*******es, apparently.
I've had a few experiences like that. Not many of them, thankfully. I've had a tank ragequit in the middle of a pull before because one of the undergeared casters in the group politely asked to stop and drink before the next mob. This tank types out the equivalent of "**** you, you're a nub and you need to keep up. Same with the rest of u" and rushes off to pull mobs anyway. Then, he says "see ya!" and probably alt-F4s out. We get ***** by the mobs, of course. The worst part of that was the wait. I swear, we were in the dungeon finder forever trying to get a tank...
I think this was in a ICC dungeon, too. The Forge of Souls.
But gender...that's just ridiculous.
Smooth Criminal
I've had that happen a few times but before cata I'd just go frost presence (pre-talent change) and tank what they left behind. Then we'd laugh at them because fail troll was fail.
I can understand getting a bit irritated when someone needs mana too frequently (Usually undergeared or specced wrong or just not paying attention....it's rarely ever the tank/dps taking too much damage per pull in my experiences) but if they call it out, just ****ing wait. If you pull without them being able to heal you, you'll probably die, so why do it?
We had a priest in full pvp gear healing our group yesterday too. Needed mana every single freaking pull, was constantly afk, and also for some reason decided he needed to tell everyone else how they should be playing their class. (All while typing and not healing!)
We were finally like "quit *****ing and just ****ing heal or we will replace you" and he got butthurt over it but started paying attention. Still needed mana every goddamn pull though and whined constantly about everything. I wish I could punch people in the face through their monitors.
At least it wasn't HoR. For some reason HoR was impossible for people to do.
I primarily DPS, so whenever I've had a tank that ragequits after pulling, I usually have some method of escape.
If I'm on my pally, I bubble and the threat goes to everyone else while I run away.
If I'm a mage, invisibility or blink helps.
If I'm a rogue, VANISH or sprint away.
If I'm a shaman, I thunderstorm the mobs away and run away as a ghost wolf.
If I'm a DK, I pop unholy presence and run away. Generally it doesn't work.
If I'm a hunter, feign death/disengage are amazing.
If I'm a druid, well I DON'T PLAY DRUIDs.
Oh and if I'm a priest, I fear everything, fade, and disperse while running away with inner will popped.