At low %'s, if you manage to commence a juggle, with say, Bair->Utilt, or one of our throws, the snake may throw out a bair rather than an airdodge. Prepare for this and shieldgrab it.
-We can shield grab utilt
-We can shield grab ftilt; I don't recommend using pivot grab when he's going to ftilt because he can hit us on our nose during the animation before our tongue makes contact.
-We can shield grab dash attack and DACUS (takes a little more wisdom of where they will be open during the animation; you may have to grab him when he passes you.)
-Be VERY wary of returning to the ledge; dropping from the ledge and DJing up may result in you getting the **** from snake's nair
-Egg lay tech chase can **** snake if baited correctly
-Tossing an egg at the shortest height right above your head when predicting a grab from the snake will knock him out of the grab, and can give you a free follow-up (Discovered this during my research into my "Egg Trapping" project)
-Snake is one of the easiest characters to fight when air camping
-If obtained early enough, grabbing a grenade will give us our best OoS.
-If both of you are knocked into the air by an explosion, don't mash uair; either buffer it, or mash nair. XD
I think that's all I got for now.