As an expert of swordsmanship (ya rite bruh

) IRL, and having played Fire Emblem: Awakening, I can guarantee that Chrom
could have a unique sword based moveset, my most major concern is what Sakurai would most likely do in any given situation, and if my analysis of his swordplay in the game is correct, and if I know Sakurai's tendencies, I say the changes of him having a unique and compelling sword type are slim, but not impossible. The most likely occurrence will be Chrom creates a blend between the other sword styles already in play, it is very unlikely he'll take up some cool Iaijutsu, or that he'll take up Kenjutsu, I'd rather have Lyn and Yoshimitsu (or Takamaru and Goroh) take up those two respectively anyways. It's more likely he'd have to stick to the Renaissance Martial Arts (which, mind you, doesn't really have a name like the eastern martial arts), and Marth's taken from that for one handed weapons heavily (most unusual is his stance, only because his sword is not up, which is a death sentence against any competent swordsman), and Ike has taken from their guides on 'what not to do in a sword fight' (seriously, have you seen his Fsmash or Ftilt? He'd get stabbed in the heart just for winding his sword up, he'd be impotent to block in nearly all case with one arm, being disarmed quite easily, and get stabbed in the brains for leaning forward like that). I'm not sure where he could go, seeing as he doesn't wield Falchion like a greatsword, and Smash being a 2.5D fighter. I view it as unlikely he'll use anything other than sword, but if he does get in, I hope my hardest that he uses spears and other random bullcrap Sakurai would pull to make him more interesting.
Aaaaanyways, my main opposition to Chrom is his low likelihood to be anything other than boring compared to the much, much more compelling choices which
can would bring stuff from FE that has not been displayed in the past, and that will create a very flavorful gameplay, Tiki with her bombs (edit: I mean wut? Firebombs of course! Dragon blasts!), Anna with her everything+spear, anyone but another sword user from FE, please. This is a nigh insurmountable obstacle to Chrom.