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Worst video game ever?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2005
Sacramento, CA
CookyMonster said:

Enough said.
I was skimming through to see if anyone mentioned this before I posted. Amen, man. This game deserves the "WTF award". Worst game ever. E.T. was pretty horrible too. Darkend Skye (I think that's what it was) for Cube was pretty bad. It was a constant Skittles commercial that tried to be and adventure. If it weren't so glitchy, it might've been good. Magi-Nation for GB color was also glitched beyond belief.


Smash Cadet
Jul 6, 2005
Athens, GA
No other game designer can say that many copies of their game was buried under a giant slab of concrete, that is, aside from the screwups that did E.T. They say the stench was felt for miles around for several months.

The first sentence is true. The second is not.

Also, Rise of the Robots for SNES was probably the poorest fighter ever...



Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2005
Gerudo Valley
I don't know about the worst game I've ever played, but I can tell you which games piss me off the most: Dynasty Warriors.

"Why?" You may ask. "I am an idiot who thoroughly enjoys these action-packed gamezorz!"

Because, every single game has been the same exact thing. Koei is becoming rich off of re-releasing the same game over and over and over and over. And over. The only time that variation was found in the series was between Dynasty Warriors and Dynasty Warriors 2. And that was because those two games were in two completely different genres of gaming...1 was a fighter, 2 was a run-around-in-a-circle-mashing-two-buttons-and-kill-an-entire-army-by-yourself game. Then, every single one after 2 was the same exact thing as two. Let's go over the list of games that are exactly the same, shall we?

Dynasty Warriors 2
Dynasty Warriors 3
Dynasty Warriors 3: Extreme Legends
Dynasty Warriors 4
Dynasty Warriors 4: Extreme Legends
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires
Dynasty Warriors 5
Samurai Warriors
Samurai Warriors: Extreme Legends


Being that I work in video game retail (Gamestop to the grave, yo), I can honestly tell you that, for some reason, suckers keep buying these games en masse, even though they're playing the same game again and again.

I'd really like to ask someone who works at Koei what difference there is between...oh...say... Dynasty Warriors 4 and Dynasty Warriors 5?

Me: Hey, *******, what's the difference between DW4 and DW5? Tell me. Tell me!
******* Koei Moron: In DW5, you can get a yellow horse!
Me: [Stares. Gets pissed off. Focuses waves of negative mental energy at Koei employee's head.]
******* Koei Moron: [Head explodes]

Don't get me wrong, the series started out great. I loved DW2. I had a lot of fun playing it with my friends. The problem was, DW2 by itself got repetitive. By itself. As if that weren't bad enough, they decided to release...what, say 8 clones of it? Enough already!

This game series made my blood pressure double. :mad:


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for the SNES is such a bad game. This game is based on the first set of Power Rangers, so all of the characters represent a certain stereotype. All the character models were silly (the Black Ranger unmorphed looked like a MONKEY), and there were health power-ups everywhere, so the chances of dying was nil. The ending was so stupid, so pointless...also, the "secret"multiplayer games were crap. My friend introduced me to this game one day, and I vowed to never allow him to play that game in my presence ever again.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2001
Xdadepsak's Closet, along with Ender, Mkiller, and
The sega Power Rangers 2D fighter was in contrast, very very fun. That was the first game I got a blister on. **** sega controllers.

If it makes you feel better Cuckoo, I never bought a single DWs game. I played it against my friend whom had mastered it and I beat the crap out of him 3 out of 3 times by just mashing. Truly a game for scrubs.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2005
Central NJ
Superman for N64 was the worst game I ever played. Thankfully, I rented it only. You couldn't even use your thousands of superpowers except fly when you weren't fighting.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Shadow the Hedgehog? That game's not even done yet!

Well, I can't pin any specific 'worst games,' but...

Starfox Adventures was a sever disappointment. Don't get me wrong--it was fresh, and looked beautiful, but it was too short, lacked depth...It tried to be a Zelda game AND a Starfox game, and sucked at doing either.

Starfox Assault was also a lackluster game, too. I wouldn't consider these games 'bad,' persay, just not as good as they should've been.

I guess Nintendo is choosing to MAKE SURE that Twilight Princess is going to be perfect and, as they have declared, surpass Ocarina of Time. If an extra 6 months (or more, blech) means that this game will be all that much better, well...I guess we'll all have to wait.

But they are SERIOUSLY missing out. They've fallen behind in this gaming race--first the Revolution, now this...They better have some really nice stuff up their sleeve in 06 if they want to hang on...


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2005
Surprised nobody mentioned this one:

Actraiser 2 for the SNES.

OMG, I have NEVER seen a harder game. ******* bull**** in that one.

Other than that, Superman 64 and possibly Pokemon Snap; the only reason I played Snap was because I was a big Pokemon fan at the time it was released.

Belmont, you just haven't played the game long enough to understand the quality of Tetris. It's all about getting into the zone where messing up once isn't going to kill you. You find it boring because you're not good at the puzzle games, period. Maybe if you played it well enough (or maybe SuperChencho was right about puzzle games being too hard for you!). Perhaps you entered videogaming as one of the GTA fans, so I pity you. You'll never understand the greatness of games like Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Qbert, or Tetris.
Agreed. That's the best part about Tetris.


Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2002
in a cubicle
NukeA6 said:
They never bring complete games in E3. You were playing a demo.
yea but i still didnt like it >_<

the Episode III game was kinda a letdown also. took like 3 hours to beat and was basically button mashing.

oh, and Rebel Assault II . less said about that, the better.

Shy Guy

Jun 19, 2001
Cashed said:
Big Rigs is great. I love being able to drive perfectly over any landscape, going through buildings, and being able to go as fast as I want in reverse. I mean, you go like 100mph going forward... but in reverse you can go as fast as you want. I got to 8,000mph before but about then my ADD started kicking in and I went to play Conker.
Finally a fellow Rigist. You're winner! If any of you losers want to become winners, go to this site: http://www.geocities.com/big_rigs246/index2.html

Also, a revelation, I decided the worst game ever. Although few will agree, I'd have to say Final Fantasy 7 is the worst game ever. Had the game not been over-saturated by the worst fan following, it may have garnered some of my respect. However, its rediculous and cliche storyline, lackluster gameplay, and its constant use of FMVs as a crutch, Final Fantasy 7 is not only the worst Final Fantasy, but also the worst video game ever created. The saddest part about this is that thousands think the direct opposite...All I can say is may Stellar Stone have mercy on their souls.

link masher

Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2005
Ms. Pac-Master said:
I have played that game too... WTF is all I can say...:freak:

My Worst would have to be Robopon:Sun/Star/Ring/Cross versions. If you dont know what it is I will explain:

Robopon is exactly the same as Pokemon hence the 'on. It had 151 Robopon, same charater sprites and even the same fonts and menus!:eek: It gave a crap amount of experience and gold just to get people to play it more. THEY EVEN HAVE A GROUP CALLED THE ELITE 8! The ONE AND ONLY difference between Robopon and Pokemon is the option to point a remote control at the game (sort of like Mystery Gift) it is a pretty cool feature but is just HAD to be used on a crappy game...:( The developers (Atlus I think) had the creativity of a goldfish.


Your right it is like pokemon


Smash Cadet
Aug 12, 2005
Any DBZ game except for Budokai 3. I mean come on, DBZ sagas was a dumb button masher that was very repetetive, had the same enemies, weak bosses, you name it. I'm a DB series fan myself, but most of their games are crap!


Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2005
bay ridge
Shy Guy said:
Also, a revelation, I decided the worst game ever. Although few will agree, I'd have to say Final Fantasy 7 is the worst game ever. Had the game not been over-saturated by the worst fan following, it may have garnered some of my respect. However, its rediculous and cliche storyline, lackluster gameplay, and its constant use of FMVs as a crutch, Final Fantasy 7 is not only the worst Final Fantasy, but also the worst video game ever created. The saddest part about this is that thousands think the direct opposite...All I can say is may Stellar Stone have mercy on their souls.
What is wrong with you!!! That was the best FF game ever. AND THE STORY LINE WAS AWSEOME. i may admit sometimes it's overrated, but never, ever anywhere near the worst game. i am a person who is near totally against sony and i still enjoy that game. i could never leave that game. The TRUE worst game in the world for me was Mystical Ninjas for N*hurls on the spot* :urg: sorry ... N64. now THIS game has no plot or storyline, it was like a fake remake of zelda where the heart containers were little white cat dolls and by pressing z you would change to some other guy and could switch back. I hated my brother ever scince he got that game...


Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2005
Huntley, Illinois
I think the worst game ever is Batman: Dark tommorrow, what a joke of a game, the controls are unresponsive, you always know where to go but not what to do there, the combat is a joke, and since when is batman even needed a game, it's clear the companies allow these kinds of games to be made just for money

Shy Guy

Jun 19, 2001
jodo4 said:
What is wrong with you!!! That was the best FF game ever. AND THE STORY LINE WAS AWSEOME. i may admit sometimes it's overrated, but never, ever anywhere near the worst game. i am a person who is near totally against sony and i still enjoy that game. i could never leave that game. The TRUE worst game in the world for me was Mystical Ninjas for N*hurls on the spot* :urg: sorry ... N64. now THIS game has no plot or storyline, it was like a fake remake of zelda where the heart containers were little white cat dolls and by pressing z you would change to some other guy and could switch back. I hated my brother ever scince he got that game...
Thanks for naming one of my top ten favorite games of all time. Mystical Ninja is an amazing comedy adventure with unmatchable music and charm. Although a bit on the short side, it is a truly memorable experience that I desperately searched out to buy just recently. Mystical Ninja is challenging, refreshing, and unqiue (A submarine dungeon made of food=WINNER! The switching is instant. Whereas in Final Fantasy 7, it is a chore to switch your party (Menu, scroll, button press, order, and one last button press...Yawn). When compared to the greatness of Mystical Ninja, Final Fantasy 7 is a a dog**** movie.

Final Fantasy 7 is more of a movie than a game. Not only are you bombarded with either a cutscene or a FMV every five minutes (Not exaggerating), but the primitive battle system promises you will wait up to five minutes for your next turn (Once again, no exaggeration. The battle animations and bars can cost several minutes). Final Fantasy 7 bends what it means to be a video game....Maybe that is why it is so popular. An interactive (Loosely using this term) movie is sure to get attention!

The storyline for Final Fantasy x (Insert number here) is always bound to dissapoint (If you were expecting an original, well thought out storyline, that is). Every character is an easily identifiable stereotype (The angst-ridden hero, the pretty-boy villain, the helpless female lead). Each storyline is a reworking of the previous travestry with predictable plot twists sprinkled in. I would rather (Much rather) be treated to a story that tries to be cliche and parodies itself (Mystical Ninja does just that).


Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2005
Huntley, Illinois
Shy Guy said:
Thanks for naming one of my top ten favorite games of all time. Mystical Ninja is an amazing comedy adventure with unmatchable music and charm. It is challenging and unqiue (A dungeon based on food=WINNER! The switching is quick and responsive, unlike in FF where it is a chore to switch your party (Menu, scroll, button press, order, and one last button press...Yawn). You just have no taste in games, FF fanboy. FF7 is a dog**** movie. Yes, I said movie. The cutscenes, FMVs, and the primitive battle system make sure you never have an interactive moment.

Finally the story...Angst-ridden hero, bishounen villain, hacknyed plot about saving the world, character stereotypes, poorly written script...Shall I continue?
it sounds like your making up most of those words, anyway the mystical ninja game is alright but it's simply BORING, and the reason millions of people oppose you being against FF7 is because the game stands the test of time and does things you should be thankful for. it didn't fall back on the FMV sequences, it made them. at the time, that was the very first time a game did that, you should be thankful, to even feel that ninja game has anything on FF7, you should be locked up, the story has many twists and delivers throughout the game, the characters are all remembered to this very day, all of them, while barely anybody even knows the main character in mystical ninja. all in all, to be the worst video game means to be bad, FF7 is bad in no way possible. your just a picky, close minded person. worst game is stil any Batman game

Shy Guy

Jun 19, 2001
Mario&Luigi said:
it sounds like your making up most of those words, anyway the mystical ninja game is alright but it's simply BORING, and the reason millions of people oppose you being against FF7 is because the game stands the test of time and does things you should be thankful for. it didn't fall back on the FMV sequences, it made them. at the time, that was the very first time a game did that, you should be thankful, to even feel that ninja game has anything on FF7, you should be locked up, the story has many twists and delivers throughout the game, the characters are all remembered to this very day, all of them, while barely anybody even knows the main character in mystical ninja. all in all, to be the worst video game means to be bad, FF7 is bad in no way possible. your just a picky, close minded person. worst game is stil any Batman game
There have been some bad-decent Batman games released. I will drop the Final Fantasy thing for obvious reasons. Anyways, I played a couple of SNES Batman games and they were mediocre (Heh). The one I played for NES was also pretty good and advanced for its time.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2005
The Spectral Realm
i dont no what is wrong with u shyguy but if u say one more bad thing about ff7 i will have to hunt u down and kill u :mad:

oh and by the by mystical ninja sucked


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2002
What is all this raucous about FF7? Who cares? It's just somebody's opinion. Stop trying to change his opinion, or justify why he's wrong.

But seriously, if you want an RPG, play Chrono Cross. If you want a movie, play FF7.

Shy Guy

Jun 19, 2001
You're Winner!

raziel_mw said:
i dont no what is wrong with u shyguy but if u say one more bad thing about ff7 i will have to hunt u down and kill u :mad:

oh and by the by mystical ninja sucked
Okay I will stop the Final Fantasy rant for now. Only because I feel guilty about accidentally double-posting in another topic. So I will contribute to this discussion without making any fanboys angry...

Dynasty Warriors 4. I am not sure if the other games are like this...But wow, this game is awful. My friend really got into it (Pretty much earned everything there was to earn) so I had to watch him play it a lot (Before I could partake in some Silent Hill 2). The missions are all the same: Defeat xxx amount of guys (Always a three-digit number) and perhaps an additional mission (Destroy the windmills). Your characters have a respectable supply of different moves, but it becomes boring after about ten minutes when a fact dawns on you: There are two varities of enemy (Foot soldier, red or blue, and horseback soldier, red or blue). Before fighting any bosses you must kill hundreds of these faceless and boring lackeys. Sounds bad? It gets worse.

[size=+2]WE MUST NOT FALL BEHIND![/size] So they summoned a rainstorm with there magic, what of it? All the glory will be [insert character's name here]! These lines are all as memorable as YOU'RE WINNER!, but when they are repeated over, over, over, and over in the levels...Well, it becames either painful or flat-out hilarious (Everytime someone said "We must not fall behind!" my friend's brother echoed that guy and we all laughed heartily). I know I made it sound great, but beleive me, it is not.

The arena where you can go multiplayer is pretty cool. I admit it is fun...But a couple hits kills you and it is decided by who gets his/her special off first. Of course, you may be able to manipulate the damage ratios, but I never saw that once.

Dynasty Warriors 4 sucks.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
ShyGuy, could you please stop posting those dump pictures in an attempt to make yourself seem funny?

It isn't working.

Shy Guy

Jun 19, 2001
Mediocre said:
ShyGuy, could you please stop posting those dump pictures in an attempt to make yourself seem funny?

It isn't working.
I wasn't trying to be funny. I couldn't bother to contend with (Let alone read something by) someone who can't speak English, so I left him with the bunny picture, which was appropriate. The Reggie picture...Well, I just wanted to see how far this guy would go after threatening to kill me. I already stopped.

By the way, they were not 'dump' pictures. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2005
The Spectral Realm
yes well i dont really care what u think as long as u stop talking about cause it is getting on my nerves beacuse ff7 in my opinion is the greatst game ever created to tisa day i have it for my ps and pc


Smash Rookie
Aug 22, 2005

Just kidding I love that game.

I would have to say that I can't say the worst but one of the worst is Tomb Raider....
I hated how you had to move, the pits that are impossible to get out of and how boring it was at times. I am not saying that it necacerilay(sp) was the worst but I just hated those games...


Smash Rookie
Aug 23, 2005
In my underground hanger
Worst one I ever played had to be Battle Assault 3. Dear god, what the hell has Bandai done to the Gundam license? None of the other games were phenomenal, but at least they were playable, coherent, and fun.

Mega Man X7 ranks up there too. Capcom, YOU MUTILATED ONE OF MY FAVORITE FRANCISES!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T MAKE ME STUFF A Z-SABER WHERE THE SUN DONlkdjlkfy*U4U95^(*&^*&

-----------transmission interrupted-----------

Master Brandybuck

Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2005
The Shire
Hmmmm.. I've played a lot of crappy GBC and GBA games... but Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for GBA tops my list. It's one of those isometric-view games that makes your thumb hurt in about 15 minutes 'cuz your ALWAYS holding down the control pad! The control settings were screwy and the music DROVE ME INSANE!! (I got better..) Seriously the music was terrible and almost never changed between settings. One more to take back to EB!

..Oh, Pokemon Channel for GCN is a very close second. I can't believe Nintendo Power suckered me into buying that crap. It takes the 'game' out of video game. Downright embarrassing to be caught playing, or rather, watching..


Smash Cadet
Aug 31, 2004
Well just about any nickelodeon game or cartoon network game can be classified as the worst game ever. Actually I think most games that use a licensed movie or tv title (with the exception of Spiderman and X-men) are bad.
But aside from those I think the worst video game ever would be Twisted Metal 4. It was simply god awful compared to the rest of the franchise.

Master Brandybuck

Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2005
The Shire
cairne13 said:
. Actually I think most games that use a licensed movie or tv title (with the exception of Spiderman and X-men) are bad.
(shocked gasp!) most games with a liscensed movie title, huh? Have you played the LOTR console titles? With the exception of The Third Age, those are pretty good games!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2005
Room 215
drcossack said:
Other than that, Superman 64 and possibly Pokemon Snap; the only reason I played Snap was because I was a big Pokemon fan at the time it was released.
I loved Pokemon Snap. Am I weird?

Any 3-D Sonic the Hedgehog game sucks.
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