This is utterly ridiculous.
I think so too...
First of all, it's kind of laughable to say "You can't really not get hit." Second, a poke into a throw isn't a combo. It's NEVER been a combo, and it's a strategy that's been used since Street Fighter 2. That's what's known as a "tick throw."
Ok i dont care what you define as a combo, falcon can do lots of things out of his falling up air, and can follow up out of his throws, not "combo"
Run up and powershield right into a pivot grab. GREAT approach.
Its to get past the eggs, he doesnt have to approach either, he can just powershield every single egg. Not like anybody is gay enough to do this(nobody who plays falcon is gonna be that gay =P). Falcon can punish eggs with falcon kick from a medium-close distance, and can full hop fast fall his up air or nair, or just short hop airdodge. Theres a lot of things he can do, he just has to watch out for pivot grabs.
Good luck landing that consistently on people, let alone sweet-spotting it.
People can do it, i cant.
Fine its terrible, it doesnt kill, it doesnt have pull back, it sucks.
So, assuming your opponent sits there spot-dodging all the time, you could hit this, I guess. That is certainly true.
Pstttttt.... You know about Meta knights fsmash. You know how it has start up lag. You know how it has little ending lag, and you know how it hits even the best players? Its kinda similar to falcons dsmash, except dsmash isnt a sword, but it hits behind him too. Hmmmm....spooky...
Not even CLOSE. Compare Yoshi's tilts with Falcon's. It's not even in the slightest remote AREA of the POSSIBILITY of a contest. Falcon's only quicker in his jab, which is going to get outranged and out-prioritized anyway. Unless you're talking about running speed, in which case, big whoop.
Falcon fast falls really really fast, and is definately faster than yoshi. I dont care if his up smash is slower than yoshis ____ a good falcon should be using all of falcons quick moves(and up tilt, that move is godly), and, in my experience, falcon is a much faster PLAYED character than yoshi, yoshi doesnt PLAY as fast as falcon, his moves are in general almost as fast or faster, but running in, and fast falling a neutral air just isnt yoshis thing, and his fast fall isnt as good as falcons.
With what? Unless he's already attacking when the pivot grab starts, he's not going to punish jack. By the time any punish move comes out, Yoshi's already finished with the move. The only moves quick enough to punish on reaction don't have enough range to hit him safely.
Falling aerial, falcon is fast enough to do it or force yoshi to shield.
Hardly a lethal combination.
What can yoshi do? Bair is punishable and SDIable. Its alot better than what yoshi can do. Not really, just tryin to prove my point. Also, these "combos" falcon is doing, they rack up damage rather fast.
Good point. Of course, you neglected to mention that any Yoshi worth ANYTHING probably isn't going to be using his shield much in this fight as it is.
Unless hes forced
What else does he have? A jab into a throw? His back and up airs? Please.
This proves my point. You lack falcon experience. Lol, well, im not gonna list every single thing he can do, thatd be boring. His usmash is good for a non kill moves, but the others should stay fresh. YES I KNOW HES A LIMITED CHARACTER. So obviously, its impossible to get top 3 in a tournament with him?
How do you figure Yoshi's going to be using up smash a lot?
I dont, some people do, its a good move.
I actually did come close to laughing out loud at this. I really did. You must think that Falcon's up air (which qualifies as "halfway decent") is God's gift to Smashers. Let's look at this for a moment.
I have you up in the air above me. I throw an Egg. You dodge, and I hit you as you get out of the dodge.
I'm above you and you come charging at me with an up air. I dodge, and you proceed to punish me with... what, exactly?
Up air. Lol. Then i do it again. Or i can nair if u really want, i dunno, falcon's up air is godly, it is the reason he can be used in a tournament(although, with the rising popularity of MK, its difficult im sure), it links to his ground game, it is his pressure game, and in the air it has almost no lag.
He has precisely NO tools to deal with ANY situation, if you want to get right down to it. Falcon is complete and total garbage, and you've done absolutely NOTHING to convince me otherwise yet.
Cool. You know nothing about falcon. *High fives*
No. I'm not going to fight your battles for you.
Then dont.