reign supreme. It is much more believable take on a warrior kingdom compare to Regna Ferox.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
It also doesn't come off as... well, evil. At least not blatantly so. You're judged on your merits. It's only bad because of the complete disregard to so many people who aren't strong. Though the game makes a pretty big point of Begnion and Daein both being pretty sucky places. Now I'm kind of wanting to play the Tellius games again. They really did have some good stories. I just with Radiant Dawn had a solid support system unlike future games, since the way they did it was pretty disappointing.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
His vision is just, but his method was horrible and what made him a villain. A Blood Contract is nothing to be trifled with.

And, you know, I love how you knew nothing about it in Path of Radiance, but allllll of this was planned well in advance. It was really cool how you find the dark truth behind things in Radiant Dawn.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2013
To be fair, Fire Emblem is good in that it does not have a lot of bad guys that are just bad to be bad. In a counter argument, I suppose justification that a dark god was in control of them has gone stiff.
The countless hordes of early level bandits are obvious counter-examples.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Early level bandits are silly. I kind of wish they'd do something other than Bandit attack to fill out the early levels. I know it's the easiest, but it's kind of annoying. Also because it results in tons of Axe units, which is solely to help the likely Sword using Lord.

And Radiant Dawn really was an excellent sequel. It tied into the original really well, and explained some things. I wish more games that were tied together were done as well as the Tellius duo.


Feb 18, 2009
One of Grado's six generals. Basically the Camus of Sacred Stones. A good-willed, morally-aligned and well-mannered general in the enemy's ranks that is forced to face the lord because they are duty-bound to the big bad.
"Ours is not to ask, 'But why?' Ours is this: To do or die."


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
I don't really see Ashera as being sympathetic, though I'm guessing you aren't being serious. She's too inhuman to be considered a tragic villain. Now, the boss right before her, excellent tragic villain (again). Stupid tragic villains, also having to be attractive. At least I liked him and Lyon quite a bit.
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